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How much you gonna make me love you nic!



izzy (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 PEAK
2024-02-21 22:09:29 PEAK



why does he hate orihime so much lmaoo


Everyone that watched the anime hate her .


pretty sure i seen bleach n didn’t hate her at all lmao sure there were times where she was annoying but i didn’t hate her character


She’s just annoying female character, she cries and call kurosaki-khun 10 thousand times in one episode that why she’s hated .

Kuroichi Haname

Bro… next episodes are the best ones….

Kuroichi Haname

Well, she doesn’t have any zanpakuto or any crazy power to fight for herself, so she just relays on Ichigo kun, I mean wwyd in her situation? Only stand in Ichigo’s view to let him know that’s she’s okay, and also to protect with the shield if needed. It’s better than just to run away and let Ichigo wonder if she’s safe or not. And all that moaning and repeating his name again and again is just her hope, she’s cheering for him, whe actually hope that he will drag her out from HuecoMundo. I guess that why Nick hates her, because she doesn’t do anything and repeating one thing again and again. But I think it’s better, than to engage in a fight, endangering herself and distracting Ichigo from fight. She doesn’t want to run as well, because as I said, it will make Ichigo worrying about her safety. So the best solution is - to be in his presence and hope for him. Idk, like a brain chemistry or something like that

Zhao Tang

Finally, there's no more boring shit to follow, even the fullbring arc is much better than most of the smaller battles in the arrancar arc.

Emil Haag

Its happening...


Next stream is gonna be fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Stas Kramarenko

hope next patreon anime will be gintama its gonna be absolutely crazy


It’s cause the anime makes her an annoying damsel in distress unfortunately

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

Nick man i love u but stfu about inoue she literally has the same lines as hinata does and you love her "naruto-kun" *moan* she just says the name when she worried


hinata is barely in the show if you hate her you just got anger problems😂😂😂

King Faraz

Thanks Nick! I thought you uploaded My Hero Academia for this Wednesday afternoon in my time (UTC +7) because there will be 6 episodes this week including yesterday, maybe tomorrow in the morning huh?


Nick as much as i love u. How does orhime annoy you this much ya i can see why but shes not that bad like just let her moan.


Fr. Like i love nick so much hes all i watch but at the same time i just get so annoyed while watching like omg


I think it's the intensity and the difference in voice that makes Inoue less appealing.


Really? I personally despise and hate the Fullbring Arc. Literally every fight, except for 1 and a half moment of 2 fights that are "good", sucks ass and only because of plot-convenience and anime-stupidity


the orihime hate is so forced man its so annoying


Nick, could you please return to Vimeo 😭 patreon player sucks😭😭😭


i'm not a big fan of orihime either but he is so overdramatic about the kurosaki-kun thing lmao

Peter Parker

nick said to inoue not to ruin the mood but holy fcuk he ruined my mood with all the hatreds . idgaf what everyone will say

Zhao Tang

Well, I personally love that arc mainly because mystery-solving and plot twists. As for fights, byakuya vs tsukishima is good. ichigo vs ginjo is great, the light novel made that fight much more impactful. Rest of fights are not impressive, but the overall pace of that arc is great, they didnt drag too much so I dont hate them.


Bleach peak moments go so hard and its 10/10, but all this in between mid offs is boring as shit, and makes this series almost unwatchable. They need to remake the whole thing or make a OnePace style cut.


Because you can kill Orihime and the series lore wouldnt change at all. Same as Sakura. Just there to fill the female slot for the horny teen age boys that shonen is made for. Coomerbait. Nothing else.


W upload!

AstaMonsta (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-24 16:04:41 does anyone know if nick was talking about 6 eps of mha for this week or next week?
2024-02-22 11:23:53 does anyone know if nick was talking about 6 eps of mha for this week or next week?

does anyone know if nick was talking about 6 eps of mha for this week or next week?

Elfe Carter

Please return to vimeo🙏🏽


I feel you...the anime always portrays Orihime as some damsel and it's getting pretty annoying if most oft her lines are "kurosaki-kun".

Christian Clark

I forgot that song for ulqiorra. so good

Christian Clark

what is actually wrong with patreon? I hit play and it plays. and remembers where I was if I close. vimeo opens a new tab for each and if I come back to it I have to reload and find where I was


Inoue is the best character if she would get serious she could easily beat everyone in the show

Gray Cadmon

I forgot I was on ur patreon. Wanted to come back, and I realized I didn't even leave in the first place. And what do I see? The biggest hype arc of this anime. Let's gooo!

Asher Sanjan Abraham

Bro is about to MELT next stream and for the next 3 streams easily. Roughly 5-6 more streams to finish the arrancar arc, another 4 for the Fullbring arc and a week of TYBW streams to catch up to Bleach. Hell yeah!

Hielo Kasama

Can’t wait for next week!!


Stopping at 269 COME OOOOOON !!!!!! 😭🥲 I’m dying there !!!


That's the worst take I've ever heard in my life. Orihime is emotionally the most developed character, and Ichigo would have died countless times if Orihime didn't exist. Sure her VA could be a little bothersome, but if you say that she doesn't impact the lore, you are factually wrong. She also posseses arguably one of the most broken powers in the entire Bleach universe, they have shown us that and made it clear couple of times, and no spoilers but they will make that clear many more times in the future as well.


^ just to clarify, I don't care if you like or hate her. But if you say she is not impactful in the lore and just a bait character, you are wrong.


imo fullbringer arc's plot was one of the better written plots in bleach, it's just that the power levels go down and that's what bothers most people I assume


It's called herd mentality, and sadly this effects most anime series since community likes to interact with eachother so much. What surprises me is that Nick usually is decently open-minded so it's the first time I'm seeing him fall into this


Yeah imo what holds back bleach is the fillers (and no, I don't mean the filler arcs although bount arc really sucks but the rest of them are actually pretty sick, I mean the little filler fights and scenes they added or extended in the anime) If bleach was a shorter show with all the bs cut out, I can't see how anyone would be able to hate on it tbh

Rehan khan

Look at this loser for disabling the comment section and not at least giving an excuse for mha delayed reaction

Leburs (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 Shoutout to Nick for finally disabling the comments on the Avatar post, people were getting to become too much. Take your time Nick 🙏
2024-02-23 13:08:18 Shoutout to Nick for finally disabling the comments on the Avatar post, people were getting to become too much. Take your time Nick 🙏

Shoutout to Nick for finally disabling the comments on the Avatar post, people were getting to become too much. Take your time Nick 🙏

Cody Galo (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 Look at this loser, complaining someone doesn’t watch anime on time. It ain’t that serious, y’all need to chill the fuck out
2024-02-24 16:04:41 Look at this loser, complaining someone doesn’t watch anime on time. It ain’t that serious, y’all need to chill the fuck out
2024-02-23 13:12:33 Look at this loser, complaining someone doesn’t watch anime on time. It ain’t that serious, y’all need to chill the fuck out

Look at this loser, complaining someone doesn’t watch anime on time. It ain’t that serious, y’all need to chill the fuck out


Man why are people so toxic man. He literally gives everything to entertain us and this is how you treat him? Didn't expect this community to be this toxic

Mario Garcia

Bro stfu he can upload whenever he can and wants to if he has the time .

