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Hi all, Keo here!

I hope you all enjoyed the last update, or will enjoy it if you haven't checked it out yet.

I'm writing mostly because I have a small thing to announce. As I'm reaching an important point in Day 2, I want to go back to writing updates for other characters too. This month there will be an update for Rune, and for 1-2 other characters, depending on how much much effort that will take. Devon's route is already a bit ahead of Rune's, so there won't be any new scenes for him this month.

Moreover, I wanted to ask you if you'd like to get news about the development more often. I don't want to send you too many emails and notifications, so I usually stick with posts for just update releases and sneak peeks, but if you'd like I could communicate with you more often. The poll is open to all patrons, has no time constraint and is mostly just for my information.

Also: exactly a week ago Dawn Chorus turned one year old! On 26th July 2020 we've released our first demo to a limited audience after a small campaign on Twitter involving instant photos with our characters, drawn by hq. We have come a long way since then - the game is almost 15x longer now than was in the first build, most of the sprites got redrawn, we completely redesigned one of the characters, recruited Roborak to make custom backgrounds for us, Bakemonoy and earlier Tintiai to draw illustrations, changed the intro considerably, and got a cool custom game menu. All in all we feel it's been a good year for us, and we're excited about the future of the project. We will continue getting better all the time for you, and we're immensely grateful for all your support!

Thank you!


Ly Lycanroc

I remember when this novel was first made and when I saw the patreon, I knew I had to take the panther pledge ❤🖤 and it's been worth the investment


Quality over quantity