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You can find the latest version here:


Warlock Saga chapter 1:


Eden Crest (Full Game):


Comic Series:


I decided to make a guide for this series to help everyone understand a little better Succubus Covenant and my plans for it.

1- Planned games:

-There are 20 games planned for this series. No, you didn't read wrong, there are 20 games planned divided into 5 Eras. Each era contains 4 games and each game is made by 5 chapters. The planned Eras are:

-Bronze Age (We are in it right now, ancient Greece scenario, Peloponnese war)

-Crusades Age (Medieval Scenario)

-Industrial Revolution Age (Steampunk scenario)

-Modern Age (Our modern age)

-Future (When the game started in the spaceship)

2- The world:

-I'm trying to build a believable world where you can play and immerse yourself like any other RPG.

This is the Solar System (Yrdarvyr is where the game takes place):

This is the full map of Yrdarvyr (world where the game takes place):

And the City States who are at war  (Ílios, Selene and Astéri)

If you want to know more about the world, here are the links:







The Succubi:

Succubi are divided by clans, here is the hierarchy (this image is just a sketch, later we will create a image for the game):

We are going to explore for now one clan per game, with some succubus of other clans appearing as well. When all clans are explored, I'll start to mix them up, and some Eras will even see the creation of new clans!

This is the general look of each clan:

(We are going create their art, please wait while we create all the clans)

And don't forget to join our discord:


If that one doesn't work, try this:




Trying to join Discord server but it says on both links say im unable to join...


If you read the message correctly, you should know that you must copy the entire link. I put that in all caps and bold so people could see it. All our games have links here in the pinned post. There are also 2 options to download them from.

Post Func

i tought also it would be nice if you could choose wheter you decide to be a male hunter or female hunter in the beginning of the game, so if you're a male you may be drained by the succubi, but if youre a female hunter, you could become a succubi and drain your victims away....well i guess its something hard to realize in the game, but just a tought...like you could join the succubi and destroy all humanity....or you could save them


Thanks for the suggestion! But that's an insane amount of work and not the point of the game/story.


Hey Olympus, can you check your DM? thanks


When will a Portuguese translation of the game Succubus Covenant be made? I'm Brazilian and I'm not having a good experience because of the language...

Nice Guy Drew

There will never be a Portugese translation. I promise you. Just look on the internet for translators.


There're also several tools that use chat gpt to translate RPGM games


I don't know how to get to Chapter 4, are there any tasks I must solve?

John Smith

Wow, I'm so happy I'm subbed to you. When can we expect the next update?


I'll reveal in the next days, in a official post, but I think my plans for the end of February remains. If not, then a early March release. Thank you for your support!!!


Everytime i get an email from patreon and it says it's from Olympus i get so hyped to hear the progress. If you happen to see this message i just wanna say a big thanks for working so hard. Also as you're always looking for ideas, i think that a rescue event would be super hot e.g the main hero/someone important gets kidnapped You would have to fight your way through an area to save them before they are drained dry, with an animation on the bottom right of the screen of a succubus draining him as a timer is counting down...and everytime he cums her look becomes more and more sinister ......as the timer runs out ;)


Thank you!!! It's a nice idea indeed! And a rescue mission is already on my plans, just need to find the right moment for it!


You're a really good writer and very capable of creating your own universe. What can I say? You're doing this because you love it. And I have respect for that. Sorry for ask but. Are there any chance to transform of our red haired bunny to a... I think, you got it :) Anyway I have great expectations, and I must say it again. You're really good at this. Hope your patreon become larger and larger someday.


Thank you!!! If something happens to any of the love interests, it will be your choice, they have a "plot shield" otherwise. I'm developing the story, let's see if she could have such ending.


Are you planning to add some quick time events to the game? I think it would be great.


I tried to look for some script before but couldn't find, I'll search again. I'm just a random guy that loves succubus way too much and decided to make a game about them, so creating a complex script from zero is not something I can do, I'm sorry. :( But I'll search for one!


Well. Shadow Blade's gonna be uh...I guess my thing?


One last question. Is game avabile at android or any other platforms? Or just windows? I want to play it again on my phone, if I can.