Cody Galo (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 Nick I know it’s easier said than done, but ignore the immature haters, keep doing what you’re doing. We still love you and the content I’d be tempted to say fuck the schedule, and just upload what you feel like, and if they don’t like it they don’t need to sit and bitch and moan. But that’s just me, just do what’s best for you
2024-02-24 16:04:41 Nick I know it’s easier said than done, but ignore the immature haters, keep doing what you’re doing. We still love you and the content I’d be tempted to say fuck the schedule, and just upload what you feel like, and if they don’t like it they don’t need to sit and bitch and moan. But that’s just me, just do what’s best for you
2024-02-23 13:14:25 Nick I know it’s easier said than done, but ignore the immature haters, keep doing what you’re doing. We still love you and the content I’d be tempted to say fuck the schedule, and just upload what you feel like, and if they don’t like it they don’t need to sit and bitch and moan. But that’s just me, just do what’s best for you

Nick I know it’s easier said than done, but ignore the immature haters, keep doing what you’re doing. We still love you and the content I’d be tempted to say fuck the schedule, and just upload what you feel like, and if they don’t like it they don’t need to sit and bitch and moan. But that’s just me, just do what’s best for you

Jacob Hodges

Ignore the haters you’re the goat

Kyle Anthony

Who in God's name are you to be shunning the man for missing one day of reactions. People have lives you know, and you complaining for no god damn reason over a delayed schedule doesn't help anyone, doesn't do anything. You know what these comments do? Bring stress, lack of motivation, and God knows what else for the creators. people who do this are just diseases to their communities.

Trollstuhl HagenLord

get the fuck out of this patreon you disgusting human being. missing one upload and you dickhead want to make wave? stfu

Rehan khan

Bro I like nick too that's why I subscribed but lately he hasn't been the same just look at his update post he just posted I give content for a very low price . Now u all tell me can we all say the same that it's a low price . Personally I never expected nick to say something so selfish. We are not subscribed to him because he offered us something for cheap and we are beggars it's because we love his content anyway I am going to unsubscribe hopefully he gets his senses back someday peace out


Nick, you’re the best. I will always be your fan🫡


I don't know exactly what happened, but you're cool man. people who complain so much are either just kids or immature spoiled brats, you're awesome man.


Look at this loser! People like you are clowns. The amount of content we get from Nick for the price we pay is way more than generous. He can miss out on a week once in awhile. Grow the fuck up and stop complaining about stupid shit. He reacts to alot of stuff not just mha SMH

Ghost Face

to be fair if you're part of the group paying like $3 that really IS a low price.. especially, mind you, this (reacting in general) is how this man makes his living. paying for patreon isn't a requirement and everyone who has paid is willing to do so. it's DEFINITELY low price

Wesley Lambert

Can’t stand the whiners on here. Complaining about every little thing that doesn’t please them. If you don’t like it leave. It’s simple. But I appreciate you nick for the content you give us. Glad I’m subscribed to a guy who cares about his subscribers. Can’t wait for the unloads later today. Keep up the work and keep this negativity out of your mind!


Nick, I think it's a little unfair to try to say you've only messed up once. These criticisms aren't just appearing out of nowhere, they're happening because they've seen you mess up time and time again.


Nick you're right life gets In the way sometimes personally I loved your avatar reaction so I hope I'll get to see more on that if not that's a shame but it is what it is hope you know not everyone here is whining a lot of us genuinely do love your content



What about when he consistently misses weeks 🤣 this is not his first time missing a week DESPITE what his Misleading post would tell you. The claims of "He always breaks promises" don't just appear out of thin air.


Yeah but we're only paying $3 a month. We can give the guy a break


Agree he does way more for us than he has too, and people complain about one show he misses an upload for. Bunch of kids forsure

The Shiz

He doesn't need to he has explained many times if he misses a day he will make up for it he doesn't have to tailor to people who are impatient

Rehan khan

Finally someone with a sensible response. Creators think that whenever they get hate it's the community fault nick mentioned 2 or 3 times that MHA drop tomorrow and than he posts avatar we are not complaining about the schedule it happens he cannot do things sometimes because of life but don't commit if you can't deliver

The Shiz

If you don't like how he operates stop paying the 3 dollars let the man do what he wishes end of the day he doesn't have to do this


It's true the comments shouldn't be as hateful. But Nick outright lying for pity is also uncalled for. The root of the problem lies in he doesn't update his Patreon enough. If he doesn't plan to post something that day then he should let us know, then the ones who stay up and wait for it aren't pissed off in the morning. I really think just posting "Hey, Haikyu won't be out today, I've got some stuff going on" would be much more effective than "If I say it will be out it will be out I just can't disclose when" people are more forgiving when you let them in and communicate


Bleach your probably one of the kids who was complaining "when's bleach coming back, when's bleach" on every post when he said is was gonna be the next month.


What if instead of encouraging everyone to unsubscribe (thus lowering his income) you encouraged Nick to communicate more with his audience? I never understood why people tell everyone to unsubscribe. That's like going to someone's boss and telling them to lower their wages

Ryan Borthwick

Don't worry about the idiots in the comments, I know they're part of your community but as far as I'm concerned they're a bunch of entitled pricks. Anyone complaining can fuck off, you're paying £3 a month and getting more content than 99% of content creators do. I won't name names, but I'm paying £8.50 a month for someone who posts 4/5 times a week, and because the reactions are so interesting I'll happily pay it. Stop complaining and appreciate the content Nick gives you


You guys are too much, ungrateful bunch of whining kids


More than one show btw, this has been done more than once. How about stop trying to derail the opposing argument with just calling them kids. These are people with genuine and valid concerns. They pay Nick for content (A transaction, if you didn't know) and thus have a right to criticize his constant lack of sticking to a schedule and lack of communication. He has missed multiple shows in multiple weeks in the past, and only recently started addressing it.

