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Good news everyone! I went to the dentist, got some anti-inflammation meds, and I'm feeling way better. The less-good news is that I probably won't be able to get the actual surgery until next month, and that it'll cost money, but that'll just push me to do more commissions and less of my own stuff, so no big problem. 

Bad news everyone! Chinese soft-power is making it's presence more felt across the world, and it's a bit puritanical. I know that a lot of you don't like it when I discuss politics, but this is one of those issues I can't ignore, mostly because I can actually talk about it. I'm not happy about climate-change, detention centers, or the fact that I think Trump is setting himself up to become the American Caesar, but I'm not comfortable arguing about those things. 

Okay, this picture was a HUGE indulgence. I've gotta get back to stuff people have been waiting for. 




Good that your feeling better


Awesome piece, and as You I fear the future

Avatar Juan

Honestly, I think “F@ck you, China!” is a bipartisan topic. When you have politicians and personalities of both sides saying China sucks and the only people bowing to them are corporations who have money invested in them it makes me proud to hear everyone raging on a real fascist dictatorship.


I must say I disagree with ya Mark on the other stuff, but I view China as an issue to be addressed by either side (preferably as harshly as possible) so Eh, I just tend to ignore the political stuff (it is just porn after all, not like your personal views affect my dick).

Matty Thunders

Personally I love it when you discuss politics, and this is awesome. It's also some of you best work! The facial expressions on china poo and mickey in particular. Well done.


I agree, China can shove an ICBM up their anus, activate the launch codes, fire the selves at Beijing, and fuck themselves with 40 gigatons nuclear twattery.


Well, I don't want anyone to die, especially innocent Chinese people. I just want them to have equal access to the internet.

Master Dragon

Wow, heavy. I do hope everything works out with the med stuff next month. Ya, China is a bit nuts. I have dated a few nice gals from there who enjoy the USA more then back there. Also who is the gal with orange and white hair? That supposed to be that Greta gal grown up or just a random chick?


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I live blissfully ignorant of the goings on in the world, and I am happy.


Indulgence? Bitch, I'm willing to toss you extra just for making this pic.


I would rather live under a rock but once I’m out then the world will probably fuck me over.