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EDIT 2: Google Drive link is ON! Please see below.

EDIT 1: Android Version released! See link below.

I worked hard to bring it to you the second chapter but there are some things that I wish to discuss, please read:

I decided to release a bit sooner due my city being under quarantine: If by any reason, GOD FORBID, my PC failed at me, I don't know when or how I'd be able to fix it and release it to you guys. So, I just cut 2 things but I'll be working on them in the next weeks, but much more relaxed knowing that you guys already have 95% of the chapter. Those are:

 The Witch is not Included yet: I decided to make her an enemy instead of a temptation event like I originally planned with the $50 patron. It will take me more time, probably around 2 weeks, since I want a quest for her too, not just bumping randomly into her. 

The first interaction with Atessatia: The first interaction with the tribal girl will be add in the following weeks, together with the Witch scene and quest. 

I know that this is a difficult time to all of us: So this time, all patrons, including the $1 tier will have access to the game. Many of you who supported me for months with bigger pledges just can't hold them this time because of this world crisis, and I completely understand that. Thank you for your immense support.

I'll spend one week waiting for and correcting any bugs you guys might find, the known ones to me are:

-Windowed screen is known to crash and cause some bugs, like freezing. I suggest changing to Full Screen Mode.

-There are wall clipping, and I'll fix that as you guys play, dedicating an entire day to hunt them down.

After the "final" version of the game is released, with the witch included and bug fixed, I'll send to INDEX for the animations.

White Demon Scene (In the prologue) is now voiced. I'll add Dahlia voice as well. And will prepare the General of the Second Area text to be voiced.

Kain already started a new art package, I wish to finish completely the art for chapter 1 and 2 before moving into chapter 3. Like the back view for Drita and the girls of chapter 2. 

The Recollection Room will be added with the animated version.

LINK: (You need to copy the WHOLE link, don't just click it)








oh my goodness, you made my day friend. A very pleasant surprise and early release :) Thank you Zion! A thanks as well to Kainkout and all others involved in the making of this chapter!


love you bro (no homo) :D


Yayyy is there an android version too?


Thx for the nice surprise :D


Wow i wasn't expecting the release this soon ! Thank's a lot. I hope you're fine and you'll manage to get your pc working again as soon as possible. This is indeed hard times we're passing through right now, stay strong ! Don't worry about the missing stuff, we can understand the circumstances i think haha :) I'll dig into it without a doubt this is amazing now, i'll let you know if i find any bug or weird thing while i'm playing ;)


Bro, i was going to sleep when patreon e-mail come. rip my night, i guess :D Anyway, thanks for early release! Question: when animated version will arrive?


I don't know. As soon as I create the "final" version, with all bugs corrected and all that, I'll send to the animator. Since this is out of my hands, I can't predict a date for release.


My PC is good! Thank you! I was worried that IF it faiils, I'll have nowhere to go and no way to fix it. Knowing that you guys have the most of the chapter in hand, I'll be able to work on developing the rest much more relaxed.


Thank you very much )


oh my god,oh my fucking god,what do we have here


I hope you enjoy the new combat system!

John Doe

Can I use my save from Chapter 1? I pasted it into Chapter 2 directory (SC CHAP 2\www\save) but the game doesn't see it


Unfortunately no, since I completely change the combat and RPGM doesn't work very well with saves from previous versions. I included a save file though.

Noel Brady

FUCK YEAH, FUCK. YEAH!!! I am rarely hyped for a H-game like this. Oooooooooooooh happy days.


That is a very pleasant surprise thank you. Does this also contain chapter one?


Can you please upload on Google drive? I can't download from mega :(


I'm working on it, my internet is slow due to the quarantine :(


Huh, didn't think about what would happen if your PC failed. Now I'm suddenly worried I didn't get my own one not professionally cleaned up as I planned to in January.


