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I guess it's funny. I'm not sure If I shouldn't have just gone for a sexy pin-up of three sexy cavegirls being sexy next to some dinosaur or sabertooth-tiger, or something. I like this very small bit of world-building I guess. The idea of girls clapping their butts together to communicate across long distances . . . Sure . . . That makes sense in this setting. 

The black-haired one is a vampire. I imagine that vamprisim is just something that exists in this world. I bet each different tribe/clan/whatever has its own ideas about tolerating vampires. I don't think Kee-Va would care. She's just a maga-hot popular girl who only hangs with other mega-hot popular girls. She only discriminates against the weak, ugly, and vulnerable. Lol. 




Is funny, looks prettyy sexy and no worry, no one is turne off if the setting is not 100% historical accuratte XP

John Smith

that dino reaction is hilarious and the youngest adds some nice character...do love the savage girls stuff.


Ah the origins of ass twerking is a glorious one.


Twerking is always hot and it's always nice to see the Kee-va-verse though now I miss my favorite arrogant and mischievous Monkey Kween again 😢


I did consider her for the piece, but the three bigger cave-girls were the client's request, and the petite one I added just for the joke. I'm sure I'll do more Kee-Va stuff, I'm just a bit more intrigued by parodying existing characters than developing my own.