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I was talking on discord today asking what are your opinions on Character Customization (main image and sprites) and Silhouette Protagonist during the hentai scene.

I'm just curious, this does NOT affect the game in any shape or form. It's just to help me understand you guys better.

So, please vote and write a message of why you like or dislike this idea.

*Character Customization Points:

-Change Hair color
-Change Skin Color
-Able to change type of armor (Normally or for the story). Let's say, for example, that the game takes place in a "Japanese" area and you come from the City States, and you want to dress yourself as a "samurai" and side with them. This would be possible with Character Customization.
-We cannot include every variation on the hentai scenes, It's impossible considering the plans we have for this game. So the character will be a  Silhouette like the game series ROBF for example, so you can "fit" the character the way you wish mentally.

I love customization in games, but I also need to point the "downside" of including it in our game.

Again, this doesn't affect anything, I'm just curious about your response, guys.



if would include the customization of genitals, I'm up for it, if not, I'm neutral


i actually enjoy having an MC who isn't customizable. being able to see him during the scenes makes it more believable and easier to follow. As well as facial expresions etc. further add to the scene and make it more dramatic when you can see their reactions. Like when he knows he's being drained and is panicked yet you can see he is enjoying it. Customization often leads to lacking immersion imo.


Customization of the characters dick, otherwise I’m neutral


I'm all about the hot succubi. Don't really care about character customization.


I love character customization, but I hate silhouettes. The current character is good as is.


Silhouettes are a big no no, no matter if customization is a thing or not.^^


Silhouettes are a no no for me. I personally appreciate well drawn scenes where you can see protagonist’s reaction as well.


A big part is the character's expression for me.


I rather have a neutral attitude to this, but if we are talking about the time spent, it would be better if it went to develop the story, or new scenes with succubi


Could do both. Have a default preset that doesn't have a silhouette, and if people want to customize, they get auto silhouetted with the tradeoff being customized looks.


That being said, I don't like silhouettes. I like seeing how everything...fits. You know? Regardless of the scene. It's hard to demonstrate a man's face being nicely sealed in a big juicy ass is made MUCH more difficult when it's just a silhouette.


I like the idea of changing skin and hair color, but I'm also neutral. Whatever everybody wants.


I would love some new looking armour like full plate armour i want my guy to look as bad ass and cool as possible.