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Hey guys! Important message! Please read until the end:  

After thinking a lot about the development of the games, I noticed that you guys deserve something for your monthly contributions.  So the comic series will be available for the $5 tier too.  

Development of a game is a slow process, even without any incidents, so you guys can follow the comic story as I develop the game.  

I'll also probably work with full releases only from now on. Releasing by chapters breaks the development flow and extend the development process instead of helping it.  

I'm feeling much better separating the whole game by objectives (writing, gameplay, maps, etc) and working on each of them, finishing them, and proceeding to the next without interruptions, for Eden Crest.  

During the releases by chapters, I had to constantly break the flow and stop what I was doing and upon returning, I had to re-learn everything again, which was very tiresome for me as a developer. Many times I simply forgot where I was.  

I'll probably release small games in between main series releases, though.
Like the Chronicles, where a warlock summon a succubus and see her grow and develop herself, becoming bigger and developing her personality.
This will also help avoid any burn out.  

So, the new Tier rewards shall be: 

$1 - updates and teaser
$5 - comic series
$10 - full game releases
$15 - special full games (I have plans to one day call Shiki/Psychedelic_G2 and Renatan to work on a game. Special games will be released here)
$20 - Early access to images and teasers
$50 - I don't know yet, still thinking. But I really appreciate for your support, guys. I'm investing heavily in this series.  

PS: What about chapter 5 of the first game? It will be released normally on $5 since it's just a single chapter.
PS 2: When will the comic be available for $5 tier? When I receive the next 5 pages and upload them.



Keep going strong Zion 💪🏽 take your time, we all know its worth it, releasing full games sounds good but dont forget it takes far longer then a Single Chapter


But in total, I think the full game will come quicker this way. If I can start and release Eden Crest in a single year, I might need 1 and a half for Succubus Covenant main series entry. And I also plan to release small side games in the middle of a development for the main series.


Heh, so much for the "$10 tier to see comics is final". :D No offense though, I like that. X3 Any news about V's recovery?


It was final if I kept releasing by chapters. With full games new release form, however, I must give something in between them.


A new game with Shiki AND Renetan? Sign me the F**K UP. Two of my favorite artists! (Well, besides you, Z.). I know I’ve been quiet for a bit but let me say keep fighting the good fight. No matter how hard it gets, no matter how much you feel like giving up, keep the goal you want to reach in your mind, and soon enough you’ll find yourself reaching it.

Servo Kamen

Will these changes take effect next month? I’d want to move up to the $15 tier for the special games.


There are no special games at the moment. What I have is a plan to one day contact them and develop a game with Shiki and Renatan. When will this happen? I don't know. The comic series will be available to everyone later this month for tier $5.


Does this mean Warlock is going to be released in full when all chapters are done? Not sure if that series is your main focus atm.


Yes, WS will be released as a full game once I start working on it again.