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Not all permaberries are afflicted the same way.

Some produce their juice & ripen at a constant rate. And while they can give themselves a good, solid occasional squeezing using their at-home juicing apparatuses, they’re able to lead fairly normal, functioning lives between needing to be squeezed.

But some aren’t so lucky.

Worse yet, are cases like Mackenzie.

She is one of those few rare examples where her juice production only seemed to increase exponentially over time.

There was never really any clear indication at first. Hell, after the initial incident, she was able to squeeze back down to a thicker, albeit functional shape again relatively easily. She managed to go a whole three weeks before requiring another to stay mobile. With a yield of 1,200 gallons. After which, she went back to trying to lead a normal life.

That was until two weeks, six days, & 1,260 gallons later. Then two weeks, four days, & 1,300 gallons after that.

Tasked with monitoring her production, Mackenzie could see how things were trending but tried to keep up a veneer of denial. It lasted almost about a year before her juicing sessions became a weekly necessity. The researchers monitoring her condition & the numbers Mackenzie brought back started trying to prepare her for the worst case scenario, but she tried to ignore them.

But there was no ignoring the inevitable.

After getting what affairs she could in order, Mackenzie finds herself back at the facility now, a new, full-time resident. For her, the simple act of squeezing is no longer enough. Her body produces juice so rapidly, poor Mackenzie actually requires the fluid to be pumped out of her, constantly, if only to maintain something of a stable, albeit impossible size. And even then, there are concerns.

While her body’s juice production seems to astonishingly only ever increase, observers are hopeful that a fragile equilibrium’s been reached with her regular pumping regimen. While she might be creating a bit more than the pumps can handle, the margin, at least so far, is so minimal, her body can ease itself. Adjust & slowly grow larger to accommodate more juice.

Of course, it might not be the most comfortable solution for someone already under so much internal pressure. But hey, it certainly beats the abrupt & messy alternative.


The follow up variant as promised. And speaking of variants, I wanted a way to explore how the condition of ‘perma-berry’ varies between different folks & this seemed like a good way of doing that.

Juice & text-less versions available for the squeamish/art-centric folks. As well as another timelapse, although it only encompasses the previous & now shows the berry portion as well.

Hope you enjoy




Perma berries are such a fun concept