Someone ported to android on the internet, i believe. But it's not an official release, so I can't really recommend for you since it could have virus, etc. I'll see what I can do once I finish the game for an official release here on Patreon.



SirMalo (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-13 22:18:29 I'm already rock solid from looking at those clans who have different skin colors. <3 beast clan is also rawr. =3
2020-01-29 15:38:37 I'm already rock solid from looking at those clans who have different skin colors. <3 beast clan is also rawr. =3

I'm already rock solid from looking at those clans who have different skin colors. <3 beast clan is also rawr. =3

一鸣 钟

tribal succubus are difficult for android PLS


There is no mistake, I just used a family tree program to make the hierarchy. They are not connected, the only thing that matters there are the layers. Until Kain can make a true artistic chart with them, there is.


Yep, that's the Imperious Sea Clan. Lamias, slime, almost everything sea/water related.

Rubén Soria Durán

Is there a possibility that we could get succubus slaves as companion? This game is awesome!


Thanks! But sorry, succubus are just enemies. For romance you'll have the love interests.

Darryl Couch

Just finished and 10/10. The play is awesome, the girls awesome, and the story fun. I'll be supporting you guys till the end. The fact you guys do growth play already got you my money, the fact that is done well secures it. Thanks my doods.


I hope there wont be NTR in this game.


Thank you for your immense support! It means the world to me!!!


Don't worry, no NTR, and IF it happens it will be because you want to. You will have full control if included in the game.


The latest version is in this post. There is a link to it.


is there a paizuri scene yet, been waiting for one :P


To be honest, I am very greedy with money and just like that I would never pay someone for what I can get for free. BUT this game is just a masterpiece, and I wanted to at least somehow support you by stimulating the development of new similar games! P.S: I would also like to know who is this talented artist who paints these beautiful ladies?


And I would like to know the amount of your experience in the RPG Maker


I meant the experience in hours. Like 1000+ or ​​over9000 ;)


Well, now I also want to create my own similar game. Thanks for the motivation ♡


Based on how many games there will be, approximately we'll see ~ 500 succubi?


No idea, considering the optional and side ones. but we can make a simple math for the minimum number: We will have at least 5 succubus per chapter, each game has 5 chapters, each era have 4 games and there will be 5 Eras. To a total for the minimum of 500 succubi. Then I'll retire. lol


Hi, I'm new and see the game as chapter 2. So is there any chapter 1 ?. And iss 0.5.1 is the lastest version ? thank you


Hi! The link in the pinned post has both chapters and the prologue.


TWENTY games?? I mean, I'm down! That is ambitious. I admire it. I would worry about committing to so many, not knowing what the future holds. Followed by people feeling let down. I'm not going to count on that many just yet. I do have my doubts to be honest. The thought of it is nice I'll give you that. I'll certainly remain grateful for any new content regardless. Best wishes with it all, it sounds like there is a lot of work ahead.


We focus on one Era at the time, otherwise we would go crazy. But yeah, this is our ultimate goal. If we can deliver, awesome! If not, enjoy the ride while it lasts, and the Eras we manage to release! hahaha What I can say is, as long as I'm alive, I'll keep working on this project. Thank you for the support!

Lakeless (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-27 10:54:19 I would love to see this, but if my math is correct, with the desired rate at 1 chapter per 4 months max, it would still take 33 years to complete the whole game. (5 chapters per game, 1 chapter per 4 months = 20 months for 1 complete game, with 4 games per era = 80 months for all 4 games for that era. Divide by 12 to see how many years that is, that's 6.6 years in itself per era. With 5 different eras planned, take that 6.6 and times by 5 = 33 years.) Granted, I am going to the higher end of the spectrum here though with your targets. Regardless though, I imagine you already had an idea of this in mind with this ambitious project that I've come to adore so much, so I wish you the very best of luck! The storytelling and art combined has made it a top favourite for me very quickly~ keep up the amazing work, Olympus :&gt;
2021-01-08 17:20:39 I would love to see this, but if my math is correct, with the desired rate at 1 chapter per 4 months max, it would still take 33 years to complete the whole game. (5 chapters per game, 1 chapter per 4 months = 20 months for 1 complete game, with 4 games per era = 80 months for all 4 games for that era. Divide by 12 to see how many years that is, that's 6.6 years in itself per era. With 5 different eras planned, take that 6.6 and times by 5 = 33 years.) Granted, I am going to the higher end of the spectrum here though with your targets. Regardless though, I imagine you already had an idea of this in mind with this ambitious project that I've come to adore so much, so I wish you the very best of luck! The storytelling and art combined has made it a top favourite for me very quickly~ keep up the amazing work, Olympus :>

