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"In the slums of Midgar, it's tough to come across quality entertainment. Luckily, the 7th Heaven is happy to provide..."

The first official Comic Update is a bit of a re-make of an older sketchbook post. Here, I've given these ladies the full comic pencils treatment, probably a better fit.

I thought it was a good introduction to how I think I'll be going ahead making these sketch comics. Both in art style and amount of stuff I'll post. The next one might be a new idea, or a continuation of this... What do you think? Any preference?

Let me know and





I'd like to see a continuation, but what did you have in mind for something new?

Adam P

I'm always happy to see these two.


Moar plz!


I'm actually not sure! I have like... 20 rough comic idea thumbnails, I'd have to pick one. A continuation doesn't seem like a bad idea at all, but maybe I could stagger it with non-fanart comics...

Christopher French

I freaking love this ship. Thank you for this blessing. More please.