I did sent to professional clean up, but I was worried either way, since everything is closed in my city. It's kinda of irrational this fear, that something could go wrong, but I'm much more relieved that you guys have 95% of the chapter now.


yay thx for lowering the price as i didnt want to be charged now and at the end of the month


even tho im quarantined at home, I'm still going to die, but to succubi instead >:)


It's a little bit hard to fight against the succubus hhh




Android version won't install


Excellent, thanks!


anyone having issuing entering decaying wood? the map seems to block it in everyway :(


OMFG, u r a legend babe!


Tengo que admitir que no esperaba la actualización, pero sinceramente como la disfrute. Sigo pensando que el sistema de combate hay que cambiarle una que otra cosa porque se vuelve mas cuestión de suerte que cualquier cosa. Las succubus fueron OMG aunque aun no hay ninguna que sea como Daisi sigue siendo la perfeccion. No se si entiendas español o lo pongas en traductor, pero gracias por sacar este juego. PD: Ya tienes alguna fecha estimada para el capitulo 3?


I finish ch2.the image is amazing,but lack of temptation events.pure love is not my type...otherwise,the new combat system lack of growth.I personal prefer the preview preview one,the one can choose skill.Siege war is cool,but i guess i'm playing a hentai game,right?more erotic would be fine.The last one,I think the succubus are all too strong.How about some weak one tempt and defeat strong hunter? By the way,you did a great job,carry on!


Finished the chapter, enjoyed it for the most part. The optional fight was pretty fun, but the lack of customization and the inability to earn experience from the generic enemies kinda takes the fun out of actually leveling your character. Would be nice to involve some decision making there.


Most of the new succubus were pretty good, nice to see the body types vary a little bit, but the Queen was kind of unpleasant to look at, and it was a bit strange that out of the big three general type characters, the assassin is the only one that doesn't look physically fit. The warrior was pretty much perfect, the mage was beautiful, and I liked the assassin from the waist up.


Amazing update! Rly like your game, pls work till you are dried up :) Everything is fine, but as an ass man, i would prefer way more anal executions :P I do support a LOT of leet artists, but your game is in my top 3 right now.


Can't download it, I can download only up to 1GB files from MEGA :(


Your Browser might be saying that it downloaded 1GB, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you only downloaded that much. The downloaded folder should say 1.12GB though.


This is hands down the best part of patreon. Kind, understanding developers get their platform and support they need. More power to you, man.


Is the saves compatable, like can we just throw our old save from b4 in 2 it or do we just go from the new chapt's start?


Unfortunately no, I added a save however, for you to start the chapter 2.


I noticed I can't combine runes with my sword. I only attack enemies with the rune itself. Is there a way to combine them, or are you going to fix that in the patch?


when you equip a rune, you are using it on your sword. Your default weapon is a runeless Sword of Adalon. But writing "Sword of Adalon Demonic Rune" is too big for the name editor. So, only the name of the rune remains.


could you release a MEGA link of Android? i cant download Google driver link


Couple things with my experience. Had to take a break after a couple hours (I restarted again) 1. I found a bonfire that won't light. The one in the village ruins in the north of the first forest. 2. Is it just me or do we feel significantly weaker this time? So many battles are spent healing just to get hit and have to reheal the damage. Am I missing something? I can't find anywhere to upgrade myself like before, so my level isn't increasing and I can't power up the gauntlet anymore. Am I overlooking a menu or are those features gone and it's just supposed to be this hard now?


I tried a more realistic approach than the typical RPG. You are already a top hunter, you are also young, you won't get much better than this. So now you need to search and hunt for relics and runes. (only runes are implemented for now) to upgrade your character. And events such as the tribal girls will raise some of your stats permanently. There is also a item seller in the bloody jaw tribe with better items. Exploration now plays a huge part in the game.


I like the fact that you hurried this up out the door since people have been demanding it. I'm sure you're going to include experience in the next update. I'm curious though, are you going to do anything with that mansion hiding in the back? Ya know after you fight Drita? I thought you were going to allow us to enter this chapter.