Leburs (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-24 16:04:41 There’s no way people started complaining in this comment section now like damn he said he’s dropping all 4 eps today, y’all gonna make him not even enjoy watching it
2024-02-23 13:39:00 There’s no way people started complaining in this comment section now like damn he said he’s dropping all 4 eps today, y’all gonna make him not even enjoy watching it

There’s no way people started complaining in this comment section now like damn he said he’s dropping all 4 eps today, y’all gonna make him not even enjoy watching it

Leburs (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 Literally, he already said he’s dropping all 4 eps, what’s the problem
2024-02-23 13:39:36 Literally, he already said he’s dropping all 4 eps, what’s the problem

Literally, he already said he’s dropping all 4 eps, what’s the problem

Rehan khan

Are you his gf with a fake name bruh nick is acting like a hypocrite if time was an issue than how come he got time to react to avatar and not MHA (which he promised) so stop acting like a loser and grow up

Leburs (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 Bro he just said he’s dropping the eps today stop complaining
2024-02-23 13:40:38 Bro he just said he’s dropping the eps today stop complaining

Bro he just said he’s dropping the eps today stop complaining


Exactly. Updates are the key to keeping a paying subscription. It takes a total of maybe 2 minutes to give us an update saying "Hey, just so you know Avatar will be taking up the MHA post for today." Like how hard is that instead of making everyone guess if their show will be dropped. It's a simple matter of respect of our time to let us know because I read where some people stay up until like 3 am waiting for the drops and they never come.

Ryan Borthwick

It's incredible to tell someone to grow up when you're upset over 2 episodes of a series that you're going to get in the coming days anyway


Sorry people are constantly complaining bro, I appreciate u and understand that things get in the way.


Yeah that really disappointed me. He just deflected every claim of him being inconsistent and now all of the people who don't understand will flock to his support.

David Souza

Are People really complaining that much? What the hell is going on? Can't people understand that when you pay on Patreon, you're just subscribing to a channel, you're not *buying the owner of the channel* These people need help, immediately Also Nick please stay strong, there's still people here that love and support you all the way.

Rehan khan

Hmmm you are right I will stop complaining and play palworlds instead

Wesley Lambert

You must be new here. He’s missed some shows yes. He’s made up for those missed shows yes. He tells us he will try to stick with the schedule and has said that numerous times. He doesn’t promise to go by the schedule. He says “try” and he has done that. He does promise to get those uploads to us no matter what even if it is a day or week late. It doesn’t matter we still get the same exact uploads he promised us even if it’s late. Don’t cry cause you can’t watch your reaction the day he said he’d post it. If your mad leave. It’s so easy. Don’t comment on my own opinionated comment. Make your own. If you object ok I don’t mind. It’s your opinion (even if you are wrong). No point in arguing in the chats that we all pay for. Just do nick and yourself a favor and unsubscribe. I’m sure he won’t mind

Adam Krasnodębski

The thing is I actually think majority of people complaining are children, who think that giving someone a few dollars a month is equal to signing a life long contract where Nick has to do all their bidding


The problem is there will be no change. He will continue to leave us in the dark, and this exact post will happen again in the future. I'm confident that at least half of these "haters" would disappear if he would do 1 of these 2 simple things. 1. Communicate when a post will be missed. Not that hard and keeps people from guessing, yeah we have the "promise" that it will always release by the end of the week but he misses that. Or 2. Don't deviate from your schedule. I guarantee if he made posts saying "Avatar is taking the MHA drop for today" then people would not be as pissed because they wouldn't be left waiting all day for something they're excited for

Rehan khan

COMMUNITY NOTE: Stop adding comments here from the update this is not the comment section for update I added a comment here which caused this chain reaction . Nick is so scared of his community valuable feedback that he is disabling the comment section of every post and update .Stop commenting here


Lmao if I didn't know what a transaction is you clown, I'm here too which mean I paid aswell. They are kids because only kids complain like that for $3 when we get way more than $3 worth of content.

Leburs (edited)

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2024-02-23 14:09:16 Thank you for bring this to light
2024-02-23 13:48:56 Thank you for bring this to light

Thank you for bring this to light

Leburs (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 Like they bout to make this man not like streaming anime anymore
2024-02-23 13:49:38 Like they bout to make this man not like streaming anime anymore

Like they bout to make this man not like streaming anime anymore


Not upset about the episodes btw, read the comments bro. We're upset we don't get communication and now he's deflecting all of that.

Leburs (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 Then unsubscribe fucktard stop attacking him for doing things outside of streaming, go outside and enjoy life
2024-02-23 13:50:29 Then unsubscribe fucktard stop attacking him for doing things outside of streaming, go outside and enjoy life

Then unsubscribe fucktard stop attacking him for doing things outside of streaming, go outside and enjoy life


Ok thats true but you started the chain and now your telling people to stop 💀

Ghost Face

interesting to actively pay for a guy you have no trust for, or seem not to anyway. it's different in youtube comments where it's free but paying..


Nick I love watching your stuff, you are the only person I pay to view thier stuff on patreon. please dont let a minority of ungrateful people stress you or get to you. I stand by you and will always remain patient to view your reactions, keep being the 🐐

Cody Galo (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 You were one of the first comments on here calling him a loser for disabling comments, gtfoh with that shit
2024-02-24 16:04:41 You were one of the first comments on here calling him a loser for disabling comments, gtfoh with that shit
2024-02-23 13:56:57 You were one of the first comments on here calling him a loser for disabling comments, gtfoh with that shit

You were one of the first comments on here calling him a loser for disabling comments, gtfoh with that shit

Rehan khan

Did you even read what I said I said the exact same thing as u just said .I posted a comment which I have full authority to as a member of this channel and u all idiots think this is the comment section for the update

Cody Galo (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 Don’t complain then, delete your comment if you don’t want this to be the discussion place.
2024-02-24 16:04:41 Don’t complain then, delete your comment if you don’t want this to be the discussion place.
2024-02-23 14:05:02 Don’t complain then, delete your comment if you don’t want this to be the discussion place.

Don’t complain then, delete your comment if you don’t want this to be the discussion place.

Rehan khan

Why should I delete it when you are the idiots for thinking this is the comment section for update and not bleach


Bro stfu you literally made the first comment complaining about something that was not bleach related

Cody Galo (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 I’m going to give Nick a higher subscription to make up for dumbasses like you leaving the community, it’ll be a better place once y’all are gone
2024-02-24 16:04:41 I’m going to give Nick a higher subscription to make up for dumbasses like you leaving the community, it’ll be a better place once y’all are gone
2024-02-23 14:07:30 I’m going to give Nick a higher subscription to make up for dumbasses like you leaving the community, it’ll be a better place once y’all are gone

I’m going to give Nick a higher subscription to make up for dumbasses like you leaving the community, it’ll be a better place once y’all are gone

Rehan khan

I commented here because all the other comment sections are disabled and if you don't like what I say than ...


