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I received a message saying that they didn't read the news on discord as they don't use it, so I decided to share it here as well.

This is the same message I posted on discord. If you can, please join, as I'm much more active there (link is in the pinned post):

Hey, guys. I just received news from Devil-V that he's feeling pain on the hand he uses to draw.   
Unfortunately, like Kain did, he might have overworked himself.  
He'll now seek professional help, but will likely need a few weeks up to a few months at least to recover.  In the meantime I'll be switching the focus to Eden Crest, considering that the art is basically done by Kain at this point.  
I apologize for the delay on chapter 5 of the main series, but this will allow me time to wait for V to recover and/or think about a decision for the main series.  I'll start the teasers 15 this month with the robot girls of Eden Crest, releasing a teaser every 15 and 30 of each month until the release of the full game.   
Considering that EC is simpler than SC, I might be able to release the full game in a few months (hopefully time that V needs to fully recover).  
Again, I apologize guys. I'll keep you all posted on the resolution of this problem, and I hope you look forward for Kain new girls.

And then I revealed 3 girls for our EC project:

If you guys have any questions, please, ask. I'll be here to answer them all.



really bad luck in both of the main artists having the same medical issue. I really hope Devil-V sticks with the project, I love his art. I'm not really in position to give advice but here's my two cents: you could develop everything from chapter 5 and use placeholder images instead of the art, so you can just replace the placeholders when Devil-V comes back, in order to speed up the release process. All these mishappenings aside. thank you for your hard work Zion :)


I have a few questions, if you are considering changing scope. Also, I wonder if many of the problems could be ameliorated if I am guessing some of the causes correctly. 1) do you like the team as is, or would you be open to broadening your talent pool a little? 2) if so, are the issues money, motivation, or overstress related? 3) if so, would you consider a brief advertising campaign? This game is fabulous as is and has an immense amount of *under-recognized* potential by the femdom community. I'd wager a bit of cross-advertising, putting the game up on hemdom or early access on steam and I bet you could easily garner far more assets to broaden and/or reduce the overall strain on your team. This game has in-depth story-telling, a MGQ-esk prototypical willingness to play up the horror/sexuality juxtoposition, and delightful art and game-design to keep it fresh. All that is to say, I suspect I and many others would be sad to see the creative momentum for this series curtailed at this juncture when there is so much actualized and future potential.


Yeah... I even asked him to take it easy, warned about what happened with Kain. But the thing is, he thought he could just add the stress of SC to his commissions and another game by another developer. Kain returned and already did all the art for Eden Crest. Hopefully V can do the same, focusing only on SC from now on.


1- The thing right now is resources. The team is already full as it is. Kain, Zaffiry, StormFeder and Devil-V. These are all top notch quality artists. 2- A bit of everything. Commanding an entire team is stressful to me. Specially for something so long and ambitious as SC. 3- I'll see what I can do. Finishing the first game and putting it on Steam would do wonders. Hopefully V can come back soon.


Glad to hear, and I hope it didn't seem too much like couch-quarterbacking when it comes to your team. Ya'll are doing a lot and even being as transparent as you are, there is a lot we don't get to see behind the scenes. I hope everyone is getting their needs met as this really is an iron-man marathon of game series.

Lance Enulam

I also really appreciate the transparency and think your team is doing a fantastic job with the project. I hope you keep up the quality (as you always have), but take care of yourselves first. Small medical issues can grow into larger problems if not handled properly.


Thank you! We will do our best to bring you the best content we can and keep ourselves healthy too!

Nice Guy Drew

Have you all thought about simply slowing down the projects? Don't try to consistently put out new chapters every other month (or however long your current expectant rate is for releasing chapters) just slow down the projects. We all want Kain back on the main story, no offense to V. You will see a lot of demands, and impatient men waiting for your new chapter to drop. You should ignore this, and slow down the pace for at least the artwork. I see a ton of artwork in the game files that I know you will use later, but they are just sitting there collecting dust. These are pieces of unused artworks that Kain made that could have been delayed.


When I talked with them, they were okay with the speed we were going. The main problem is what they do afterward, on the side. They might take many commissions, they might work on a second game, and so on. This could happen even if I asked them for a single image per month.