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As yet untitled Gina video



On the topic of recommendations and subscriptions, I have been hearing content creators complaining about people not seeing their videos or others getting unsubscribed, but I have never ran into such as issue. As in, ever. Granted, I only have maybe thirty or so channels I'm subscribed to, so it is hard to miss a new upload, but still, after so many years, you would think I would experience an issue this wide-spread at least once. However, one change that I have seen lately is the way YouTube recommends videos on the home page. In particular, the app has this feature now where it automatically plays the thumbnails if I stop scrolling while searching for a video, and the site counts that as a "view" even if it only lasted for a second. The same goes for YouTube shorts recommended on the home page. Because of this, my home page is now often cluttered with random animal videos and other nonsense, because the algorithm aggressively pushes videos connected to the last one I saw. This can, theoretically, lead to your videos getting crowded out by random crap, especially if people don't know they can tag a video "not interested" and get it out of the recommendation pool. However, this knife cuts both ways, as when I rewatched your Hello, I'm a Scientist series (so nostalgic!), for the next couple of days half of my recommendations were from your channel.


I've also heard a suggestion that some dodgy channels set up with a very similar name to a popular one to poach their subs whenever someone mis-types whilst searching - then they set up as whatever they were originally going to be & keeping anyone who doesn't unsubscribe after the change... Then people who think they're subscribed to one channel are actually subbed to a different (scammy) channel... I think it was "How to Cook That" who raised this issue, since so many of the content farms are either cooking or "life hacks". Probably not a huge issue but an issue nonetheless, especially if they're consistently getting away with it...


I was removed from Jimmy Dore and Kyle Kolenski a couple years back.