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Sorry for taking longer than we expected with Warlock Saga guys. 

I did a few new things to it and it consumed more time than I expected for the game to be finished. And for the chapter to "feel" finished, I decided to add a few more things that I considered important.

For example, the dialogue was made not with those small images at the bottom left, but with the full images that will reveal much more of the character during those talks, to constantly remind you of their design.

I took a bit longer to learn and test with combat as well. Since differently than the main series Warlock Saga has multiple characters in battle.

And I also wanted to release the full chapter, with everything included, without any kind of RPG Maker default asset.

There are other minor points, but these are the main ones. I sincerely apologize for the delay. I'm doing the best I can to bring it as soon as possible. Squartteloki is creating the sprites now. 

It won't be long now. Just a few more days and it will be out. I'll warn you all when the game enters play-testing stage.

As soon as play testing is done, I'll release to all of you to enjoy. Hopefully it will be worth the wait.

A few of many interactions with your summons (sponsored by Zellthine, your Imp):



Well idk why you make your fans to wait so much..I'm just sayin' if you are going to continue the same like telling the date or just decide when will the release come out and delay it some people will leave and won't pay anymore.


It’s fine dude, you have to rush everything for us, take your time and relax if you need to.


Also nice picture.


You are right. I should be more careful with dates.


Can´t be mad at you, but pls try better. I get Cyberpunk 2077 flashbacks ( i changed my holydays 3 times)


Personally I don't care about the delay as long as it gets done right. Though don't write yourself into a deadline, give progress updates to hype us but no deadlines, those are hard to keep, even for the corporate gaming industry who can only cheat through by working overtime round the clock .

Noel Brady

Don't give a shit about your apology, I can wait another mouth for it. You just take whatever time you need because progress is being made.


Here's the problem I have with your game. I have been a fan since the Chapter 1 demo came out so this is just honesty I'm not trying to control your game. No XP is a problem, I'm sure it's easier on you to just make the weapons, and armor better with runes to save you time... But think about it. If finding runes is what makes you more powerful, then there's no point in fighting demon plants or any creature for that matter. The Hero doesn't get stronger by defeating enemies, but finding better runes? Half the time I was playing I just snuck past all the demon plants to get the rune in the chest.. also so as long as you got a bunch of those plant heal things (Yjorin) or something, you will always be in the fight against Succubus? Why not instead of just HP alone, they could also drain your attack or defense by like 1 point each drain to make them stronger? If they just take your HP it basically means they can keep draining your semen and as long as you have an endless supply of heals you are good. Not to mention the Player can easily just attack the Succubus after she drains your HP and she loses that HP she just drained you from a simple attack.. would really like to see Succubus able to drain more than just HP or they really aren't draining your "power" just your health. The Witch is a nice touch on the game, offers the player a choice to betray another human which is sexy because masochist and seducing go hand in hand together. The floor trap with the 2 Succubus in Decaying woods would have been a hot idea if I actually got to fight one of them after you escape the underground place .. kind of disappointed with that but overall this game has potential just weak in some areas in my opinion. Seems like the 1st Chapter was the hottest, when you used to have XP too it blended well together.


Also with the Witch I loved how she seduces you to work with her, but I was upset that after you win the battle against her she doesn't try some last resort by seducing the player with something. A simple begging the player or something would have sufficed.


This was written 16 march: "This however will delay warlock saga a few days. God willing, I'll release this month, don't worry." Almost a month hass passed has passed.


this is of course all great but when will the full 3 glova about ck enter


how is it fashionable to release something new without finishing the old one?


-you only become more powerful by the use of relics and runes you are already a hunter who has been training since childhood. your body won't become stronger than that -you are confusing game mechanics with the lore/story. The way you use herbs in game is not a realistic representation, just a gameplay commodity. -She's a witch, only succubi can overpower a man with seduction. It' not just "I'm beautiful", it's magical too. Witches don't have that, they are normal humans.


Long story short? I wish to release something to patrons because at the time Kain didn't want to focus solely on the game. So I created this short game to release in between main series development.


Yes, unfortunately is taking much longer than I thought I needed. That's why I'll never work with release dates again. I'll just keep you guys updated with images and text showing what we are doing.


Dont worry, I ll keep subscription, better not make promises, or cyberpunk curse will haunt you :D


Yeah, I know lol I'll keep you guys updated on whatever we are doing, however. If you haven't already, please join the discord server. I'm more active there. The link is on the pinned post


but this does not justify the fact that you abandoned chapter 3 and moved to a new game. If you even finished chapter 3 and started to start a new game \I would understand you no we would understand you. I apologize for being so critical, but I pay money for it and get only promises in return. I just get tired of getting an inventory once a month like "everything is fine skror everything will be".


I love ck very much and I understand that you spend a lot of time working. Sorry to bother you.


I'm just saying you play any other Succubus level draining game, and they all have one thing in common, and that's absorbing power from the hero. It's easy to just get drained, and attack the creature only for her to quickly lose the HP she JUST drained from you. I am just suggesting Succubus have an ability to absorb more than just HP because it makes them less intimidating to fight when you know an endless supply of herbs will get you through ANY fight with them. You don't even need to use the special powers like Light Of Adalon to blind enemies, the combat is stale enough to just Iron Will, Attack, Heal, Iron Will, Attack, Heal. That's the combat with literally every Succubus


I understand, and that's exactly what I dislike. I created a huge and complex lore to build a more realistic/believable take on energy drain. I dislike status/level because it makes it more "gamey". I wanted to move away from that. Like "what if our world was invaded by them?" kinda of scenario. They would feed on life, not "status" I dislike this status drain. I don't wish to reflect game aspects on the energy drain nor the story/lore.


I understand that, and respect your decision to do so. All I'm suggesting is that immediately after the Succubus drains the player 1 time, the player can just simply attack, and the Succubus loses the health they JUST drained. Which that itself makes it seem "gamey" all I was suggesting was doing something to change that. I do really like you're game, which is why I want to give you my perspective on it. If you're not changing the draining in combat in any way after this conversation, could you please include more masochistic gameplay? More betrayal? The witch like I said was a nice add on, she in a way twisted the mind of the hero. Maybe Succubus could such that? Maybe the main Blonde succubus you have could turn the hero against Bloody Jaw Tribe if the hero wanted to betray his allies? Also I hope you bring back Drita to fight the Hero again she is easily your best Succubus not because of her breasts, but she was more focused on seducing than fighting at all.