Loved the second chapter, you're making some awesome content. I personally liked the battle system, it involves some more planning than the previous one. There's a lot of place for improvement, but you'll have plenty of time to achieve them. A few suggestions though: - Could you make the tribal succubi scenes skippable? I always had to ALT + F4 after I messed up just to hurry the process up, especially since that phase has a lot of room for error. - I love the build up for the endgame, but according to your plan for making games, endgame is still long away. My favorite scene by far is the Queen's one, seeing just how regular people are so weak compared to the top Succubi. In my opinion these scenes with a character other than the protagonist are more than welcome in my book. Still, will you maybe consider redesigning the Queen? Since she'll be one of the endgame bosses, she should stand out in some way, but I feel her design was really bland. - For the future, could you include in H-Scenes dialogue some third party descriptions, just like in VNs? Just some lines describing the action, how the protagonist is feeling, that kind of stuff. Otherwise, again, really awesome work and I can't wait for the next chapter. I'll update my subscription in the couple of days and hopefully other people will as well, just to allow you maybe bringing more people to the table and speed up the development process, since I feel like the plan for the whole series of chapters and games are pretty well laid out in your mind, and it would be a bummer to not have the time necessary to complete your plan :). Take care!


So I just wanted to point this out that I was able to bring my save from the previous chapter over without it crashing. It did make me over powered so a lot of battles were real easy for me. When you release the rest of it I'll start it all over and give my thoughts on what I think. Though I will say that I did enjoy it. The Spider succubus is my favourite so far.


I'm excited to give this a try. I'm a little of jealous of everyone on quarantine right now who can play. Hopefully this pandemic wont be as big as they are saying.


Wow, the second chapter is seriously a gift, including everything in the game from the previous chapter, the amount of scenes are massive. The lore itself makes the game enjoyable, as the humans continue to fend off the succubi, ultimately leading up to an encounter with the seven deadly sins. One of the most quality porn games online as far as art and writing go. I do have two critiques however. First, non succubus enemies become almost irritating once you start to realize there's nothing to gain from fighting them. The flowers often do as much damage as one dark yrjouh will heal, so the interaction is essentially useless without xp. Second, is about the dark yrjouh itself. Having powerful relics is certainly essential against succubus, but without a bag full of dark yrjouh no hunter can stand a chance. Combat becomes a tedious pattern of attack, attack, heal, heal, iron will, attack, etc.. There isn't really anything different about fighting the succubus besides having higher stats and maybe a status giving move. I think both issues just come from the limitations of rpg maker though. Either way, phenomenal work. I've been a patron since the first chapter came out last year, and i was certainly not disappointed.


You can kill those demon plants and sell their "venomous glands" to buy better healing items in the Bloody Jaw Tribe Item seller.


I released sooner because of the quarantine in my city. i can't leave my home and if my PC failed at that time, I don't know when I'd be able to release it. That are is an end game area.


Hey oliympus, its hard because i dont speak english very well so... i start part 2 from the beggining, before the battle whit lesser succubus i use the runes and my hp go to 626 or something like that, per hit the enemy only does 6 damage. I am clear that it is a bug. I comment it just in case for you to verify


It is, my friend! I'm already fixing it. Thank you!


Wow. Fantastic 2nd chapter. Definitely worth the wait. Quick question and a request. Question: how do you get out of the succubus hunter dungeon? I got to the area where there's pillars of fire and water but can't seem to get past. Request: If you plan on continuing to use the Japanese actresses voice in some of the scenes can you please have functionality to turn it over with out killing the music and other sounds effects? IMO, the scenes are perfect without any real life voices. The music, text, and sound effects work great together! Thanks again for a kick ass ch 2.


You have to walk around the entire map, there's 2 buttons you have to hit. One for the water, and one for the fire.


