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[This has been sent to every patron]
Hello everyone, I've gone ahead and made a new discord, please do the following steps:

1) Leave the old server "AT's VIP Club"

2) If you have not auto-joined, follow Patreon's instructions on how to here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access#:~:text=Once%20you've%20connected%20your,server%20button%20to%20be%20removed.

3) Join "AT's Outer Haven"

The server is still in rebuilding phase, I apologize again for the inconvenience.


My real handles are punishedat on discord, @AyyTee3D and @AyyTeeSFW on twitter.

Please ignore any messages coming from any accounts pretending to be me, I will also not message you on those accounts trying to get you to download anything either.

Thank you and message me if you have issues.
Published: 2023-11