Nick, don't feel pressured by a minority, we pay for watching you react and that's what you're doing, if they don't like it they can unsubscribe, remember you're like the boss, you're doing what you're saying and if you feel like disabling comments or taking a break is best then do it


So you're the idiot who thought this was a comment section for the update and not bleach 💀 you're eating your own words

Cody Galo (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 Man these immature little shits are such a pain in the ass on the community
2024-02-24 16:04:41 Man these immature little shits are such a pain in the ass on the community
2024-02-23 14:10:45 Man these immature little shits are such a pain in the ass on the community

Man these immature little shits are such a pain in the ass on the community

Cody Galo (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 So did the others, dumbass.
2024-02-24 16:04:41 So did the others, dumbass.
2024-02-23 14:11:46 So did the others, dumbass.

So did the others, dumbass.

Rehan khan

Oh you are right at least be a man and say thanks as I provided a way to provide feedback for you guys (good or bad )


You people still complaining what else do you people want honestly, you people forget he's a human being, you people just couldn't wait? Do you people know what "life get caught up in the way" is, it's not like his fking drop the damn show did he drop the damn show? No! ITS JUST LATE, HE LOVE MHA IS THAT STILL NOT ENOUGH? HE WILL GET IT DONE AND WHEN ITS DONE HE WILL UPLOAD. DID HE DROPPED ANY PREVIOUS EXCLUSIVE SHOWS NO HE GET IT DONE AND COMPLETE ALL OF THEM SO YOU PEOPLE RATHER FORCE PUSH EVERYTHING AND HE GET SICK? DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE A BRAIN DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO NICK'S PATREON IF YOU ALL WANT TO BE LIKE THIS JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T GET WHAT YOU WANT IN TIME, Respect the mans channel it's his channel why you all the ones controlling the channel if you can't wait then find other content creators seriously don't come and tell me you a true fan of nick when you can't even wait. A true fan of NicholasLightTv will wait and appreciate him, hope you all who complained are happy now that 4 episodes of MHA will be upload soon thank you Connies

Maycol Senpai


Cody Galo (edited)

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2024-02-24 16:04:41 Lmao you and people like you are the worst part of this community. No one wants your whiny comments
2024-02-24 16:04:41 Lmao you and people like you are the worst part of this community. No one wants your whiny comments
2024-02-23 14:16:37 Lmao you and people like you are the worst part of this community. No one wants your whiny comments

Lmao you and people like you are the worst part of this community. No one wants your whiny comments

L.C. (edited)

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2024-02-23 14:24:08 Lmao someone banned me on discord. Butthurt ass people.
2024-02-23 14:23:57


Rehan khan wow you're right, thank you 🤡🤡

Toasted Toad

Do you know how many streamers retire due to poor mental health caused by losers like you? Just shut up and unsubscribe.


I was once a hater and complainer myself, but he improved a fuck ton since then. He literally had time to upload MHA till sunday, but u guys are bitching and being fucking pussys for saying he's missing this or that, like, shut the fuck up lol

Brandon Gomez

You prolly deserved it, just from this comment I can tell that you’re an insufferable loser


Nic, I love your reactions and do not care if you're late! Please don't let people bully you into feeling guilty, you are doing great and your patreon is well worth the price! ❤️ Ignore the complainers they are probably children.


TO EVERYONE SAYING "I signed up for this, where’s this" Your subscription is your responsability, patreon is a place for people to share their creation, it's not a company with teams or anything like that. If you do not accept that the content you hope for might not always come when you want it, then don't subscribe cuz patreon isn't netflix or crunchyroll.

Brandon Gomez

It’s so funny to me how NOBODY defends him until he makes a post like that. Where were you guys at yesterday when he was getting harassed for uploading avatar? Y’all are only being nice now because you feel bad. Show some fucking support before it gets to this point

Brandon Gomez

Imagine thinking since you throw a couple dollars at him you suddenly have a right to be an asshole

seb paq

You are doing great Nick, dont listen to the vocal minority of dumbfucks who doesnt appreciate your work, you are putting out a ton of content every week, yeah sometimes in life some things dont always go as you would like, but its life. I'm honestly impressed by the sheer amount of content every week, week after week, dont let the complainers get to you man, much love


do people want nick to enjoy the anime and stuff he watches or just be a content robot like every other reaction channel? its not the end of the world if something doesnt get uploaded right away.

Brandon Gomez

Bleach if a reactor missing an upload has this big an impact on your life then I’m sorry you’re a fucking dweeb and need to sort your priorities out.


Wow some of you people really are a petty little bitches and being asshole's to him because he didn't upload when he said he would if you are a mature adult you would realize that sometimes things come up and life and other things get in the way I get the part where people want an update on if he is uploading this certain reaction or that certain reaction on that day or this day but he has said time and time again that sometimes he gets busy with other stuff and other things and can't upload because like I said earlier and he has said many times life gets in the way and he might miss a scheduled upload day but if you're a mature kid or adult you would realize that that's ok and just wait a day or 2 it's not the end of the world


You are absolutely right.. Nick fans are supportive if he is candid and says there will be a delay in the update, no one is gonna be passed off if you say in advance. The only reason I subscribed to this is coz I absolutely love his reactions and I don't mind waiting for it, but it'd be considerate and respectable if he did say he'd be late or maybe gonna post on a later date. Just a small effort on updating his condition will build a better bond between us, his fans and himself.


fr there was an entire uncontrolled riot going on in the avatar video


tbh drop the $3 pledge and you'll get rid of most of the little kids who bitch and moan because their mummy and daddy paid for their subsciption. I'm $3 pledge atm but only because it's the lowest amount ;) increase it and i'll be on that new lowest amount no fuss.


Well I didnt get to see the comments as I'm busy with work I only got to know when he post an update which literally pissed me off because my man worked so hard for all of us


whats so confusing? seems like your making yourself confused bro. he said in his pinned he will miss some days. its all good man. were just tryna have fun at the end of the day. this isnt some corporate account hes just a dude watching anime and shows. but if its that confusing you the way youve been going about it isnt the way man. replying to every comment. just makes this feel more like a corporate job. just relax man


I was complaining about the people who asked about bleach in every damn post but it turned out that the fans of the show I love (MHA) came out much worse and intense, people who believe that creating content means being glued to a chair all day to please are wrong in the head, we are all human, we deserve respect and space. It seems so hypocritical to me that now you defend him when yesterday you threw stones at him, ya'll were wrong, ya'll were idiots, at least have pants to accept the mistake if you made it. (I'm not speaking for everyone, if the jacket fits, it's not my problem) It is incredible that he had to make a post to raise awareness that he is also a person who can take time, I hope that the reactions to MHA are not affected by impatient and immature people.


