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Out of all the main cast, Corona is the one who I'm least accustomed to drawing (makes sense, since she's newer than the rest) so between ATG comics and commissions I decided to doodle her all over a canvas.

All of the poses and expressions in this case were referenced from screenshots of Pearl from Steven Universe, because she was a huge inspiration for Corona in both design and personality.




Hehe well practice is still a good thing with a new character ^^. I personaly do the same for using me to draw any of my OC, currently I need to draw more Amethyst and Kurosagi face for using my hand on them X3. Well I'm happy to see my favorite artust do the same in parg ^w^, I already love Corona even more , it's good to have one girl with a strong personality, she'll certainly pleas to Kurosagi than love character with strong personality (love in the friend and appreciation side of course ;3 for him Amethyst is the more precious thing at his eyes with the scarf and the memory of his decedead "trainer" than was more his friend than trainer . ) Well in any case I think Amethyst could also appreciate to talk with Corona, this little Seviper is open with everyone she'll even able to let his chance to a team-Rocket member XD....