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Wow. It's finally done. I've thought about doing something like this for a long time, and I always figured it would be something I could easily bang out in a day, but I've probably spent something like the last 15 days working on this one and off, one character at a time. I'm glad I did that, but jeez. Not effecient or sustainable. Tamora's my favorite. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the comics use her as the protagonist. I find the idea of a horny nymphomaniac bitch with a BDSM fetish and control issues being the Dean of a private academy funny. She might become the unsung hero of the story. 

I've also given the characters last names, something I had once told myself I wouldn't do, but whatever. Tamora and Cadence have the last name 'Goth' because Tamora was Queen of the Goths, Mark is 'Day' for obvious reason. Key is 'Slot' because puns. Briar is still 'Hecate' though I thought of changing it to 'Hemlock.'  Rastaba is 'Papanatas' because I thoguht it sounded funnny. 




Love it!


Chaos in human form sounds about right. And Papanatas does sound rather funny the more you say it. Papanatas, Papanatas, papanatas!...for some reason all I'm thinking of now is pumpernickel and empanadas. Still, I approve!


I think it is a kind of shoe, but also means "fool" or "dummy" in some countries.


Yes please on the Tamora promise hopefully, hopefully a bukkake special!


Is a great start, the idea of using last names help making the point this is an alternate Universe, the design are awesome. Papanatas indeed is a soft form of fool or dumb, more like dummy than idiot, I like the alternative surname to Hecate as i feel is more original, great start Marky, great start. Is there a possibility of seeing other recurrent non your characters here? I am referring Bel as a sample


Yeah, Bel is getting a comic this month, and so is Kam (the guy in the boar-helm that I most recently drew banging 3 dwarves).


It is fucking gorgeous. No holds barred here, colouring and shading is top notch, characters look awesome in their new incarnations and the simplified explanations make it so that even idiots like me understand the characters (their personality helps express it a lot as well) Beautiful and I wouldn't have your work any other way.


I am beyond intrigued.