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I'm truly sorry for delaying the release of the second chapter but I really need more time, both for the art (two images left to finish and include) and the game itself, I don't wish to release soulless succubi without any personality. I have this personal objective to set each one unique in their own way.

I'm putting the release of the game to day 27 this month. I don't think I'll need all this time considering almost everything is ready, but I don't wish to delay a second time, so this should be plenty of time and it's also a Friday when most of you guys are free to enjoy the game.

Here is is one of the sketches for one of the two images we have yet to include in the game.

Like I said, all succubus will have a second image showing her frontal or back side.

Again, I'm sorry for the delay, but I refuse to release an incomplete chapter that may potentially have bugs or misspelling.

I hope you guys can forgive me and understand.

I'll be working hard to bring you this chapter as soon as I can. Any news I'll share here and on discord.


Bergin Keegan

Take your time you’ve put out exceptional content so far. Can’t wait! :)


Don't worry, it's okay! We understand. But if you'll give us some screenshots it will be much easier to forgive you :D


Take your time dude, you are doing gods work. Still no dates about the animated version or am I missing something?


Take all the time you need.


We shall work on the animated version a few days after the release of this first version of chapter 2. These few days after release are for me to receive feedback from you guys and fix something that might need fixing. Then it's off to being animated.


Not to worry sir, we understand, please carry on.


Like all other developers constantly postpone the release.


Just a few more days to ensure that the game is ready for release.


No worries at all! Keep up the good work boss




At least you communicated with us, unlike SOME developers that have a shit ton of more money.


And I'll always keep in touch with you guys. You are the reason why I'm developing and expanding this game so much. I'll take only the necessary time to deliver a good and complete product. I can't take less nor I'll take more.


yes, do take your time :) we understand that a great product needs more time and attention, so it's definitely worth the wait!


Don't worry Olympus. I understand your situation and thank you for hard working. Will wait patiently!


I appreciate your honesty and dedication for delivering top quality work, Zion. Godspeed.

Jonathan English

Excellent work, take your time, good things come to those who wait

Jonathan English

Fear not, patience is a virtue and I am a virtuous man, by the way in this game how are succubus made, if I recall they are created by an incubus correct?


No worries, take all the time you need to make the game great. But man, did you have to tease us with that sketch? Now i really can't wait to meet her!


Just one question, will a save from the last version work on the new one? If so I'm gonna play it until the end of chapter 1, so I can skip directly to chapter 2 when it comes out.


Only lesser succubi without a clan are made by an incubus, by corrupting a mortal woman. The "true" succubus, that are born inside the hierarchy of clans are made by a spirit that is drawn and takes form in hell. Depending on the area of hell they take form, they will receive their mark (above their vagina) and clan.


Unfortunately no, since I rewrote the entire combat system. But don't worry, I'll release it with a save for you to start from chapter 2 already. However, if you can play it chapter 1 again with the new combat system, it will help me a lot by giving me feedback.


Do not worry friend, I'm preety sure it'll be worth the wait


Dam friday is my monday well that sucks o well


No worries on the delay. Quality work takes time.


If you believe that delaying the chapter is for the best, who are we to argue against that. Take all the time necessary to make a product you deem to be good enough :)


I guess i'll have to save my energy for two more weeks.ps when can I fight white demon?


Little confused here on the ETA, is it a "couple more days" as in one to two for the release, or "March 27th" for the game? Both/Neither? Not trying to press for an early release, though it would be helpful to know so don't unnecessarily develop tendinitis from hitting the refresh button for a month.


XD What I wish to say is that the second chapter should arrive until 27th this month.