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$10 - WINNER 

$15 - WINNER

$20 - WINNER 

$50 - WINNER 



Fox would of been so much better . Game has enough chunky cows tbh. Sucks. I'm guessing it's just going to be another big boobed fat woman? With the only difference is having a cow theme? More of the same...what a shame.


I think most people (myself included) like the thicker art of this game, and cow winning really helps cement that idea. The artwork in this game is just phenomenal.


I'm a fan of the THICC succubus, but no fluffy tail hentai... makes me a little sad. I'm not surprised that cow won though, it would've been my second choice. After all, I think most of us here have a thing for paizuri... like the kind where the guy's hands are tied behind his back, and his dick being relentlessly milked by a big pair of opai.


Agreed, the problem with polls that include generics is that "basic" tastes win out and the artistic flare and creative musing dies a horrid death. Imo, the more you favor a single preference like "Thicc" appeal, the more you interest is lost for those who prefer variety or have different body-appeals. Games that pander to a predominant fetish almost always do more poorly in ratings than those than capture a wider audience. Plus, if the artistry and story/scenes are good enough, folks will discover new "fetishes" rather than their tried and true. So please, please, don't pander to the "average" tastes too much.