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New Youtube video here! Huge thanks to Oreo and Quiet!


The update:

Hey guys! Like I said in the discord, sorry for the lack of news lately. I was working the entire time on SC main series and it is an arduous process since I made the mistake of releasing unfinished chapters thinking "I'll add this or that later". The problem is, it becomes a snowball effect, accumulating many arts and quests that needed to be done in order to have a full chapter.

I was extremely please on how Warlock Saga turned out. Fully finished. When I return to it, it will be just to continue chapter 2. No chapter 1 additions or anything.

I want the same for the main series. So when I start chapter 4, all chapters before it will be finished.

What have I been doing in these last months:

-Addition of 8 new scenes to the full chapter 3, for 13 in total (5 were the succubi in the demo) (Working on it)

-Voiced Gloriosa scenes (done)

-Chapter 3 better development, such as interactions with Atessatia and Atessatia meeting Iole before you go to the Underground Grove. (Done)

-the consequences of you siding with the witch or hunters (Working on it) PS: still working on it because that's basically at the end of the chapter).

-Small random events around the world, to bring it alive. (Working on it)

-Combat Reworked (Done)

-Dialogue Reworked now with bigger portraits. (Almost done)

-Atessatia first quest (Done)

-Unique Sprites for all NPCs (Working on it) Huge thanks to Squartteloki :)

-New quests for the tribes to enhance the world/lore. (Done)

-New Ruins that will have unique Relics that will greatly help you in your fights. (Working on it) PS: this is also part of the combat system reworked, since exploration will be rewarded).

-Developing your tribe, at least a bit for now, so it will offer new things such as bonus to health and mana. (Working on it)

-The forth love interest Pylia joining the party. (Done)

-I had to work a lot to remove the animations and polish the scenes again. I had to go one by one.

This has been a long journey, and I want to release a full chapter 1/2/3 this time. To make development smooth for any other chapter that will follow.

Almost all NPCs that will be part of this Era are done as well, which means that I can basically focus only on the succubi from now on.

I will dedicate myself exclusively to the main series until you guys have the full game in hands.

I made many mistakes during the development that held this game for a long time, but I also learned a lot. Now I know what's important and I'll focus only on them.

Sorry for the time it is taking, but I truly believe it will be worth in the end, especially to make the future chapters development smoother.

Thank you for the support, everyone! I'm doing the best I can to live up to it.



Nice job, I hope we get full chapter 3 next month.


I'm sorry you had to remove the animated scenes, they were done right, will a full animated version come out when the game is completed?


I don't know yet. IND3X was unique since he animated the scenes inside the game itself with scripts. However most animators do that with videos. So if I had to animate the scenes it would be me remaking the entire game again after the release which would hold the next games for a very long time.


Some news is better than no news. Im going to miss the animations . but glad to see this great game is still being worked on.

Zeyla Ignis

I would love for animations to come back too, but honestly I believe if you ever plan to do so, it's probably better to first finish ALL games, and then do that like some kind of "remaster", perhaps with voicing some extra characters etc. But in the end it's up to you :D


Absolutely, I'm working at least 8 hours every day on it! Hopefully you will see the additions and be pleased with them. from the unique sprites and dialogue to the new scenes that are worth of one entire chapter of content. the reason why I don't update you guys more is because a lot of these changes are for it game itself. You must play to see it. Hopefully soon :)


I´m hyped :)