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EDIT 1: Reduced Speed of tribal girls to make it easier for Android Users.

Emergency release for crash bug fix.











For players having problems with fighting Succubus : Players coming back, and starting where they left off only get 100 HP to begin Chapter 2. (For the whole game) That's why they have this trouble constantly healing, then getting a couple swings in here and there. But listen.. If you beat Daisy in the first chapter by starting a new game, you get your health bumped up around 600! And your attack is insanely strong! I defeated the leaf general in 2 basic attack turns. I later went, and beat Black Rose in 2 swings.. I was like how am I this strong right now.. when I started in Chapter 2 where I left off my save from last year, I had to hit Black Rose mutliple times when my HP was only 100 so I was weaker than if I just started a new game and beat Daisy to get 600 HP.


well i just did that cause i had trouble with black rose i started a new game beat daisy and my hp is still at 100 and also my normal attack is still weak like it was before


Leveling up and runes doesn't work


leveling was removed and runes you need to equip them. they will raise your stats.


I just finished a playthrough. Great work. The insect boss was impossible until I farmed the next two boss runes. Not sure if that was intentional. I'm looking forward to more human heroines.


Hi I'm new here played the demo loved it so became a patreon support of 5 bucks but the download for android doesn't seem to work it downloads the rar file but when I try to extract it tells me its failed because it is corrupt


Helps please


Hello! In the pinned post, there is a link to our discord. Please enter there, so you can talk about this problem. I didn't create the port, so I can't help you. Inez, my friend who ported it, is there and he might be able to help you out.


Android link wont work


Art for this game is phenomenal. Story and dialogue is highly enjoyable and well thought out. Major issue? I have to save practically every 10 steps or whenever I open a treasure chest because I've gotten crash, after crash, after crash. (50+ in the span of the 2 hours I've played) I've spent just as much time saving and/or rebooting the game as I have actually playing it. I've had to replay so many parts that I now find myself skipping over art I previously liked or skipping through dialogue unsure If i've read it or not. At this point, it's the only blemish on the game for me in terms of my personal experience. At this current juncture I just can't continue to support. I'll have to check back in and hope these are squashed out some months down the line.


Is the game still crashing for you? Even after this version?

Karasu Tsuki

The updates for the game, does the game "patch" itself or do I just download the newest version everytime something new comes in? How would saves be handled in that case? Just copy/paste from the older version?