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Grease Ball

Glad you're enjoying yourself Nicholas. Do what you want to do I'll glaze till the end brotha


keep up the good work nick :)

Tyler Hawke

"it cums when it cums." just like dick do

Asiel Ramirez

Dude, this arc and the next will be so fucking great I can't wait for you to watch it


Take all the time you need brother, im usually part of the silent majority but with all the dipshits coming out of the woods you gotta make sure some positivity gets through. Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon

Tyler Hawke

it's funny you mention megaman because ochakos hero outfit is inspired by megaman


If "I can fix him" was a show.

Sr RafaTV

bones 3>

Ghost Face

super stoked to see you learn more about OFA and how amazing deku's control actually is / will become !!


Shigaraki (hand on face evil guy) has Tsukishima's VA, very cool to hear

Tyler Hawke

one thing I respect about Iida is him acknowledging he might be doing this in vain... but that's family. you slide for family.

Ghost Face

i honestly dont know if you'll come around on endeavor like as you see shit as time goes on... man yeah i dunno i fuckin hate the man personally 😭

Ghost Face

alsoo deku is inspired a lot by spiderman, and it becomes much more prominent later on



Maycol Senpai

Full Cowling!!!🔥✨🐉❤️ I was just about to get something to eat, and then a Nichola’s email pop up! WICHOLAS 🐐🔥


it comes when it comes 😏


Ah, the winged nomu makes me so sad.

James Perrott

My favourite part of season 2 now that the mini gran torino training arc is done with and its got serious, love this stuff


If you know the identity of it? Yeah, it's sad af.

James Perrott

youre actually such a weirdo its unreal but what else would i expect from a challenged idiot using AI generated garbage as his profile picture, youre a worthless person

Azariel 竜月

Ngl for any reaction I wouldn’t mind you vibing to the OPs at least once !


It's so sad and so disturbing at the same time, I already want Nick to get to the most serious part of the story regarding the nomus.


Can’t wait for the next batch


I wanted to see your reaction to this specific ending because of the medieval theme(? that it has, plus Lisa sings it, if I'm not mistaken! but that will be for another time, haha.

Brady Goldblatt

Thanks nick! No promises is the way to go. Keeps everyone in their seats.

Toasted Toad

It's a shame about the big spoiler in the title sequence for this section of the season. Still, what can you do? Izuku levels up. Finally!


youre the best


Too long and meaningless I dropped at the 3th line stfu and go write a book

Yuliy Tenrou

glad i subbed for a year to keep with these reactions because you the only reacting content creator that i enjoy.

Project Pachia

Ppl stop spoiling and let Nicholas react and make his opinions for any current episodes he is on

Ricky V



I think this OP is tied as my fave with Odd future. The band also did the best 86 OP.


"It comes when it comes" - Nicholas Light 2024.


Don't worry about forcing yourself broski, we all want to see you at your best and if that means you have more breaks or upload less often then that's perfectly okay


You seemed more upbeat/loose this video. I hope that's a sign of your depression lifting, and not some masking. Wish you the best.


Loving the reactions man. We all come here for you and your personality so don't feel like you have to force yourself to entertain us. We all want to see you at your best and if that means uploading less often or taking a break we support you. Much love man <3


Next couple of episodes are good


Watch the ending forehead-sama. Its Lisa and its a great ending


Still better than the "You are my special" cringe ass series. JJK lame ass generic shonen shit.

Koba Puffs

it seems like you do but i hope you are enjoying mha because I know you said you aren’t going to force yourself to keep up with extra series that aren’t interesting to you and I understand that thought with that said seems like you are getting into the area of mha that starts to get a little darker bit by bit and covers a lot more ideas also much more character growth and etc love this reaction as always and wish you the best day/night!


I personally never came around on Endeavor, and I don't think you have to or will either - he's a well written character, but well-written and likeable/redeemable are not the same :~)


Bro he's said he likes the show a lot multiple times lol

Einar Engen

MHA endings reaction when??


Bro if you hate the buffering just use the watermarked website in the bottom right of the video. Anix.to is far and away the best anime website I’ve used.

Vailing Bow

Honestly Best Jeanists assessment of Bakugo is completely correct. What Mt. Lady did to Mineta is deserved.


Deku’s improving quickly because he was already entrusted with great power. It’s not like he’s gaining any more of it, he’s only mastering it little by little.


By the way, the first My Hero film is set between season 2 and season 3 if you plan on watching the films too. what you should because they are very worth it

Joshua Partridge

nah dont come around on endeavor, mfs who did just forgot or only had perfect parents

Wild Wesley

Nah don’t give endeavor any grace. I can sympathize with any character but I’ll never excuse their horrific actions. Fuck endeavor. I won’t say more than that because I don’t want to spoil, but fuck him


Bro for me endeavor is one of my top 3 characters rn😭

Nathan Mccarthy

Why like characters or get invested at all then if them being drawings makes it irrelevant lol


if his wife was able to move on, you should too. he's not 100% redeemable, but come on, you cannot deny he IS a hero who's trying.


I cannot wait until we see more of Endeavor. I assure you, he will climb very far in your favorite MHA character list. At least he has become my favorite by far


Nobody's asking people to excuse his actions, but people do want to show just how much he's developed. The Endeavor we see at the start acts completely different than after his development.


