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We came a long way! We are close to begin the development of chapter 3!!!

This time, we shall have the Beast Succubi as a "guest clan" for the third chapter.

The list of choice for the design of the Beast Clan Succubus shall be:










Take your time to think the design you want for the first Beast Clan Succubus!

As I said, I'll open in a few weeks! Thank you for your support!



Fox. Always fox. 100% fox (maybe cow). Fox.


Fox... Kitsune succubus? Yes please!


Is there potential to have multiple different species for the beast clan Or is it selected to only one of the show species?


Fox is best


I don't know who should be first, but cow is my favorite. Fox/cat/wolf distant seconds. Most of the others don't sound appealing to me.


Fox. Kitsune are the best and a classic for a reason.


I'm curious on the cow concept in this art style and body type as well as the scene. Maybe its because interspeceies reviewers got me interested. Honestly Tiger sounds hella interesting too. kind of a little more aggressive cat girl? Shadowverse has some good characters that have a good template representation of the idea.

July -

Fox of course


kitsune is love kitsune is life


Cat girls when?


Need Cow girl


aye cow girl:D


Cow succubi, reverse milked 🤣


~only you can flip me over senpai #Turtle for the win


Cow ftw

John Smith

100% cow, I literally didn't even have to think about it.


Such a hard choice


I almost wanna vote Turtle just to see how the fuck you pull it off.


it would be cool to have short sketches of each one, otherwise I’m choosing cow lol


cat. pity theres no loli option


Damn turtle seems super funny. But i will vote for Cow too


Hm, bear would work if the succubus from that clan have wide hips and big boobs cuz a slim bear looks dumb.^^ But fox or tiger succubus sounds nice too.




Fox or cow


A turtle?

Fan of smut

Here are some ideas for how each might play out. -Fox: Succubus appears shy and frightened, as if it's more scared of the hunter than the hunter is of it, luring the player into their trap by making them want to reassure the frightened succubus. Once the hunter is off-guard enough, the fox cozies up close to him and slowly, subtly stokes his libido with her words and soft, seemingly innocent touch until he's very horny, after which she "takes care of his needs"... to death. -Dog/wolf : Dog girl would be super happy and cheerful, even being kind to the player, and perhaps gifting him something. She would ask him if he needs anything, and tells him she'd be happy to oblige. This could be an optional fight; if the hunter chooses not to engage, the dog girl becomes mopey (giving him the puppy dog eyes while she shows off her cleavage, for exampe) and keeps trying to please him. He could even ask her for a gift, and he could give her headpats, making her happy just to be helpful and aknowledged, avoiding the fight entirely. He could be mean to her, after which she would retaliate and fight the hunter normally. Or he could ask her for sexual favors, and she'd just be happy to help at the beginning, until her "dog-like appetite" takes over and she drains him completely. Wolf: There are three of them (like a pack of wolves), making them particularly hard to fight; maybe a boss fight? Losing/giving in would result in a foursome with them. -cat: Sly, lithe, flexible, cunning. She could cozy up to the player, wrapping her tail around his thigh and purring seductive things in his ear. Losing could result in her pumping his cock with her tail as an alternative scene to regular sex. -tiger: Same as cat, but perhaps more powerful/forceful -bear: Very strong; possibly an optional fight, where the succubus will back off if you make yourself appear intimidating (black bear) or won't approach you if you don't come too close (brown bear), but if you do engage, getting pinned by them is guaranteed loss. -Cow: Utters, obviously. Huge tits, hopefully with multiple loss scenes: one for a titfuck, one for regular sex where she smothers the hunter's face in her breasts to keep him helpless, and one for a "nursing handjob", where the hunter (lying down) is fed milk from her breast (which is a powerful aphrodesiac) while she pumps his cock with her hand 'til death. -Rhino: Given how big rhinos are, this is a prime opportunity for size-difference play, such as in artist Doskoinpo's work (highly recommend checking him out, if you all haven't. Here's an example from the game Succubus Prison: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5a6158cce6fac -Eagle: Not sure about the encounter, but the loss scene could be her wrapping the hunter up in her large, feathery wings to keep him from moving/fighting back as she mounts and rides him to death. OR, maybe, she grabs him and flies him so high that if he falls, he'll die, so he has no choice but to let her fuck him to death a mile in the sky, since escaping would be just as lethal. -Turtle: My only guess here is similar to the size-difference play with the rhino, but the turtle girl would pull the hunter into her shell and violate him inside where he's helpless. Otherwise, no idea.






cow please ^^