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Meghan's Monday morning weigh-in (168 pounds, 25 more than when she'd arrived home three months ago) was just the beginning of the day's humiliation.  Already late for work, she had no choice but to hurry home and squeeze into an outgrown outfit...and rather than something stretchy and forgiving, the frigid weather dictated denim.

As tight as Meghan's jeans were, they weren't nearly as suffocating as the atmosphere in the piping-hot elementary school classroom.   When the tardy teacher's aide finally arrived, Alice stopped writing on the whiteboard and twenty pairs of prepubescent peepers fixed upon the latecomer.  Despite sweating profusely beneath it, Meghan was grateful for her heavy coat's figure-obfuscating bulk.

"Thank you for joining us, Ms. Meghan,"  Alice said.  "Class, who can tell me what happens when someone is late?"

Betty Tamberson raised her hand and, after being called upon, said, "They can't talk until after recess."

"That's right."  Alice glowered at Meghan, then pointed at an empty student's desk with her marker.   "Take a seat, Ms. Meghan.  We'll speak at recess."

The class erupted in a sing-song series of "Ooohs."  Meghan smiled, trying to make light of the reprimand, but when the "ooohs" transitioned to giggles as she removed her coat, her smile faded and her cheeks flushed.

Of course, trying to squeeze into a child's desk only exacerbated the situation.  As Meghan slipped into its undersized seat, her crop-cut sweater snagged against the woodgrain writing surface, lifting its hem and revealing several inches of pale belly flesh draped around the rigid waistband of her Wranglers.  She quickly yanked it down and folded her arms over the exposed area, but the giggling continued.

"Settle down, everyone," Alice said, returning to her lesson--though she seemed momentarily flustered by the simple math problem she'd written on the board.


Two hours later, the students filed past Meghan on their way to recess, brushing against her hips and thighs which extended into the aisles on either side.  The last child in line, little Josh Morgan, paused beside her.

"Ms. Meghan, your stomach is getting squishy!"

"Joshua!"  Alice hurried over and crouched to the third-grader's level.   "That isn't a very nice thing to say!"

"Momma's gonna be happy!"

"Joshua, that's enough!"  The teacher snatched the boy's wrist and pulled him toward the exit.  "No recess for you, young man.  Go straight to Mr. Johnson's office.  Tell him you were disrespectful to Ms. Meghan."

After making sure the precocious punk turned into the Principal's office rather than racing outside, Alice returned to the classroom, worried she'd have to respond to Meghan's query as to why Josh's mother would care about her having a squishy stomach.  Instead, the zaftig blonde's head was on the desk.  She was blubbering just like her belly.

"I'm sorry," Alice said, easing into the desk beside her sobbing assistant.  She didn't fit in it any better, but she took solace in the fact that it wasn't any worse.  "I shouldn't have embarrassed you like that."

Meghan raised her head as tears streamed down her pretty face.  "No, I'm sorry.  You took a chance on me and I blew it.  Now I'm going to get fired."   The blonde leaned back in her seat and lifted her sweater, revealing the flab that bubbled over her waistband.  "On top of that, I'm getting fat!"

"You're not getting...fired,"  Alice stammered, averting her eyes from the spectacle.  "You're really gro...settling into your role.  Besides, the children love you."

Meghan wiped the wetness from her cheeks.  "You mean it?"

"Absolutely."   Alice fought the urge to fondle the flesh peeking beneath the bodacious blonde's sweater or tickle the delicate waddle growing beneath her chin.  Instead, she grasped her hand.  "I love you, too."

Meghan's green eyes welled with fresh tears, but before she could respond Josh bounded back into the room.

"I thought I told you to speak with Mr. Johnson,"  Alice said, freeing Meghan's fingers.

"I did."


"He just laughed."

"He laughed?  Did you tell him what you said to Ms. Meghan?"

"That's what made him laugh."  The rakish imp clasped his hands behind his back and smiled broadly.  "He said he couldn't punish me for telling the truth."

NOTA BENE: Sorry, no Magmaman visuals for this chapter.  There was nothing that quite fit (just like Meghan's wardrobe) and I didn't want to force it.  I'll try to double up next time!


Matt L.

Beautifully written piece, the dialogue advances the story line very well. It's clearly understandable why this scene avoids illustrations but your writing is so descriptive, I can visualize the scene entirely in my head. Kudos.