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So I tried something new on the Laura pic, and I took it further with this picture.

By taking it further I mean I put more time and effort in it and I think it turned out very well.

I don't know if I can do this method on every future pictures, cause it obviously takes more time than just leaving the lineart as it is.

But it's something I can do when I feel like flexing on certain pictures definitely.

I'll need plenty of practice to fully utilize this of course.

And as for Manon herself I think she's my favorite among the new comers in SF6.

She's elegant, serious and cynical but somewhat goofy at the same time while not hurting the character's image too much.

And I think that goofiness can be inspirational to some funny nsfw pics with her like, I dunno, Manon shooting breast milk furiously while doing a model pose X)




Her shooting breast milk makes it hotter imo

Jakob Patino

The real elephant in the room is that we need dick chart updates now with new characters lol


As the gentleman teacher from spy family would say “truly elegant”


I get what you mean. The lineart is more subtle and blends with the shading, which gives the picture a more natural look.

Kilroy Grin

Yes! Manon (and some Marisa, maybe?) is the absolute best in your art style.


it looks very nice, love Manon with some huge titties