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After much consideration, I've decided to go with a new hairstyle for this poll. It seemed like overall people really liked the last one I've made, I felt like it was well received, I've seen it in a lot of screenshots/images and I definitely enjoyed making it. Was also a huge improvement over the first, so I'm interested in further improving and trying out new things.

However, like the last time I had a hair poll, I must warn you that these are insanely time consuming to make, hence my reservations. The last one took a full month to make, well over the 100h mark, caused some serious burnout and wreaked havoc on my released schedule that I generally like to keep.

Nevertheless, I still want to make more, I kinda like it and the end results tend to be worth it, just keep the above in mind. If you're after more frequent smaller scale releases instead of one "big" one like this, the "neither" option might be a good choice here, since this WILL affect future release count and what gets made.

Anyway, hairstyles/poll options bellow:

Hairstyle 1

- This one was in the last hair poll, came out in number 2. I figured it was worth giving it another chance in this poll.

- To shortly reiterate my thoughts that were in the last poll about it, very nice looking hairstyle, visually impressive and unique but pretty complex. Would take a lot of time and some trial and error for the different braid types. Was my personal favourite in the last poll, but for this one, I prefer some of the others bellow.

Hairstyle 2

- All new options from here on.

- The last 2 hairstyles I made were more on the curly and messy side. I kinda want to experiment with some cleaner, well-kept, straight hair for my next hairstyle, both with the model and the texture, so this and the next options are heavily biased towards that.

- This cut seems like a great pick for experimenting, it's straight but not flat and boring, has interesting variation in it and the back looks killer. The hair itself is fairly straightforward and doesn't have much, if any complications, so it would also be decently fast to make to when compared to some of the other options here. Overall best of all worlds, so this is my personal pick in this poll.

Hairstyle 3

- Keeping in line with the last option, another straight haircut, Misa Amane's hairstyle from Death Note. This is pretty much a slightly more complex number 2, that uses those side pigtails.

- Now, this is a pretty cool hairstyle, in fact it's probably my favourite from here, but I do have one problem with it, somewhat big too .... it comes from an anime. No, I don't have a problem with anime hair, in fact I've seen quite a few styles that caught my attention and look awesome, the actual issue is with finding real life photo reference for these hairs. There just isn't enough detail in a 2d drawing to model a photo realistic hair, nowhere near enough. Cosplayers to the rescue here, but even so, most are wigs that look fake and it's impossible to find certain angles or closeups, so it's far from ideal.

- Still, I think it may be worth the hassle, and there are somewhat similar more generic pigtails photos that I can refer to, so I'm very much willing to give it a try.

Hairstyle 4

- Both of the previous hairs that were made, as well as all the options on this poll are long hairstyles, so I figured I should offer the choice for some shorter hair. This is pretty messy but overall still straight so it keeps with the straight hair theme of this poll.

- Now, I personally prefer longer styles in general, but especially in regards to making an impressive 3d model. Most hairstyles in games are short or shoulder length at best due to ease of rigging/animating and of course actually modeling them, so I wanted to get away from that with my models.

- Nevertheless, while this is my least favourite option out of all, it still looks good and I quite like it. Even though it's not as visually impressive as a longer style, it should still look great when done and one the plus side, it's definitely the fastest to make out of all of the options here.

Those are all the options for this one. The poll is multi-choice like the last ones, so you can pick more than one. I'll only make the most-voted-for item right now, but definitely pick more options if you like 'em, even if they don't win, as it gives me a good ideea of interest in some of the others for the future.

I'm not sure when this would get done if one of the hairs is voted for as opposed to neither, very hard to say with all the possible choices here, but regardless of what gets picked (as in a style), it's probably late next month at the earliest.

Leaving this open until the 11th of next month, should give me some time to buffer up and finish some other releases. Take care :)



I like them all pretty much, but as far as in game, long hair always clips and the parts that touch the body look unnatural (again, clipping), even if you add the physics because we all make different sized women and hair is not one-size-body fits all. So yeah, I'm going with 4 cause it's cute, and fits the wasteland better. One is gorgeous but it's more suited to SSE IMHO.


I love the fourth hairstyle. It's simple and would go well with my Asian character. And most importantly, there are no worries about clipping.