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Here we are, part 4.

Wanted to capture the fact that in the last one she wasn’t really that balanced & kind of play up her continue to teeter as she gets bigger & bigger here.

One of the reasons I stalled out on this one initially was because I didn’t really pay attention to a lot of the tiny/subtle details I did with the first parts to keep the subsequent installments consistent in terms of which brush/size/colors/shading method etc. But now that I came back to it & decided I’d just do my best to make it match anyhow, in trying to keep that process consistent with the remainder, I figured it was prudent to do 4 & 5 kind of concurrently. Because of this, 5 is pretty far along & will probably get posted either tomorrow or the next day I hope. Following that will be all five parts in one continuous pic too.

As far as the roadmap goes, part 4 here was the last one I wanted to get done for June. And it being the 30th, I feel pretty close to being right on track. Wish I was a little further along with the Spice Up Your Life page, & know that I’m not just blowing smoke to say it is coming shortly. So much so, I’m hoping it’s the next ‘art’ I post after the remainder of this series, now that it’s pretty much done. Hoping to remain as productive throughout July, & with the holiday I should hopefully get some time to work! Thanks all for rooting me on this month!




Firstly congratulations on staying on track with the schedule! It’s always wonderful when you can hit your intended goal and Deb on track to release more. Certainly looking forward to part 5, the continuous pic of the sequence, and spice up your life as well! Regardless great work and keep it up! I do wanna say you captured her lack of balance perfectly as she’s gotten much bigger and I hope to see her tipped over in the next!


Really love how dynamic that picture looks and you can see the anxiety in her face! Whats her name?