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Just to keep you guys up to date:

-We finished Iole new ecchi scene, that will replace her sex scene in the next build, since I wish to develop her more.

-I finished her new quest, that will reward you with the ecchi scene above.

-I'm now developing the story for chapter 3.

-Meanwhile Kain is creating the art for the girls.

-The first girl was already finished (she'll be used in the temptation event of this chapter). All her poses and hentai scenes are done.

-We are now working on the second girl, a beast clan guest :)

-I predict the new chapter to be released in December. A Christmas gift. I'll do my best to make it happen.

That's it! Have a nice day everyone!



Thanks for the update, but can we get an idea how much content we will be getting since the chapter 2 update almost took the same amount of time. Will we be getting more or about equal to it?


Hopefully we get more given the potential 5 month wait between releases.


Santa bearing some nice gifts this year. Keep up the good work!


He's stated in the past that he hopes to put out an update every 3-4 months. As for how much content, I would expect each chapter to be about the same amount. Since we have 2 chapters currently, I would expect about 50% more content. In other words, I would expect 6 new succubi. 4 Leaf clan (one of which is a general), 1 guest clan (beast this time around), and one temptation event (probably leaf clan as well). We will also probably receive some more side content as well, but can't say for certain.


You are correct, Jon. Every chapter will be juicy. I'll only say that there will be more than 6. :D


Oof, waiting until december? Nooooooooo, that's rude. ;__;


Thanks for the update. Now I just want it to be December lol


@Olympus The story, and artwork are great. I am truly interested in exploring your area the music, and artwork are nice. The only thing your game lacks are temptation scenes. When you fight a Succubus you get 2 temptation scenes either from combat or the initial beginning or end which are basically the same. You should throw in something that allows more dialogue in the middle of combat, or something more masochistic that allows the player to hurt his chances of surviving. I know you're game is different, but get tips from Succubus Senki. That game is hands down the hottest Succubus porn game hands down. They make you betray your friends, seduce players into giving them their weapons, brainwash players into their slaves, and they also just fill the dialogue with nasty masochistic humiliation that makes you feel bad for choosing pleasure over victory. Please take ideas from that game and implement them into yours, then you have a Gem for a porn game.