He's not confusing himself. He's simply saying he thinks it will improve the "hate" Nick gets if Nick would just send a post when he's gonna miss a day. Just keep us updated so we're not guessing when things will come out. How hard would it have been to post a 10 word post saying Avatar is taking today's MHA post.

David Souza

We even tried to warn him about how toxic the MHA fandom is, but in the end, I guess it couldn't be prevented and here we are.


That's why mha fandom is the horrible one hahahaha..Welcome to mha community nick..Take your time and enjoy the journey..Kalau deme nak jugak tgk reaction sruh deme buat sendiri..Love From Malaysia🇲🇾🔥


ok. he didnt make a post saying no mha. so what? does it really matter? he says in the update he thought itd be fun. i get it if you think thats confusing. but its been like what an hour or two of you guys replying to every comment saying he fucked up. i really dont know what else to tell you other than get over it and move on. shit happens and enjoy the reactions to come. maybe he should make posts like that youre right. but the way yall go about it is so cringe. we arent his bosses. im done rengaging this. imma just wait patiently for the reaction. hope yall have a good one.


Yesterday's problem was thanks to the people who consume MHA, things exploded because of their comments and that's why he ended up making a post. I never said they were the only problem, far from it, so don't victimize them, because that's not the case. And I say this as a person who has loved and watched the show for three years.


Clearly the complainers have nothing better in life to occupy that time so they lash out on you. For the health of your channel and you personally, I think its best to just ignore them. Nothing ruins the experience of a reaction channel more than the impression that the creator’s enjoyment or enthusiasm for a series is insincere. When you articulate that your trying really hard to please everyone those concerns start to emerge. The majority of your supporters understand you have a life outside of Patreon. You have been clear that there will be days that are missed. As long as their is communication it should not be an issue. If people don’t like it thats on them not you. We support your content because we find your enjoyment to be sincere. Don’t let the naysayers steal that from you.


no i get what youre saying dude. and i can agree to an extent. but your going about it all wrong. thats all. have a good one.


finally bleach getting some comments lol ( jk ily nick )


mha is such a good show its just the community that turns it away from ppl


I don’t normally respond to negativity but I just read ur update and im sorry your being bullied out here because of really nothing. People here we all are paying for our Patreon membership for nicks reactions and content and no where does it imply specific content so as long as hes posting he’s doing his shit. He’s watching so much content, he’s on twitch, posting on YouTube, plus doing all the additional content he’s doing. I love how’s he’s doing MHA and I subbed for Naruto and I’d love for him to speed through these to get to the good parts but I’m so glad he’s enjoying his time. Nick your doing an amazing job don’t let the negativity on here affect ur energy because at the end of the day your still amazing. Also if people here are complaining stop paying him and leave. As always we love you keep up the amazing content, remember your doing amazing and can’t wait for Naruto next week❤️


That what I say at first place..before he decide to watch mha..everyone in Patreon warning nick about mha community..show is good..but community shit


Similarly with the comment above, i just read the update and heres the only place i can write, i'm not to bothered if people say this or any other support comment is dick riding or being too nice, but damn it was actually hell in those comments, like the poor guy, i'm normally critical, but even i'd be shook by that comment section, it was just unpleasant. He's lucky to have Liv as she'll definitely be able to keep him positive, but the reason he's negative shouldn't be his own fans, though i suppose, its inevitable, i guess the only way is just to keep pushing forward and the passer bys and haters will eventually move on. Keep pushing Nick, sometimes the best way to fight is to do nothing.

bedioc z

crazy how people are getting the content they want but still find a way to complain


The anime reaction community is so fucking toxic. Luke is dealing with similar shit with his stuff. People need to chill out, I don't give a shit if you are paying, you are paying, for the most part, to get the content early and I also guarantee almost no one complaining are actual content creators either. Shit happens, delays happen. If you can't take waiting a day, even a week, you have bigger problems with your life you need to sort out before unloading your baggage onto others.


I would say increase it to $15 and adjust everything else upward to get the same result, but that's just me don't listen to me on that LOL


Bruh people were saying yesterday "He always breaks his promises" and like how do you even come up with that why do you lie for this shit, Nick has a ton of series finished, are you in a hurry? Damn

Kaasim Alam Baloch

He said 3 days ago that MHA and Haikyuu were currently being uploaded, no upload for 25hrs, and only haikyuu was uploaded. 2 days ago he said MHA tomorrow, no upload since. He says life gets in the way but he doesn't realise that this is his full time job. Most people work 40hrs a week for 1/10 of what Nick makes off patreon. You think they can just not show up to work and say sorry life got in the way? no, they would be fired on the spot. Nobody minds if Nick misses the odd upload but he misses them fairly often. It in not unusual to be frustrated with this type of behaviour, and it isn't fair for people to not be allowed to express their feelings of frustration without being called a child or given hate


I am so sad… I would have loved to see the Avatar series with Nick, also because he seemed to enjoy it. And yes, I also love, watch and am excited for all anime stuff, but damn, he is doing a great job. Uploads a ton of footage to watch in one week for a low price compared to other streamers and all that people do is complain. Let him be and do as he wants or unsubscribe!!!!!


Nick bro, don't be looking at, or giving attention to the few upsetti spaghettis among the abnormally vast majority of satisfied and supportive fans you have here. In my, and I'm sure many other people's opinions, the quality and quantity of content you pump out is unrivaled in the anime reaction scene. Your statistics speak for themselves. People who complain about missing a day or two really need to reevaluate their priorities in life and maybe find a hobby. Nobody is perfect. We're all human. Chill the fuck out lads and enjoy the content you are undeservingly given. Much love keep up the great work!


Try missing a day of work without telling your boss and see if you boss doesn't give you shit for it.


That LC Guy is the WORST user i have ever seen . Talking BS and hating for months now. Crying About his 3$ per month. If he's not happy with the content why doesn't he unsubscribe? Because he is a hateful person. Insulting the creator because he goes on vacation over Valentine's Day instead of sticking to his plan is the worst thing I've ever experienced. The fat virgin probably sits in front of his computer 24/7 and trolls. Dude needs to touch grass and he deserves a real beating in real life.


Bro this is obviously different. You are getting anime reactions, literally chill the fuck out.


bro i cant wait until bleach is over, never seen so many cry baby bitches gather in one spot


Bro just say you've jobless?? A good job will allow you to not show up for work or be LATE like him if something clearly happened, you just have to make up for it with extra hours, I'm saying that from EXPERIENCE, why the fuck would you want Nick to have the experience of a 40hrs a week abusive job are you insane, life got in the way, and he's uploading 4eps TODAY, he's making up for it and you're all idiots for thinking you have any right to be treating the man like that


You sound like you have never worked a real job before.


