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Hey guys! Basically all Tiers now will have a different and good rewards.

And a reminder that these changes will only take place after the release of the first game of the main series!  

Here are the changes in the Tiers:  

$1: Shall have access to teasers and news. (Going back to what it was)
Explanation: Everyone who supports us in any way should have access to teasers and news, which will keep the person informed of releases, changes, innovations, updates, release dates, etc  

$5: Everything from Tier $1 plus the Main Series and Side Games that are released by chapters (Such as Warlock Saga).
Explanation: The main series are the blood and bones of our work. Any game based on Aeolos and his descendants will be released on this Tier together with any game that is released by chapters, like Warlock Saga.  

$10: Everything from Tier $1 and $5 plus Complete Side Games (such as Eden Crest) and the Comic Series.
Explanation: These games are a result of my dedication during the weekend, that instead of just relaxing, I will be working to bring you guys even more original content as it will help me avoiding burnout from working with the same thing for a extended period of time.  This tier also rewards the supporters with monthly content from the world of SC. Keeping this tier will give you access to 5 pages of the comic series every month.  

$15: Everything from Tier $1, $5 and $10 plus Succubus Covenant: Chronicles.
Explanation: Succubus Covenant: Chronicles is a series of short games that will explore the world of SC in new ways. The reason why these games are in the Tier $15 is that I will hire people to both write scenes and an artist to draw the art for these short games, making them more expensive to produce.

Examples of these scenarios:
-A blacksmith comes back home just to find out that his village was overrun by witches and he can't fight their powerful magic but must rescue her son and wife
-A game in The Tower of Ashes where you must run and try to find a way to escape a world overrun by succubi
-A warlock who summons a weak succubus to use against his political enemies and see her grow and become hotter as time goes by, always having to fight against the temptation of his own summon

$20: Everything from Tier $1, $5, $10 and $15 plus wallpapers.
Explanation: These wallpapers are both for your desktop and will also serve as early access to the images for projects like Eden Crest. (edited)

PS: Aren't you taking too many projects?
Answer: No. I will only work on 2 simultaneously. And when I feel I'm burning out of a series/game, I might exchange to something else, until my desire to develop that game comes back.
Sometimes everything you need is just a break from something.

Thank you for your time, guys! I hope you guys enjoy the new content we want to deliver!



So just to confirm, 1$ tier no longer has access to main game? Also never heard of Eden’s zero, is that the robot one?


Yes, Tier $1 will have access to news and teasers, like it was before I changed for the pandemic. Eden Crest is a game focused on capturing robot girls and interacting with them, more information will be revealed as development progresses. You can find more info about it in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/eden-crest-56815657


Just wanted to to check, how is Chapter 5 going so far?


Going strong! I'll make a general update 28 this month! OwO


i want hentai scence