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Thank you so much everyone! A warm welcome to all new patreons!

I'm here to talk a bit about the future of this game and series, as I have high ambitions and wish to create something memorable with it. I am passionate about this project.

Succubus Covenant is a game/series that will start in the distant past, and gradually go to the far future. (YEP! Latex succubus one day!!!)

We are now at the Bronze Age, you are playing as Aeolos, the first of the generation. This Age is heavily inspired by Ancient Greece and the Peloponnese War. Imagine a succubus invasion in our world during this ancient past, for example.

Each generation will have 4 games and will have a self contained story, so you can play, understand and finish it without having to rely on the other Ages/Eras, but it will be AWESOME to revisit an area like the Kastalim Tribes in the future, with huge cities and skyscrapers.

So, my plans for the series when it comes to the Eras are:

-Bronze Age (Ancient Greece)

-Medieval Age (Crusades)

-Industrial Revolution (Victorian Era)

-Classic Modern Age (Our time)

-Future (When the demo starts)

I built enough to make 20 games, so there will be no stopping here. Once we finish a game, we are going to the next. I want succubus with LATEX!!!

But that's it my friends! Thank you for your immense support and I hope you are ready for a long ride.

Welcome everyone, and thank you for your support and trust!!!



I just read this. I had no idea this game would be so expansive! Those are incredible aspirations. I'm so glad that I found this early so that I could be along for the ride from beginning to end.