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Just wanted to give a quick heads up. 

In the coming weeks, I'll probably look to upload some of my older work on here (or at least the ones I'm still pretty happy with anyway LoL), in addition to the new content I'm working on. 

This is just so I can kind of have everything all in one spot. Between here & deviantart & twitter, to me, it feels like my stuff's floating on a couple different platforms & I was thinking this should kind of be the more definitive place to host all of it. Of course this older archive stuff is already public, so they'll remain public here too, probably with an "Archive" tag for easy viewing. With some of the writing, I'll probably do a quick skim proofreading pass to fix any errors, but that's about it as far as revisions. And I'll probably look to do one or two every couple days as not to inundate feeds with stuff some of you might have already seen.

On the very near horizon, there's the first part of a long term 12-part series I'm looking to post before the end of the week/month (taking a break on that now actually to type this). More details about the whole project when that first one's up. This week's Bellflower might be a little shorter, given the last two installments were pretty lengthy, but that will hopefully follow soon after. And patreon just gave me an alert that the first 140 characters of text posts are public now? If you're coming in to check this out & are intrigued by the idea of a condominium where all the occupants get really fat, that should be enough for the synopsis of each part at least I think. And not only do I have those recent Berry WIPs to finish up, I've made slow, but steady headway on How to Care for your Berry Girl stuff, & will hopefully have more of that to show off in the next week or two as well. I feel bad it's taking me long to do, but I had to learn a program to do it & have had to make several attempts to get something I'm happy with. After, I might post all of the behind the scenes trial & error stuff as a process post or something.

Anyway, I posted a lot this month, & there's only more to come. Really hope you're all enjoying it! Thanks for your continued interest & support! 



You going to archive your past work from way, way back like your "Joint" page? I wouldn't say no to that.

BNevis (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 13:39:47 I'll look through what I've got, but honestly some of that makes me cringe really hard. That said, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to maybe redoing something from way back when, & updating it to where I do feel okay with it. But I'd have to look.
2020-02-01 13:28:47 I'll look through what I've got, but honestly some of that makes me cringe really hard. That said, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to maybe redoing something from way back when, & updating it to where I do feel okay with it. But I'd have to look.

I'll look through what I've got, but honestly some of that makes me cringe really hard. That said, I wouldn't be entirely opposed to maybe redoing something from way back when, & updating it to where I do feel okay with it. But I'd have to look.