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Things are going awesome, my friends! I think we will start this year strong. I failed you all last year, with just 1 chapter and a half. But this year will start with 2 chapters being release at the very beginning. One for warlock Saga and another for the main series.

Main main objective right now is to release the first chapter of Warlock Saga on this month and the full chapter 3 next month.

Here are some points that I'll like to consider:

-Kain and I are now solely focused on our games now, I think last month Kain did the work of 2 months/ 2 months an a half in just that month of February. A few things like the combat overhaul hold me back a few weeks because I wanted to get it right this time. But once I'm done with the full chapter 3, you guys can expect quicker releases.

-The main series full chapter 3 has so much content that it's a chapter on it's own. With new battles and temptation events for you guys to enjoy.

-I finished the new battle system, and the fights are much more balanced. I removed the randomness of critical attacks that could make the battle too easy or too difficult. You now have 6 skills and you must use wisely. 3 for the sword of Adalon and 3 for the Soaring Gauntlet. Exploration, especially of ancient ruins will also reward you with relics that could make a battle much easier. So exploration will reward the player.

-We are taking longer with the full chapter 3 because I want to finish EVERYTHING before moving forward to chapter 4. This includes NPCs art and some love interests quests. It burns me out as a developer to keep coming back to old chapters to add something. I want to be done with them and move forward to the new ones, releasing the new ones as we finish them completely as well.

About Warlock Saga:--------------------------

It will come this month as I'm finishing the first chapter now. Here are a few new screenshots of the game (I still need to add some NPCs to certain areas):

You, your Imp (Zellthine) and your Leaf Succubus (Nemorosa):

Your father:

Najja Village. Interest of The Veil:

And here the teaser for what's to come:

Can you defeat her and use her essence to summon your own leaf succubus?

Time will tell...





Now I'm looking forward to the game


One of the few adult game creators with honest but fast development... Thanks so much.... Keep up the good work and this will turn into one of the biggest femdom video Game Series. :)))


Ayyy!! The guy's dad looks just like my Dad when he sees me! XD


Really loving the look of the Leaf Succubus Boss (ehhh.. not so much Nemo, but I understand that I am a minority towards that). I'm happy to see that there will be some succubus that my picky self will be able to enjoy too even in this new game.


Don't worry! There will be succubus body types and personalities for everyone!