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No way is this your first time watching DB


oh my fucking god, we need more old anime reaction like this, no one doing this


What other shows did he watch on stream?

luka ormotsadze

Cmon man , look at percentages, majority of people are waiting for Naruto.. ur watching it too slow.. about to cancel membership...

Dyllan Egilson

Oh my God. This happened. Watching now.


What about Code Geass Nick?


it's in English, god bless me


Majority of the people are NOT here for Naruto

Blasted F

most people are here to watch Haikyu and code geass. This is just a bonus imo that he’s posting other animes like Naruto and one piece on a daily basis

luka ormotsadze

Yeah yeah , 2 animes that only 1% know.. Naruto will make him bigger an attract more people and he knows it. How u can say most people , when polls and comments show different things

Thorfinn's left nut

There’s quite a lot of people here to watch Naruto as well. His twitch viewers go down to barely 1K after finishing Naruto. When he’s watching Naruto, the viewers go up to around 1.5K - 2K

Eduardo Catalán LCB


The Battle Frontier - Pokemon Podcast

Nicolas: "it was supposed to be censored!" me: welcome to the 1980's when japanese just didn't give a fuck fun fact: a lot of the names in DB are puns. bulma is a pun on the word "bloomers" so goku making fun of her name is a joke lost in translation.


People are here for the patron exclusive shows and to show support to Nick as a creator. Naruto is stream show so people aren’t here for that. He has almost 15k supporters here on Patreon and average around 20-24 comments on each Naruto video. That’s around 0,002% of his viewers so I wouldn’t say that most people want Naruto based on the comments. Stop being so ungrateful and delusional thinking Naruto is the only thing he does

luka ormotsadze

I wouldnt expect more logic and less hate to Naruto from one piece fan.. just paid attention to ur pic. Haha funny


So just because I am a One Piece fan it automatically makes me a Naruto hater? I watched Naruto before one piece and it used to be one of my favorites then I watched one piece and realised it was better


People whining their asses off in chat bc of the dub are so corny, DB dub is perfect


So excited that you’re watching this, I grew up on DBZ without watching the original dragon ball first until just recently I started watching it. You’ll love it and dbz just makes it better.

Vailing Bow

He didn't see Goku do the tapping yet XD that shit is hilarious


The dub is literally better for DB, one of the few shows that are actually like that. These guys crying in chat "DoNt Do DuB pEoPlE wIlL lEaVe" what a load of shit lmao. Awesome to see you reacting to this, hope it continues!


Don't watch dub please. Notice how all the anime that people beg for dub are always the ones people watch when getting into anime. It's all nostalgia, because they first watch it in dub. The original funimation dub had horrible voice acting and a lot of localising changes, because that's how bad the 90s dubs were. Majority of people watch Dragon Ball in sub nowadays.


Can you stop complaining it's good enough that he posted stream Anime's on Patreon sometimes y'all are too much just be appreciate it, if you can't wait then get the hell out of here "OMG HES WATCHING TOO SLOW" well let him watch however he wants to atleast his enjoying goddamn


It's not all about you or Singular Fanbase this is about Nicholas and his Fans from across multiple anime Fanbase


Well the usual shows he watching is the big 3, mushoku Tensei, sometimes a movie and within this week his going to start blue lock


Goku the Roaster King 😂😂


Lmao 🤣🤣🤣 imagine watching that when you're in elementary school


Does the majority of people like having headaches too? Cuz Goku's voiceactor, something about her pitch just makes my head spin.


It's a lesser of two evils really, one's annoying to hear, one is cringe

Kyle Leonhart

I can’t stand goku’s voice in subbed and I binged all of dragonball last year


Honestly a priceless reaction, love DB and the dub. Would love to see this continue...


Keep it up Nick!




this ep was great haha

Einar Engen

I watched the entire series in sub, then I found DBZ abridged, not Gonna Lie they should have done the entire thing.


Just wanna ask if he going to continue watching Db ? Or it is only the first ep ?

