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Gad is the embodiment of the "Jack of all trades, master of none".

A capable melee combat fighter, good archer and a skilled hunter, he doesn't excel at anything in particular, however. 

He balances that with his quick wits, sharp mind, and has no problem in taking a stand or making a hard choice when the situation seems out of control.  

He has a lot of experience in life for someone so young, due to the premature death of his father at the hands of Ílios soldiers, when they invaded the countryside of Selene City State, where he lived in a small farm with both his parents and his sister.

Caring for them after his father's death, he learned how to hunt, how to cook, how to fight and above all, how to survive, at the same time he provided for his family.

They had a terrible harvest that year due to a plague of locusts, that hit his area hard, forcing him to go to the city for supplies to prepare for the winter that was just a few weeks away.

In there, he tried to pickpocket a careless traveler that seemed to have a heavy sack of coins.

That traveler however, was Klemes, an Adalon Hunter that was very aware of his intentions and grabbed his hand before he could complete the deed.

The guards tried to intervene, with the intention of beating the boy, while Klemes refused the "help", and carried the young Gad away from them and to outside the city.

In there, Klemes made a proposition to Gad. "Join the Adalon Hunters, and you can eat plenty". To which Gad replied. "I don't care about me! I have my mother and a sister to take care! Feed them, and I'm yours!".

Klemes agreed, dropping his heavy sack of coins into Gad's hand, leaving him to buy the food he needed to his family and making this a test for him, to see if Gad would try to run away with the gold.

Gad bought what he needed to give to his family, returned the rest of the gold and followed Klemes into Adalon.


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