I would love to see this, but if my math is correct, with the desired rate at 1 chapter per 4 months max, it would still take 33 years to complete the whole game. (5 chapters per game, 1 chapter per 4 months = 20 months for 1 complete game, with 4 games per era = 80 months for all 4 games for that era. Divide by 12 to see how many years that is, that's 6.6 years in itself per era. With 5 different eras planned, take that 6.6 and times by 5 = 33 years.) Granted, I am going to the higher end of the spectrum here though with your targets. Regardless though, I imagine you already had an idea of this in mind with this ambitious project that I've come to adore so much, so I wish you the very best of luck! The storytelling and art combined has made it a top favourite for me very quickly~ keep up the amazing work, Olympus :>

NYGiantsfan1029 .

Hey I love the game but I dont know if it is just the mac version but I cant save


20 games man, hell yeah!! Sounds like a lot of fun, keep it up, love the series.

Soul Reaper142

i'm sure to understand...what's the order of the game...Warlord saga is the first game but where is the second one?


you have the main series and the Warlock Saga, which is a side game. :)


Can't wait to fight the other generals and the dark queen herself... Just finished using the last of my 6 pack of toilet paper with the other succubi... 🤣🤣🤣lol🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Alex Vara

What's the job that needs to be done for Atessatia? I cannot remember anymore what she told me and now she just says "You have a job to do, Shiny"..

Nice Guy Drew

When the Succubus drain the lives of humans like the hunter, do we go to hell in the afterlife? I think that should be mentioned as lore for this game. It would be very sexy to have a Succubus remind me that my choices led me to temptation, and sin therefore the hunter will be sent to eternal hell for committing such acts. Please add that in dialogue with succubus if possible.


No. This is one of the mysteries of the lore. Humans don't go to neither heaven nor hell. Where they go is the mystery, the big question. However when a succubus drains a soul, she devours it and destroys it completely, transforming it into energy for her to use. and sustain herself. But you are right. I'll address it in-game. :D

Nice Guy Drew

Interesting, my only suggestion to you is down the road if you plan on revealing where the soul goes in the future maybe make it like a Limbo instead of Hell or Heaven. I would definitely make it an unpleasent place to go regardless of what you choose it to be, otherwise humans would have no reason to not want to go there.. You know what I'm saying? Thanks for the info though!

Tyrone Gibb

Hi are going to do an android version?


That's with Inez. Please, join our discord community. I'm much more active there. Link is on the pinned post :)


This is pretty cool

Wyse Ebbah

I can't seem to be able to save for some reason


it's a bug that we shall correct on the next update. You can't save on the prologue, but if you skip the prologue the option will be available. If this is your first time playing, I suggest playing the prologue and when you arrive at the beach, start a new game that skips the prologue.

Servo Kamen

I'm so glad I stumbled across this. This sounds amazing!

Bolly Rulez

I like the fact that you put story in the game and i enjoy the story. but if possible in your futur game try to not make a flashback every single loading screen.. At some point it's just not even fun to even look at the script

Servo Kamen

I look forward to it! I came here for the succubus sex, but the amazing world building is what kept me interested.


Would be nice if u could hide the chat box to see the art other than that really enjoying till chapter 2 so far. Amazing work !

小波 吴

BOSS When is Chapter five coming out


Hi, I'm new here and I really love the game and artwork so far, so big thanks : ) I am running into a thing in the game where I can't save after going to the initial training area. If you have any ideas on this, let me know. Thanks again for the awesome work!


Nevermind : ) Skipping the prologue did the trick, though I am now getting a error message sometimes that says "setDimensions" Not sure if anyone else has run into that