D.j. Lachmandas

I’ll stay a member through every episode of DB DBZ DBGT AND DBS. just pls continue this


You'll attract a giant group of db fans if you decide to react to whole of db


I wasn’t in stream fully yesterday did he just watch the DB ep or did he also end up watching the DBS ep as well?


Yep, that's how it goes. And just look at all the people crying in the replies because they can't admit it lol.


https://youtu.be/gTUAk1Iod3k?si=DZJzq-Jz5SVdpScO watch this clip and tell me how the voice acting is even remotely good


If you decide to go forward with Dragon Ball in the future, please stick with dub. All props to the Japanese VA for Goku, she is a legendary figure and deserves the veneration, but geez is just not that good of a voice for Goku... Granted, I will 100% admit that is mostly because I, like 99.9% of DBZ fans in the US, grew up with the Ocean Dub then the GOAT'd Funimation dub where the pivotal and iconic voices for our most beloved characters was established, and there is no better voice for Goku than Sean Schemmel, this is just objective fact at this point. You'll also thank us whenever you get to Z and Super (I can't wait to hear your opinion of the sub voice when you get to it lol) It's just the kind of voice that works for a character like Luffy, but not Goku beyond his childhood years.


I think for right now he's doing the whole trend of "Watching the first episode of DB and then the last episode of Super" that was popular in recent years


Wouldn't the sub activists count as the ones crying too? Gokus sub voice literally doesn't fit his character at all.

Matthew Miller

When you get to DBZ, PLEASE watch Kai Nick. Don't listen to the haters. Kai removes most of the filler and fluff and the voice actors give much better performances than the original given they all have much more experience than the first Z dub. The pacing and voice acting of the original Z dub will drive you insane if you don't. I ALWAYS recommend new modern anime watchers watch DBZ Kai to get into it today rather than the original Z.


Please continue DB Nick ik it’s an episode out of order thing but the show is so good and you seemed to enjoy it


DB and DBZ sub are recorded in mono audio. No matter how superior you think the acting is in sub, the mono audio has terrible quality and the main reason to watch DB and DBZ in dub + you get the Faulconer ost's which is legendary. For DBS i'd lean towards sub since it's recorded in stereo and it has the same ost's as the dub (and tbh i like Beerus, trunks, jiren, zamasu's VA better in sub)


there is no way people watch DB and DBZ with that awful mono audio sub uses, sounds like it's recorded with a potato. If the audio was clean stereo like dub i'd have recommended sub but dub is the way to go, except for DBS which i prefer the sub


Nick was most hyped about the american ost's he listened to calling it one of the few good things america did lol. Him watching Kai means no faulconer ost and besides i'd never recommend Kai for the simple fact that from the Buu arc its only available in cropped 16:9 and not the original 4:3 format. And the acting in DBZ is just fine with some improvements in Kai but also some downgrades compared to Z. Imaging watching goku's first ssj transformation with Kai ost instead of Faulconer or the first beam clash in Kai, they dont hit the same. Best way to watch DBZ is in a remastered and upscaled 4:3 to have the cleanest image possible, it does exist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4ebFPuFCA0&ab_channel=Napolii_y2i


I really hope you continue to react to dragon ball and then dbz would make me so happy to see you experiance it

Matthew Miller

It's mainly the pacing. 276 episode in original Z vs only 151 in Kai. Nostalgia REALLY blinds DBZ fans. Modern anime watchers get MUCH closer to a modern anime expectation with pacing voice acting and even some improved art. If Nick has issues with pacing in ANY of the big 3, original DBZ could possibly cause SERIOUS burnout for Nick.

Silvio Lacayo

would love to see more Dragon Ball, its an insane once in a lifetime experience EDIT: but not in english oh my fucking god


No one ever has said the Funimation dub was horrible, it's because of that dub that helped anime today become mainstream


In English I don't watch the episode I'm sorry

Brad Jones

bro stop being a gatekeeping elitist, let people enjoy things you're not cool.


