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I think it looks better without text. I also just feel like i ended up using the space, and now covering it up with text would annoy me. The text would have been something like "What are you using my vital-energy to summon, Mercy?" and her answer would be "A cooler boyfriend." Or something. I don't need the text though, right? You get it? The image tells the story. Right?

Also, Happy Halloween everyone! You can probably tell how far behind I am.  I thought about just doing a really simple Mercy sketch to fulfill my duke's request, but I also had this idea for my Halloween piece. I was just dead last month, and I'd rather clean out my cobwebs by getting these ideas out than switch to new ones, I guess. 

As for the image's contents, do you ever think that by fetishizing negative things, I'm perpetuating them, or does this offer a safe place to roleplay without actually messing with people's lives? Does "Romeo and Juliet" alleviate teen angst, or does it reinforce angst? 

Shit like that. 




I feel like your smut contextualizes itself enough to be a safe outlet rather than normalization propaganda. Some doesn't, so you've done a good job staying on the right side of that line.


I’d say take it on a case by case basis, but there’s plenty out there that are too obviously comedic to be advancing any ideology.


I think art is a space to do whatever you want. You can explore anything without attaching too much to it.


I've always felt that way, but now I have to wonder, would I ever want to stand in front of anyone and explain any of this to them? Noooooooo. And I wonder if that's evidence of something.


I definitely think that you land on the side of safe and fun roleplay. That said, incels and other misogynists will take anything at face value to justify their own ideology to themselves. Confirmation bias in action!


You can't really control how people react, and so you shouldn't worry about it. There are always gonna be uptight people who get offended by every little thing. No point in attempting to change to suit that, it's best to be yourself and find people who love that about you.