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I'm still working on this, since I want a page to go before it and after it. I'm kinda-sorta basing this on a scene in Justice Leage Dark: Apokolips War (2020). I did not like the movie. It's a bit to depressing and violent and grimdark for my tastes, but I did like other grimdark movies like Flashpoint. I think I dislike how cheap everything feels in Apokolips War. Dying to a random wave of Parademons isn't very compelling. All of the deaths in Flashpoint had 'oomph.' BUT, there is a fight-scene between Lois Lane and Harley Queen, so, pretty cool. 



Wild Bill

Lois is looking crazy ripped here. Doesn't really look much like her IMO (TAS Lois is the one I always think of) but she's really hot. And the shorts Harley has are one of my favourite things a girl can wear.


This is great! I like the fight scene! MORE MORE!!

Sleepy Dave

Lois was an army brat, so it would make sense for her to know how to handle herself in a fight. Also, loving the accent on Harley.