You type in fairly proper grammar though. Unless you are using google translate you should give yourself more credit for knowing the English language.


well reading and Listening is different And it sounds bad in English not being used to it

D.j. Lachmandas



It was great to see those crybaby twitch losers get shut up after they had to complain that this was dub instead of sub. The dub for this show was actually great. Leave it to the no life losers in chat to complain about the fact he was watching dub. One of the actual good dubs for an anime and they still complain one after the other.


how about you let him do what he wants instead of being like those other losers in twitch chat crying about it being dub


He would not have nearly had as much fun with this episode if it was in the usual sub. The dub makes it more entertaining.

luka ormotsadze

See, ur just hater. "One piece is better", out of context, its like op's salty fans go phrase. Jealous kids who dont have eyes or brain comparing those two Anime. Im just gonna stop replying to 14y old salty duck Adam kid. ✌🏻🫡


Gonna hot take here but please don't watch Dragon Ball it is so overhyped by a bunch of nostalgia. If you want to watch 6 episodes of pure yelling for one basic to half decent fight and attract a bunch of Dragon Ball elitist that will tell you everything else sucks then go for it. Whole plot (not really) Goku yell, Goku train, Goku hair color change, Goku do 1 of 3 attacks, and Goku win. There you don't have to watch it now.


Oh also Goku fight same enemy 15 plus times no matter how many times he's defeated/killed them. Plus there is literally no good story to this it's so boring unless you just want to watch meh fight after meh fight like we will did when we were 12

Akim Abdellaoui

dub is not accurate traduction hurt the ears


lol fair enough like I said hot take and Nick can ultimately do what he wants. I’ll enjoy the reactions I’m here for and just won’t bother with that one. I’m still allowed to state my opinion on it though. Also what a well thought out response thank you.


I love dragon ball!!!!! Would be awesome to watch the whole series along with you


Go away hater how about you keep your hate to yourself or go away. Lots of people love dragon ball and if you don't like it then domt watch it. There's no need for ypu to try and spread your hate, you must be very sad

Silvio Lacayo

He himself always says he prefers watching sub, a lot of people yell at him to watch naruto dubbed but he refuses to so is it wrong to expect the same from dragon ball?


I’m not hating I’m allowed to express my opinion and dislike for a series weirdo. Like I literally said in my comment ultimately Nick can do what he wants and I just won’t watch it like you said in your comment lol. It’s not that deep buddy it’s an anime series that I think is personally lame and you think is awesome and that’s okay on both sides! You can enjoy things without everyone liking them. I’m sure I have anime that I like that you think is lame as well and that’s okay too.


L take, i can understand to skip og db since it doesnt have that much action going on, but DBZ? That's a must watch for any shonen lover


Fair enough I have watched it a long time ago but I disagree that it's a must watch and yeah that's all it is, is action and yelling. It's great for younger people I loved it when I was a kid but it doesn't hold up anymore especially as an adult. But I appreciate an actual response and not just rage lol. If he watches it great I know a ton of people will love it and I hope he enjoys it. I just think I'm allowed to express my thoughts on it as well.

Mirko Novakovic

DUB is Bad and if someone dont like the truth.. Go cry. If you cant read fast for the subtitles, im sry. Every Anime in sub is better


I knew it would be hilarious to see him watch the first episode of OG DB


The broadcast audio have clear sound quality tho (I even think it was recorded in stereo if I'm not mistaking) it's just that it was badly conserved so the audio quality degraded over time. But some fans were able to keep the original broadcast audio and it sounds crisp asf, you can find it in some torrents. They even asked if Toei wanted it to make a new release but they didn't accept cause of their bigass ego.

Elizabeth Marrelle

I would absolutely love it if you watched this show. Dragon Ball is one of the first anime I’ve ever seen. While as some other commenters have said, the fights are few, it does a lot for setting up the world of Dragon Ball. Also, unlike later versions of the Show, most fights in this show only take one or two episodes.


If you watch dragon ball and DBZ plz watch it dubbed.... Almost everyone watched it dubbed lol.