Honestly I don't care that he has missed uploads and will probably continue to. That is just content creation. Paying money doesn't change that. I do blame Nick for reacting to too much at once before he had established a proper routine to handle it all. Most reactors reacting to the amount of content Nick is have multiple people that react to different shows and editors to pump out the videos. Nick needs to figure that part out.


If the concept of a real job to you is an abusive one then yeah I haven't, I have experience on a good job though, I was almost never late and if I was it was because life got in the way, they did not care, I was sick twice, they did not care, I made up in extra hours and that was it, everyone got what they wanted and they were paying way more than 3$ I assure you


People are not complaining about Bleach. They are complaining about MHA lol. Bleach fanbase is aight. Leave them alone.


People are paying money so it is at least a little serious

Adam Krasnodębski

You are right this issue is exclusive to MHA community and has never happened before with another show 🙂


Also good job retards. I'm sure nick actually wants less money so lets make sure we bully the people who give him money on a monthly basis.


This is part of the problem. Nick doesn't work for you. There is no consumer relationship. You are not paying for a service. You are paying for access to content, Nick is not your employee. I see the same shit with Helldivers II discourse, people that bought the game believe that now the devs owe them specific things or should be on call 24/7 to fix problems. That isn't how it works and that isn't how content creation works. I don't know if this is the first time you are subbing to a Patreon Marco, but you should read up on what content creation is and learn what Patreon is for.


" I was planning on getting banned at somepoint anyways " is crazy to say as an adult


I think people need to calm down with the complaints but I do think there’s some things Nick needs to start doing to mitigate it. First is not making promises or schedules you can’t keep, but that’s easier said than done, so rather he needs to start being more transparent. I think a “hey, today I will not be able to get to __ reaction because of __ reason” would be 100x more understandable than being left in the dark. The people complaining may be annoying, but keep in mind they’re only complaining because they care about the content, they could go just rewatch the show, but instead they’re excited to see Nick’s reaction.


Dragawh what you on about lol bleach isn't the problem here


Paying to hate is a virgins doing, he obviously doesn't have a life so he thinks Nick can't either


Yeah, it’s the difference between people who sub to support him and people who sub to get an uncut early reaction.


Honestly i love the show, but i dont know if the fandom is toxic. Can anyone tell me why the fandom getting toxic?


Lmao along with that they attack random commenters for no reason, clearly nothing going on in their life.


Same like me..I also watch and like this show..I think maybe cause they're unmatured people..too obsessed some character..


The Fandom is majority children, not everyone in it is toxic but majority is because of immaturity and greed. Seen it with other reaction channels, once mha gets pushed back or anything it's like its the end of the world

Adam Krasnodębski

It’s very common with fanbases of popular shows. More people watching = higher chance of vocal minorities being present. The same shit happened with BC and HxH reactions


I don't care if Nick says they are "promises", they aren't. They are plans, and plans can always go up in flames for various reasons; especially in content creation. The only caveat I will give to the people that say Nick doesn't do what he says is that he is still reacting to too much. That is on us too. We aren't policing ourselves well enough. Too many people are asking for random shit or asking when x series is starting. Nick also needs to stop adding new releases to his schedule. I get that he wants to jump on the next new thing (I am a content creator too so I get it), but you just end up reacting to lots of stuff and have a lot of unfinished reactions. He has the flow figured out mostly now, he added a day off which is 100% the right call, now he needs to figure out what shows he wants to react to, when, and why. I don't think he thinks about the "why" enough. Like "why am I picking up Blue Lock, Solo Leveling, and bringing back JoJo when I am reacting to the Big 3 and another 5 season long show?". This problem isn't going to be an easy or quick fix, Nick is going to have to ignore and piss off a lot of people, but over time it will make his job way easier and once he gets into a rhythm that works for him these kinds of shitstorms from some in the community will become much less frequent.


You do know that most of us were busy with life aswell.. or most of us didn’t realize what was going on in that comment section.

Vailing Bow

Fax. When I saw that shit I was fuming bro. Took me everything not to blast that ass. Like it's one thing to criticize someone for something you think they can do better but it's another to say that he shouldn't go have fun WITH HIS GIRL on VALENTINES DAY. Like bro. How much of a sad pos do you have to be? And this isn't the first time either. I think I saw him complain about something on his Code Geass comments. People also should actually read the whole updates Nick does. He has it on his fine print after the normal upload schedule that if they aren't posted on those days, to expect them within the end of the week and if that doesn't fall through, he will make up for them the next week. It's sad to see Nick was excited about something and for it to be ruined and looks like instead of going live on yt like he wanted, he is now forced to do his MHA reactions to satisfy the bloodthirsty spoiled MHA fans which just ruins the whole point of his reaction. Funny to think MHA fans have been more cancer to Nick than Borutards. Honestly, it would be funny if Nick just didn't react to MHA just to spite you spoiled fans XD but I don't think he will do that since he seems to actually enjoy watching and reacting to the series.

Leburs (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-24 16:04:41 Yo Nick I recommend investing in chat moderators so they can get rid of these fucktards
2024-02-23 18:10:54 Yo Nick I recommend investing in chat moderators so they can get rid of these fucktards

Yo Nick I recommend investing in chat moderators so they can get rid of these fucktards


It's really unfortunate that, because of the behavior of some of its fans, it's now impacting the show itself. Many people are now criticizing the show just to vent their frustration with its fans and i know why. But for someone like Nicholas, He wasn't initially interested in My Hero Academia because of all the negativity surrounding it. Now that he's started watching it and getting into it, he will getting a bad impression of the show because of the toxic behavior of some of its fans. Don't we want others to enjoy what we like too? But if we go about it the wrong way, it'll only backfire

Vailing Bow

I think Nick's putting on too much anime reactions again. If he could possibly put one on hold, like maybe hold off on watching Ninja Kamui and possibly pushing Jojo's until maybe Bleach or Blue Lock is done would be best and would help with his commitments. But tbh, people are asking way too much. Even when a reaction is like a day later or possibly 12 hours people are asking for where it is.

Vailing Bow

Kaasim bro just stop. You should really pay very close attention to his updates. He literally says he promises 4 episodes a week. IT DOESN'T MATTER if he said "it'll be posted tomorrow" and it doesn't happen because IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WEEK. You act like Nick's sitting on his ass doing nothing. You don't know wtf he's doing off camera. He is most likely editing other fucking videos.


MHA toxic fans is here. MHA is great but the fan are so fuck up.

Vailing Bow

True. People that are frustrated and don't understand anything should just leave. Imo Nick doesn't need those people really. He doesn't need plastic people who think of him as a machine. But I love the majority positive comment.