I learned to love endeavor even tho I hated him and now he’s one of my favorite character


Bruh my parents aren’t perfect and that’s exactly why I came around on endeavor. It was exactly what I wanted from my own parents so I had a real respect for it


All I’ll say is as someone who came from an abusive household, I don’t need you or anyone else to whiteknight for me and I wouldn’t be surprised if others in my shoes feel the same way. If the people that mistreat us learn to genuinely be better and make amends for the hurt they cause, there are not many traits more admirable and it commands great respect from me. That’s all I ever wanted from mine.


I am not trying to whiteknight you, or anyone else - as someone who had an abusive parent myself, I personally do not feel the same way you do about the situation. I am not trying to stand on high moral grounds, I am most literally responding to the lot Nick mentioned were telling him he'd come around on Endeavor. With or without his themes, im just trying to say that you can appreciate a character's development IN MEDIA without liking or approving of said character. While I agree that I cannot speak for everyone, and I apologize if thats the way it came across, I do not think that it's fair for you to apply the same to me either.


If nick is reacting to the mha movies, is the first movie set between season 2 and 3? Can’t really remember when I watched it but he would absolutely love then and they are canon aswell. :)

Brandon Gomez

hey dumbass stop spoiling in the comments because someone insulted your favorite character


its crazy this shit got 300 likes and this the least interesting episodes


really hope he gets the reaction done today as I really wanna see how he reacts to the next couple episodes lol


yeah the first movie takes place right after season 2

Adam Krasnodębski

He usually uploads MHA around this hour, so it’s either gonna be out in a few minutes or later during the week


It always amazes me how many likes MHA gets even on more tame eps like these. Where was this support when this was tied with Code Geass? Lol


I think youre watching to many shows at once. I feel like the stress will go down if you take a break on a couple


wasn't there to be a MHA episode today as well??


Probably because most people who liked this also like code geass


Endeavor is nowhere near as bad as Hitler what 🤣 horrible comparison


not a 100% since he said there might come or not

Eric Mohn

i can't properly regulate myself unless i get 16 episodes of anime reaction content per week


there are still multiple hours left in today


It will probably come out tomorrow. It's 10:20 est rn

XI_A_Sourodip Roy

Somehow mha seems to Dominate Nick's patreon

Nathan Aitcheson

Go watch some other reactor than, Nick constantly tells us LIFE happens and can't upload right away.


the next couple' episodes are gonna be fun; the dude says the video come when they come and honestly id rather have them pop up when hes unwinded and having fun watching it


i hate when he has to stress with the episodes cuz people want them everyday

Jeroen Preder

I can't WAIT for the reaction of the next 2 Ep.


"Sokka, Shine!" -Hero Killer Stain & -Geto Suguru


nah code geaas didnt have as many likes this mf got his shit infested like legit this the least good episodes and its almost reaching 400


I’m pretty sure he was joking, acting like the people who are ungrateful for what he gives us

Chris Gama

Hey Nick, I dont remember but have you reacted to the MHA endings before? I know you did the openings. I was just reminded just how cool the ending songs on these episodes are, they dont give spoilers so dont worry, but I think you'll like em.


forgiving a real person for something horrible and liking a written character for developing are in comparable. This is fiction, I don't mean that in a demeaning way like it should be obvious, but remember that a character's writing isn't judged by real world standards most of the time. Same reason people like villains. You most likely wouldn't be against people that enjoy Sukuna's character for being unapologetically evil, so you probably shouldn't be against those that simply enjoy the character writing that endeavor has. Endeavor has also become one of my favorite characters from this series, but that isn't to say I'm in support of what he's done. He's just well written is all


By this point I wouldn't really say Deku is learning fast, it was a big revelation for him yea but tbf all he really did was stopped activating it in one place at a time, not because he wasn't able to spread it before but just because he didn't think about it in a normal way since he idolizes it too much.


Next two eps gonna be crazy can’t wait for them today

Heroic Montages

Put one more questionmark in your question and I'm gonna rip you a hair off and swallow it

Heroic Montages

Ayo Nick, if you see this, don't oversee it. It's a +1 positive comment! :D


The opening of this season is by Amazarashi. Idk if youve done reactions to him already but i highly recommend

Griffith Augustine

Stain don’t really hate heroes he just hates the fake ones, for him a true hero is like all-might and is his standard for what a true hero really is. I like the stain arc it’s one of my fav arc in this season.


Real respectable response. You approached level-headed and I appreciate that. I hope it didn’t come across too poorly. Have a good day.


You're fine as well - text always leaves room for different interpretation of tone/misunderstanding etc. I appreciate your response back as well! Have a good one.


The sub is fantastic but I just Cannot get Iida's dub of that last scene out of my head - its SO GOOD!!! The line Iida says changes to: ["I have come to stop you - because he Can't anymore!"] and it has so much power, chokes me up every time lmao. Also! I'm so glad to hear you're stepping back from the promises and just doing what you're able to at the moment! I want to see you thrive and enjoy your experiences just as much as I enjoy watching you have them. Lots of love to you and Liv, Nick!


Please watch the closing scene and react to that song !! It’s probably favorite out of this seasons.

CSR Kurapika

My name is jean ahahah (Jean-Christophe) X)


I love when characters in Anime go to sh'BEW yuh. The best place in Tokyo.