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Recently I got a suggestion saying I should post pics in PNG file on my Patreon for full resolution version.

Honestly I didn't know the major difference between JPG and PNG till now, and I still don't fully understand it, so I'm gonna let you guys decide.

If PNG wins I'll start attaching pics in PNG formant, and if other two options win I'll stick to how I do now.



PNG is a higher resolution file while jpg is compressed file


Most of the time most online images are jpgs. They come out more pixelizated and compress while a png can be compressed but it doesn’t lose an quality but it’s a bigger file than jpg


PNG doesnt compress so it look better when you blow up the photo has a wallpaper for example


Png is great for art I think.


PNG can be lossless, meaning it doesn't produce visual artifacts on saved pictures. It's definitely a better format for sharing high resolution digital art.