Hey marco, You're not even the boss. It's like you're buying a ticket to Disneyland. You get admission and can enjoy several rides. And if one or two rides are under maintenance, please enjoy the other available rides.

Vailing Bow

Pazta yeah. That comment section was horrible. Especially L.C. Bro was just being a dick and insensitive. Going after Nick for his trip to Niagra Falls I think. A lot of what he said was just flat out toxic but that and a few other things were unnecessary.


How else would an 8 year old pay on patreon? If you've been putting coins into your PC you've been doing it wrong ;)


i have never once commented, i just watch and enjoy your content, i get delays happen but the hate you’re receiving is uncalled for. Stay strong nick everything will okay. Don’t stress yourself out and take your time.

Vailing Bow

L.C ignorant? You? Yeah, definitely agree. You're clearly illiterate too. Very insensitive as well. A shit ton of flaws with you. Not sure if there's anything redeeming about you. Definitely none I can see.


I never usually post because I mind my own business. However, I gotta say, this is my first time subbing/patreoning on a YouTube reactor. I truly enjoy your sense of humor and your opinion on picking up on the subtle hints shows tend to give out. I joined because of Naruto. Every show will have its own fan base, so just respect their choice of likes and move on. I see a lot of people hating on other shows, even though the show is just as great. We pay for content, but we also have to respect that he also has a life to live. Stuff happens, understand that he tries to keep us updated as much as possible. Even if he misses, at least he is attempting to fix it. The uploads will come just at a different date. I personally would like him enjoying the shows with us than just forcing himself because he has to post something. Just take your time and do it at your own pace because at this rate you're going to wear yourself out and wouldn't enjoy the experience.

Vailing Bow

LC broj ust stfu. What he says on a post verbally DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER. What matters is what he types and writes. He posted a schedule of how normal uploading works. In the fine print he says if he misses a day it'll be by the end of the week. If there isn't one at the end of the week he'll make up for it the next week like it's always done. If your sorry little ass can't accept you should leave. And people do actually care because despite Nick doing everything to show that something is coming it never works and don't act like you're innocent here, lol. You stirring the pot doesn't help and just furthers the confusion. Don't act like people didn't see how you criticized him for going on vacation ON VALENTINES DAY with his fiance for no reason other than to antagonize him and stir up negativity.

Vailing Bow

LMP that's way too much. But I wouldn't mind paying more. Maybe $5-7 yeah. But I don't think they payment plan is the problem.

Vailing Bow

Look at this loser who can't even read an update right. Bet you didn't see in the fine print of the update for this week a few days ago where he says if a day is missed expect it by the end of the week and if not then expect for him to make up for it the following week.


Bro facts, I would rather getting the reactions late then him being mad or unhappy by the pressure from others while reacting.

bedioc z

exactly, people are acting like they are being robbed. like chill out lmao they're just reaction videos for entertainment. besides, even if he doesn't stick to the schedule there's always content being released

Vailing Bow

Marco, Nick doesn't do this for the money. Well, he does but if he truly cared about it, he would be making it so much higher. Usually others have theirs at like $5. And sure it would be serious if he lied which he hasn't. Everything is written on his updates. He posts his normal uploads and in smaller text says if he misses a day expect it at the end of the week if he misses that expect it on the following day.

Vailing Bow

Yeah, no it's not. You're just spoiled you're illiterate and impatient and can't read the fine print then justify people being toxic and illiterate. Do yourself and everyone a favor and unsibscribe.

Vailing Bow

Nah, the only reason people are upset is idiots like you who are impatient and illiterate. Literally look at his updates. Start of this week he promised 6 episodes of MHA, so YOU WERE GOING TO GET MHA AT LEAST BY THE END OF THIS WEEK ALREADY WITHOUT YOUR SPOILED ASSES ASKING ABOUT IT, then a few days later posted normal update days with the fine print saying to expect everything promised by the end of the week and if not made up for the following week.

Vailing Bow

Bleach, man you're a fucking idiot who can't read simple updates. Read the fine print. Everything's literally explained there and has made a few. Do a thing called READING THEM.


agreed, it was not nice, i cant imagine nick just sitting there reading all that, its not like he's never gonna watch it or its gonna take years, but yeah, that shits tough, people need to be more patient.

Vailing Bow

Nah, nah nah. Don't play victim here you pos. Don't act like you criticized him for having a life back on wednesday on VALENTINES DAY and kept stirring the pot in every complaint when you idiots don't even know how to fucking read a post that already explains what would happen if he missed a day.

Vailing Bow

It's incredible seeing idiots like L.C and Bleach (user, not show) show no comprehension skills at all. For one of them claiming they subscribed to other Patreons and they got updates yet conveniently ignore how in his update he mentions everything already and L.C putting too much faith on Nick's words on a video instead of the actual post he has typed out. At the start of the week he already promised 6 episodes of MHA BY THIS WEEK among others. Maybe people like you should do their due diligence and actually read. In another update he has said if he missed a day expect it at the end of the week and if he missed that expect it to be made up for. But of course you people ignored that because you just want to keep stirring the pot, right? Keep the negativity flowing and try and act like he didn't change and play victim (L.C). You people really are sad and pathetic. Don't have the critical thinking skills. "Oh, there's no upload yet. Guess it'll be at the end of the week since it's been promised by then, has a few more days until the end of the week, so there's time and no emergency has come up" but nah, instead y'all just acting like little bitch babies.

Vailing Bow

Yeah, at this point. Honestly wouldn't mind not seeing "where's this" except for 1 comment about it with a reply stating when it's expected"

Robin Crow

Please sir can I have some more


Thanks and I totally agree. I’ve been watching Nick for years and I’ve seen him have to deal with the losers in the comments whether he was doing music vids or when he changed to anime like bros human and should be allowed the grace to do what he wants when he wants. But I’m also loving the positivity coming from this comment sections. I’m not sure if he would read the comments after yesterday but I hope he sees the positivity coming from today’s comments. ❤️


Good lord I leave for a couple hours and I am getting a ton of hate. I am just having fun with all the salt going on right now. Besides the genuine advice I tried to give this is wild to see.


If it helps I can delete my comments for you. You seem to be getting a little heated over my comments


Being that I seem to be getting more hate than its worth I will do everyone a favor and delete my comments. I was genuinely trying to give advice on my side of things and expressing why its problematic to run a patreon reactor channel without addressing certain things but clearly people dont want to take it that way. I understand that I am feeding into the chaos going on right now so I will delete my comments.

Vailing Bow

Yeah, no shit because you're a pos who's playing victim with nothing substantial to say, LOL.

