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Wake me up when it's Vinland week


gabi is the worst character in anime


Don't use the jojo comment section to complain about something else smh dude

Limpano 14

will hxh and bc still be released during jojo week or is it only jojo?


Bro calling The Devil, Travis Scott, that's amazing :))))


🍒🍒 at 31:26, 32:38 and 48:04

sheldon rotondo

I enjoy jojos but hunter x hunter deserves a week before it.


About the dogs, Araki loves them. So having someone kill a dog is his way of portraying a character as an a**hole


More gay coming part 5 ;D


you're not going to do more hxh and bc this week?




fr tho been waiting for it for like a week, i sub to his patron for Hxh tbh :(

James Ancester

Man, us Jojo folk have been starvin' lately. Nice to see.

donald cuck

and ngl there is more important than jojo rn, he has been reacting to it in japan when mob psycho and vinland saga have been forgotten for months, why jojo week now..


So when I ask for Vinland it's complaining but when this guy asks for HxH its valid. Crazy.


Its so sad that nicholas light is drying today. i hope hes hydrated soon

Stas Soad


matthew bremmer

Haven't watched the reaction yet and I had to read this three times before my brain registered 'drying' instead of the other word.

Einar Engen

What is up with People here? There is so much complaining give us this and that videos. And here I am just happy that he uploads contents 🤔🤔


this is the second jojo week. no bc week or hxh week? nice nick niceeeee

Xan Acktor

Let him cook guys. I thought he quit watching vinland (for example) and then he posts a video on yt saying he is caught up on vinland that he just hasn't uploaded yet. Give him a second. Hes not retarded. Quit crying like a little baby wanting to suckle on Nicks tit for hxh/BC milk, "BuT NiCk, WhErE iS mY sHoW?!". He will get to it! I'm not even trying to defend "JoJo week", Just tired of seeing toddlers who can type.

Noah Ørbæk

Bro think we’re supposed to take him serious💀 “bobdabuilder” do I need to say more🤦‍♂️

Noah Ørbæk

Let’s see if you can manage this Nick, I really don’t want to have to call you a hypocrite for the… oh yeah I’ve lost count. The fans gonna say I am being too harsh, I call it being realistic


Nick probably laughs and dont give a F abt them. And they fill his pocket $$ as well. That's a win win for him

Eren is AOT

All I see in the comments is crying, "Nick where is bc/hxh week", "Nick when are you going to upload more episodes of this anime", "Nick react to that" "Nick why have u dropped so many anime" just STFU man, you keep crying like a little bitch when he is constantly telling you that he tries to put his life in order so that he starts uploading the content we want and instead of support all I see is hate and in the end there you are still staying here giving your money to this "hypocrite and overreaction channel" because YOU KNOW that he is so awesome and funny and that he does what almost all other reaction channels fail to do, but it hurts you that he doesn't react to what YOU WANT all the time and you keep crying about it. Just shut up and give him the time he needs.

Tyler Bowler

Thanks for all the hard work man


i like all 3 but he only posting like 1 episode of jojo every other week he slackin on the jojo


Complaining about other people complaining is just as annoying, just shut the fuck up


yet here i am complaining about people complaining about complaints


homie he slacking on a shit other anime and then just focuses on one? nick is basically watching like 5 animes and that is no one’s fault but his


y’all need to stop complaining. no one is forcing you to pay for this, if you don’t like what he is doing then just cancel your subscription and leave💀


Yeah what's wrong with you guys you pay for content and complain because you hardly get any for a couple of months? And it's later and not on the days you specify you must stop complain! I just love this logic


Did NicholasLightTV give up on Vinland Saga?


I mean he said he caught up on this a week ago, but still didn't release the reactions.


I guess it's the waiting game. We gotta enjoy his other reactions for now.

donald cuck

"gUyS sToP CoMpLAiniNg" nobody is complaining, the only "complains" ive seen is "will u continue hxh/bc?", 1 person waiting for vinland (not even asking, just waiting) and 1 guy thinkin nicholas dropped vinland cuz he dont follows any of his socials, thats it, so stop complaining about absolutely nothing, there is more ppl complaining about ppl "complains" than ppl "complaining" about his content lmao, and as long as there is no hate, it still legitimate

donald cuck

1 or 2 persons so far have been asking for vinland, so dont lie to urself saying that all u see in the comment is ppl crying for other shows, u know what i see in the comment when i just open it? all i see is ppl complaining about 2/3 random guys complaining, and 2 of them r polite so far, so stop pollute the comment section with "gUyS sToP cOmpLaiNinG"... sometimes its legitimate but rn its not, i miss when comment section was like "oh, jotaro here" "oh, dio did that" etc, everyone was into the reaction and enjoying the show, now all i see is complain..

Xan Acktor

I have a feeling hes going to continue recording reactions to the whole show then drop all the episodes once the season has ended. Im starting to see a pattern with the way he uploads sometimes.




He’s referring to the people that watch on YouTube. He is a YouTuber isn’t he? Like c’mon man use your brain. This was a lot of complaining for a guy that hates complaining.

donald cuck

u r the one who should use ur brain, just watch the comments, did anyone mentionned youtube? if they wanted to complain about the youtube comments they would do it on youtube. and yeh im complaining cuz this comment section is already a mess anyway. and i didnt say i hate complaining, everyone can complains as long as its legitimate and necessary, which is not the case in this comment section, see what i mean now?


Its 2023 my man sadly if you say that you don't like something or say something with a bit of sarcasm then its hate for these people.

Fenronin (Dorian Dubourg)

there is a sh*t ton of annoying bastards here tho, like all comments spammings for episodes or new animes, and the ones saying he fakes reactions