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**HXH reaction will be up shortly. my mental health has been shit, so my sleep schedule got in the way of my upload schedule. sorry about that!**





This is "ALL ANIME SONG REACTIONS -FROM 6-9-2023 STREAM-" by Nicholas Light on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



he clearly dont like make reaction to anime at all, lmao, well, he will go down again, for sure, sad.He saw that anime work and he continued with reactions, but he cant do it anymore, cuz obviously he dont enjoy it, he just maked reactions to anime for money and thats all, but he realized that he cant do it anymore, gg.


This is so sad, I don't mean the missing post of hxh, the entire situation as whole. I don't even know, but ever since Japan in march, there are people complaining and with good reasons. I don't know what's happening in Nick's life, but I've been here on Patreon since april 2022, only up until now around march-april, things got out of hand, you can see people upset in a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y every post, I think it started with the hxh and black clover reactions tho, this patreon exclusivity and the need to keep up with a schedule it's what fucked up Nick. Altough I don't understand why can't he record more in a day and post it at the due date, how hard can it be to take 4 hours daily, not even daily, with 1 day pause, or 2 days, to react to an anime, and all the episodes you did that day, you post them 2 by 2 when needed, lol.


dude why are u even paying if u think those thing, i really don't get it, just stop paying and get the fuck out of here, he doesn't need this hate, and he doesn't deserve it too.


He's doing anime reactions for over a year now almost every day, he went to anime convention, he went to fucking japan. He's on 60-70 episode of hxh and black clover practicly not missing a week of schedule (1-2 days of being late is not a reason for complain). He's reading manga and watches anime with his fiance, No fucking wonder he has problem with mental health with comments like this.

Jan Morgan

Take care, Nick, don't worry too much about being late. I don't care about the money, just keep us updated once in a while so we know nothing bad happened. NY is a dangerous place, you know, can't be good for you living there with your anxiety. Love your videos just so see what you think of these shows, whether it's positive or negative, you just do you, man. Sending good vibes from Norway🕊️❤️🇳🇴


I dont think its that , he just needs to find balance between twitch and patreon


Sending good vibes from France, I love Yours reaction, i will wait froment your upload ( sorry for my english😅) 😘


For your *

Limpano 14

i cant lie nick streaming might not be right. Its important that you keep a good mental health and if streaming will get in the way of patreon content then i say you should drop it. not all of us have time to watch your streams and i feel abit sad that im not getting any content that im paying for seeing as the last one piece reactions that you said would be posted on patreon arent being posted either.


that's what I recommended to him on his discord patreon section. to binge watch an anime in advance (more episodes at once), while recording it, then post the reaction following the certain schedule he has set. it would be much better, and everyone has only to win. he wins time, coz I know it's not that hard to watch at least 10 ep a day. there was a time when I could watch 30 a day 💀 and we win the promised content on time

Limpano 14

nick take your time with the hxh episode but can you atleast just post the uncut streeam vod? takes only a few minutes


he mentioned that he has something goin on rn. either the NY problem, or family matters, or his mental state. hope he will get better soon

Limpano 14

yes but forcing out streams only hurts him and in a way us as his supporters


Prioritizing free streams over paid content doesn't feel right imo


I'm not sure if Nick reads the patreon comments here, but I'm hoping he does. When he promises a schedule and fails at that constantly, it doesn't make him look too good. Especially for paid content. Prioritizing stream over Patreon and such seems fine to do once a week. Eventually it will become an overhaul and may be even more detrimental to his mental health. Instead of promising content soon, he should just let us know when he needs a break instead of weaseling out. Hope he starts feeling better, I know the situation in NY is really bad.


@Felix well you said this but, let's be honest, when you receive $50 donations, $150, $200, + the rest which are in a large quantity the $5-$10-$15-$20-$25 ones, I think you begin to prioritize streams over patreon

sheldon rotondo

If he keeps getting those kind of donations he may move to streaming and give the stream to Patreon because it won’t be available anywhere else. If that does happen then HxH along with the others may be limited even more.


