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Medea was born in the might militaristic city of Ílios.

Since her childhood, she was taught by her older brother on how to defend herself from any enemy using her short bronze sword and her small enchanted shield, giving her a quick attack and a strong defense.

Medea was born in a very influential and rich family, the servants of the family obeyed her every wish, her parents gave her everything she ever desired without question, making her a very spoiled child, fact which was carried out into her adulthood.

Her ego was inflated even more once she became an adult, she was chosen as the most beautiful women of her Age.  Men stopped to see her pass on the streets. Suitors came from all regions around the world to ask for her hand in marriage, bringing her multiple gifts, which she readily discarded and dismissed all men calling them unworthy of her.

Spoiled as a child and treated as a goddess in adulthood, Medea became very arrogant and indifferent to the problems of others. She's easily angered by anyone who doesn't follow her every command, she has a high opinion of herself and thinks that the entire world is there just there to please her.

Dealing with her might prove... problematic.

"Who are you to call me by name?! I am Medea, Daughter of the Sun! You will address me including my title as well, peasant! I'm way beyond your reach, remember to reflect that while speaking to me!"



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) damn, she's hot


The girls getting bigger and bigger.^^ I support your fetish but hopefully we get a little bit less "massive ladies" later. :D


I second that, I think the game will be a bit more popular if it diversifies body types a bit more.


We are already doing that, and for romances we are trying to add many body types. Iole is petite Atessatia is muscular Medea is a thick milf And there will be a 4th romance option that will have a complete new design made by Kain. Even I don't know how she'll look like lol


It's gonna feel like christmas morning when the update drops


I will see her become succubus and seduce the man. Lol


I love this game and can't wait for the update to drop!


So basically she’s a bitch. Not a problem for me.