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Hi! So, this one's a biggie. The first official script for a Suburban Topless Moms video/motion comic!

I originally scribbled the dialogue for the Pilot Short in my storyboards, but here is the first chapter of a several episode arc involving two Suburban Moms trying to partake in toplessness... and in love!

I'm trying to balance out the patreon with my regular day job. I know the updates here have been a bit more rare as of late but I want to make this a patreon for a project you'll feel so very proud to support every day!

(If I can get back to making my patreon my full time job again, I'll be absolutely blessed, but until then, I'll work my hardest to make this side gig worth it for you.)

Thanks so much for helping me make this!

Let me know what you think! You got any notes? Anything you'd change? Are you looking forward to seeing this develop? Let me know and



STM The Series Script 01.pdf

Shared with Dropbox


Kota D

I like it so far.


thank you! I'm glad to hear it. this is something i've really wanted to do for years so it's nice to hear positivity about it :)