Greed Island grows on you if you rewatch the show, but I remember not liking it as much the first time watching.


i enjoyed every single ep of hxh every time i watched it. currently rewatchin it for the third time


coaie da omu chiar isi bate joc da-o-n pula mea :))) cat sa ma mai abtin sa vorbesc in engleza cu astia de ii iau apararea cu orice cacat, lasa-ma-n plm esti nebun cati bani face, si ma ia cu mental health, nu poate sa reactioneze la 2 episoade, a lasat mob psycho, vinland saga, jojo, le-a lasat pe toate, nici la re zero nu se mai uita, a dat de bani grei pe twitch si s-a pisat pe patreon


majoritatea dintre noi sunt constienti de asta frt. nu suntem singurii, da incercam macar sa parem oameni cu integritate. imi pare rau ca se intampla asta cu unul dintre oamenii la care chiar astept sa ma uit la contentul lui. plm. chiar daca nu sunt mare fan jojo, mai mult fac misto de anime, chiar daca m am uitat la cateva parti, imi pare rau de voi ca nu pune un amarat de ep pe saptamana macar, ce sa zic de mob si vinland de care tot mentioneaza din hasti in pasti. ii 4 dimineata din nou, asta i a 3 a zi in care astept atat pentru o reactie amarata, care nu dureaza mai mult de 50. cu tot respectul care il am fata de el. oricat de rau m as simti, orice probleme as avea, pentru banii care ii castiga, m as uita in continuu si as face content. mai ales ca 99% din populatie se uita din placere, unii chiar platesc de ex pe crunchyroll sa se uite. si el face bani din asta. asta i viata man csf

Zinc Young

where is HxH again


Mda plm, eu am subscribe la el din aprilie 2022, lunar platesc aia 17 lei amarati, plm, sunt niste bani chiar daca putini, e vina mea ca a pus el asa putin? Ca mai sunt unii care zic sa dam cancel la subscription daca nu ne place cum face el lucrurile, lol. M-a si pus la story coaie acum vreo saptamana sau doua pe insta cand i-am lasat un comentariu pe youtube zicand ca nu a postat jojo de 10 zile si vinland sau mob din ianuarie. Uita-te la el, pune poze din masina, poze poze din pat, ce mental health coaie...are logodnica, nu inteleg ce mai vrea, eu in plm luna viitoare prezint licenta si am terminat facultatea, cine stie ce job de 8 ore o sa am, maxim 40 de milioane salariu, el face banii aia intr-o saptamana. Bag pula ca acum un an era mult mai misto, s-au stricat toti, 2 oameni urmaream, nicholas si str3su, unu a luat-o aiurea pare ca i s-a luat de anime-uri, altu nu se mai opreste din pacanelele pulii. Viata de cacat


we’re here bro. we never left lmao. at this point we can start conversations in comments


ai dreptate. mie deja mi se ia dupa 3 luni. si nu mi de bani, ca oricum i as fi bagat in fortnite plm, asa mai pierd vremea, mai ma distrez putin, gasesc o comunitate noua. da in stilul asta nu stiu cat mai stau :)) imi pare rau de tine, de faza cu facultatea si viitoru tau. iti urez succes, ca in groapa oricum toti ajungem, indiferent de ce realizam pe pamantu asta de a pula


si de faza cu banii. sincer sa fiu nu is putini, 17 lei lunar se aduna, mai ales la tine care ai deja un an si. pe langa ca are aproape 5k membrii lunari, mai face o gramada de bani si din youtube, ce sa mai zic de twitch care plateste cu miile numai din vizuri, plus donatiile. ce altceva mai vrei ?


Pacat, in fine, nu stiu cum va redresa situatia sau daca o va mai redresa. Omu e pus pe fapte mari dar doar in vorbe, ii e lene frate, nu mai are chef, nu stiu ce plm tot are, nu pot sa inteleg ce are.


nici eu nu mi pot da seama. ma uit la el de aproape un an. mai demult chiar se vedea pe fata lui ca ii se bucurs si se distreaza din asta. acum ori chiar are ceva grav, incat il macina in continuu, ori i s a luat de anime uri pe bune, si trage de el ca sa mai scoata cate ceva


Poate se intampla cv intre el si aia cu care e impreuna, altfel nu-mi explic. Stiu ca e plecata vreo 10 zile si nu mai sunt impreuna, poate crede ca il inseala, habar nu am in plm

Drew Becker

HxH is always my favorite anime but Greed Island is always my least favorite of all the arcs. It's by no means bad just not peak,


mental health is shit? you good bro?


Also Day 1 of witch from mercurcy OP/ED both seasons react.