Vailing Bow

Aw, look at the pos himself. Doesn't say anything at all and doesn't contribute anything to anyone. Really shows your character

Vailing Bow

Nah, you're not doing shit. You love playing victim acting like you didn't try and criticize Nick for a vacation on VALENTINE'S DAY as if it was a bad thing. That's not a favor or a criticism. It's just you being a nuisance and nothing no one has said was addressing anything. You're just being a impatient little bitch who can't even read updates Nick provides fully and just be negative cause you have a sad life.


You need blood pressure meds buddy. I made a comment about him prioritizing making sure his reactions get out before randomly taking a vacation. Not that it was a bad thing to take a vacation. He spends money on vacation but just as any job does you need to organize things well with putting your career and job first before doing vacation stuff. Although if you want to see it in a hateful way and want to act like I play a victim that is up to you. 😂


Dude, Stop, okay? The only person I've seen "stirring the pot" in the last several posts is you - that isn't to say you're the person who started shit, but it's definitely you I see continuing to drag it out.I'm someone who doesn't typically read update posts or other people's comments so I was pretty confused when I noticed everyone blowing up in them. Personally, I think it should go without saying that Nick's life and relationship should come before his schedule and if LC was really complaining about that then yeah, he needs to take a step back and stop that. That goes for anyone that is demanding content the second it's late. We don't own Nick, he has a life. I think most people could agree. Spreading negativity towards him or each other isn't going to make anything about this situation better.


Of course I'm excited and I can't wait for Nick to react to the most epic Naruto moments. But damn, some users really need to chill. Even if he doesn't get it right on time, doesn't mean that he needs to be threatend/ overly criticized in the comment section. Glad I didn't see the comments. Poor Airbender...


I dont blame you for skipping everything else but the main fights. I enjoy when you can see Bleach sucks for what it is and good for what it is. I like that unfiltered side of your reactions. Just straight-up truth from your own heart. Bleach is just shit with its pacing, side characters (renji, chad, orihime), and is terrible at making *nearly* any other fights that doesnt have Ichigo entertaining/hype. Definitely the worst of the Big 3, and im not gonna try and sugarcoat it. I hope one day biased Bleach fans will come to be able to realize that same reality. This is coming from a former biased, cockglazing Bleach fan. Bleach still got one of the most goated anime osts though. That shit carries the hype for most of the fights in Bleach tho (not the animation that most Bleach fans try and say was "ahead of its time")



Vailing Bow

No, I won't stop lol and I'm not stirring the pot in the least, lol. You don't even know wtf is going on so you don't have any right to say I'm the one stirring the pot. You must think "oh, this guy is replying a lot. He's obviously stirring the pot." What a narrow minded thought from you. If you actually read my replies or even know anything about the situation, you'd know who was stirring the pot. Just because I'm defending Nick doesn't mean I'm stirring the pot, LOL.

Vailing Bow

Nah, I don't but you clearly need your head checked. It wasn't a random fucking vacation you idiot. It was VALENTINE'S DAY. Not to mention he has every prerogative to take whatever vacation he wants, LOL. He doesn't owe you jack shit. Maybe you should also go back to school to learn how to read since you don't know how to read updates in the least and you literally ARE playing victim, lol. You act like him going on vacation is a bad thing and keep the negativity going and then here you act like you didn't when you did.

Vailing Bow

Yeah. And Bleach (username, not show) on here earlier acting like he doesn't have any updates, LOL. People should really read those PROPERLY. Not just the big letters in bold.

Vailing Bow

Yeah, but it's fine. What really matters if people want him to watch Bleach


Look, I'm not about to get into a long back and forth with you, that kind of defeats the purpose of asking you to stop. I spent the better part of the day yesterday going back and looking through the last several posts and further to try and parse together what's been going on because it really upset me that Nick was so upset. And yeah, if LC's comments were like any of their previous ones on other posts, then they need to stop being an anal dick about shit and stop trolling for their own amusement because, no, it's not actually funny no matter what they think or say. All that besides though, I'm not asking you to stop commenting or defending Nick - I AM asking you to stop spreading negativity. Showing up on every other post and talking shit about a guy - no matter how justified - is only turning the environment toxic. It doesn't matter if it's for a good reason, there are better ways to go about it yo. You're way it isn't helping anyone. If you want to defend Nick, by all means do that, I'll even applaud you because he deserves the support, but for the love of the community Please stop being such a contemptuous jackass about it.. It just makes people not want to be around the places you've been and puts people in a bad mindset about this community. Like, just calm tf down, okay? That's all I'm asking here.

Vailing Bow

I get what you're saying and you have a point of the negativity, but what exactly do you think is best? Hm? Kindly ask someone who doesn't give a fuck to kindly fuck off? Yeah, no. And I'm not even being wholly negative either and this asshole is trying to act like a victim when he is part of the whole fiasco and try to be pushed under the rug to later come back and sir more shit up. And Idc whether people don't want to be around me since this isn't some hangout, LOL. They can just ignore me for all I care.

Gray Cadmon

The number 272 is still engraved into my memory. I need the next one fast. I can't...

Gray Cadmon

I'd say the highs are the highest in the big 3, but the lows are very much the lowest. It really badly needs a full remake, which cuts all the shit.


Thanks for understanding my point of view, I know what I'm asking is not easy, especially when the anger is real and justified and I do empathise with it. Unfortunately, you're also right that there isn't really many ways to handle this situation otherwise. I've already checked for a report function on the site and there doesn't seem to be an easily accessable way to use one. The first two other ideas that come to my mind are reporting the issue to Nick via message and letting him decide if LC is worth banishing, or responding to any of LC's future comments with a "This is a troll, don't interact." or some other comment to shut down his behaviour. Since tolls usually do the bullshit they do for attention, not giving them any is usually the best course of action, but I know negative comments really affect Nick so I understand why you're so upset and proactive about this and I wish LC could understand that they Are being harmful. I am sorry I don't have any better ideas, if you feel that what you're doing right now is working and you want to stay with it, I can't do anything to stop you. I get your anger comes from a good place, I'm just in the experience that anger isn't generally the best answer.

Vailing Bow

Of course. While those are viable options as this dude is playing innocent right now, I don't want him to get the satisfaction that he got away with being a asshole. Those are great responses depending on what he replies. I also did message Nick on X about him. But seeing as he's still here he's letting him stay. For now. I know for sure Nick knows his existence because Nick indicates that he found out about the whole situation when I messaged him on X.


Im finally caught up to Nicks Bleach Reactions


The beach episode is such a classic lol glad Nick gave it a chance. Hilarious slice of life vibes, a short break from all the intense action. The scene where Rangiku took the pads out of Nanao's bra was too funny lol. Ulquiorra's form is so badass. I love the fact that he tells Ichigo to not let his gaurd down, even as his enemy.


Omg I please also watch/react to “soul eater” <3