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This is one of the first times she’s realized just how crazy it’s all gotten.

Normally, working from home, getting pampered & being brought delicious treats? She doesn’t really have to exert herself much. But now? Out in public? After struggling to find anything that still fit? She’s starting to realize how things are catching up with her, & fast.

With the help of her eager partner, she’s just gotten so big so quickly! And now, even the simple act of a short walk has become a grueling ordeal. Despite this being something of a crisp, kind of chilly Sunday morning, her skin’s gained a moist sheen to it. The onset of sweat & overheating, all thanks to every slow, plodding, shuffling step she’s forced her heavy legs to make.

“One foot in front of the other,” she tries to remind herself, self-consciously trying not to pant in front of her partner. She doesn’t want to offer them the satisfaction. Not if she can help it. It’s bad enough, all the errant glances she keeps catching them make. Oh god, there is so much contact between her massive thighs, she doesn’t want to imagine how red they’ll look after this is all over. This ‘short walk’ was making her a mess.

How much more further does she have to go?

How much further can she make i-

Wait! A bench!

Executive decision. She’s taking a damn seat! Her fat ass needs a breather, dammit!

She waddles off, making a b-line…


You might remember her from last year’s Easter image. The Egg Hunt? Originally, the idea was to take that initial line art & turn it into a full piece instead of just leaving it like the holiday sketch. Something I left hanging & never circled back to.

But this summer, I want to force myself to start closing up some of these loose ends I’ve left hanging. This might not have been one folks were particularly clamoring for like some of the comics, but it was the furthest along & I decided it was a good first start. Besides, I just really liked her shape. Still, as far along as it was, it took a bit because I kind of went overboard with it.

I tried incorporating as many different variants with/without glasses, her top, the dialogue, & the background. But I’m also still running into weird issues trying to upload from my iPad. So I kicked out a bunch & had to transfer it to my other machine, which is having charging issues. Anyway, I put up a lot but not every particular version. If there’s a variant you’d really want that isn’t included, let me know.

I will be putting together some sort of roadmap for over the summer but I have to sit down & be realistic about it, & what little free time I had this weekend went into finishing this. More stuff getting finished soon though!



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