Olympus I support your game fully, and your ideas I think you've done a good job adding depth to the Succubus. Like how Insect Clan looks down on Leaf Clan as a weaker form of Succubus. Yet, Honestly my friend I played the entire Chapter this is what I have to say: Some people like the combat, but it's watered down I feel like .. especially since there is no XP at the moment. Like for instance the Guard option is useless in my opinion, either you're healing, buffing, or attacking (80% time healing) no point in wasting one turn on a block that lasts one turn when they might not even attack. I think you had combat right the first Chapter. Probably just because the XP was there to tell us we are truly progressing in the game! The demon flowers : Okay so instead of XP from the combat we get venom glands.. but to trade them we have to sprint all the way back to the Bloody Jaw Tribe which is aggravating to do before every boss fight. I give this Chapter a 9/10 this is my favorite adult game on the web, people enjoy it. I know people want you to make a way to skip cutscenes, but I know you're trying to bring something to the table more than just Succubus itself!


There are 2 reason for the removal of levels: -I wanted it to be more realistic, you are already a top hunter and young, you can't get much better than this. I wish to avoid what I consider a mistake in some RPGs where you can take down a god because you leveled up. You can also permanently increase a status by completing a hard quest, like the tribal succubus. -it's far easier for me to balance combat this way. Creating a challenge that it's not too easy nor too hard. Where the focus is on your skills and items and how you should use them. -I'll add more sellers from the bloody jaw tribe every time you conquer an area. Thank you for your support!


Olympus it's a great game but i can't play this chapter it always crashes when i fight and when i try to save it also crashes black screen I don't no why and I can’t download the Android version either sry for my english when there is something wrong


Olympus, it would be possible in the future expect, alongside the animations, the animation of when the succubus boobs or ass expands? Would really love to see that.


I am very impressed with the game. wonderful work, loved the scenes especially the one with queen in it. I was surprised that important characters such as the queen and her 3 greatest generals were reavealed so early in the series. I really wanted the Hidden to have a different body build given her being sneaky and assassin like, something more petite I guess? (I really hope one of her subordinate is like that) I loved all the art don't get me wrong but a little variety would be great. Thanks again for the wonderful chapter.


please, wait a few days, I think I found the solution.


Thank you for your support! The leader of the Hidden uses a LOT of the lower part of her body, that's why she developed her legs so much. She can jump extremely far, run real quick and if she grabs you, it's over.


As always the scenes and the animations are great and I love that you seem to be implementing some rewards for exploring. There are a few areas that are off the standard path and there are rewards for going to these areas but they aren't exactly needed (though one of these areas is definitely not an area you should venture till you have all the ruins and plenty of healing items). It was reminiscent to that destroyed town in Chapter 1 and I love stuff like that and would love to see more. Other than that though I can't say I'm a fan of everything else. You added something in giving us the ruins that we can find by exploring every nook and cranny but you took something away from us by taking away our innate character progression. We no longer level up, rather we learn skills in a set order. We can no longer customize our stats as far as I can see and that's a downer and makes for a boring progression system and though I did compliment you for giving us rewards for exploration, other than that cool stat bonus from the tribe section, the runes are doled out in a set order, making all our stats advance by 1 in a uniform fashion. It's a bit boring to me in that sense. I'd like the option to level up or even grind. I know that makes balancing harder (which I think is part of the reason you did it this way) but I don't think taking control from the player was a good idea. Also, as many have mentioned, that tribal sequence should really have an option to skip those scenes when you are caught. It's a bit annoying to try to get through it as it is. I wasn't a huge fan of this section and found the timing/reflex based gameplay a bit jarring as I had come to expect turn based rpg mechanics. Felt out of place but that's just my opinion. My final comment is something that you've done since chapter 1 and it doesn't seem to be going away so I might as well say it. Those story cut-scenes that seem to show up at almost every single transition to a new area can become a bit obnoxious. Please give players the ability to skip those. They were nice to watch the first few times but to be forced to watch them every time and just hold the enter key to skip through dialogue is a bit annoying. You let people skip the prologue so I don't know if it's possible for you to let people skip those scenes as well. If not then maybe try not to insert them at pretty much every single area transition.