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AUGUST 2 — AUGUST 6 (12pm EST)


Important Details

— 2 episodes will be uploaded every other day to the Patreon.

— Subathon/Marathons will NEVER be uploaded all at once. People take off to watch the streams, so there’s no point in streaming if they can see the entire upload on Patreon the same day.

— the way I release episodes on Patreon will not change. I want to make these marathon/subathons special. I plan on doing a couple more before I to Japan in October.

— i may watch more than 7 episodes on a specific day if that daily sub goal is reached!

— Patreon will be getting about 6-8 EPISODES A WEEK OF ONE PIECE .. this is more than usual.


Holvin Franco

We eating so good us op fans🔥🔥🔥


Take care




Lets gooo!!marineford!!

Muhammad Ibrahim

Meh don’t except an arc as good as the pain arc

Aziz Mouakhar

2 more before October ? Of what anime ?


Hell yeah Brother!

Rei Drasa

let's go we love you❤️



원 지



I like the marathon idea! Super excited!!


someone record and upload that shit pls

Rasheem Gadsden

Can’t wait til you get to wano


Let's go 🔥


Is Nick planning on finishing the Marineland arc in the subathon or just how much ever he can until Aug 6th.. with 7 episodes per day?? Ps. Politely asking no need to burn me up in the comments


yes hes planning on finishing it in the subathon

Jordan Phillips

I was initialy worried with 2 episodes on patreon(i cant watch streams cuz timezones), but after the naruto ones i can agree with 2 episodes every 2 days

Danny Lare

Marineford top 2 pre timeskip (along with Water 7/Enies Lobby) so ready for Nick to witness peak fiction 🔥

Harman Singh

Where can we watch his streams? Can anyone say?


StrawHatTobi(Moderator): Yeah he will finish Marineford in the Subathon

K king

Will there be another Naruto marathon?? And hopefully once you finish it would be dope if you pick up Gintama


Akiba (Mod): the plan is He's planning to finish the main part of the arc during those dates. Not sure if post arc is a part of that at the moment


should watch dragon ball first and finish bleach before he starts with gintama


Yes, I won't criticize anymore because I felt a strong determination to go with this business model

Will Border

Do I need to sub to view the stream on twitch?

Vailing Bow

No, however to talk you'll need to be subbed except before episode starts and after last episode but most likely the episodes will be emote only for majority o the stream if not the whole stream

Vailing Bow

Can't wait to hear the complainers 😂

Monkey D. Moritz

Can somebody explain to me how that is in any way fair to patreon subs? Like I know many of them aren’t here for one piece but the ones that are gotta feel disrespected lol. Paying to watch 2 episodes every other day or being able to watch everything for free just because you’re lucky and live in a time zone/a job that allows you to watch the full stream is a huge difference and honestly I don’t get why it’s done this way. Paying people should be rewarded for paying and not be forced to change their schedule so they can watch somebody reaction they’ve been waiting years or months to see… btw the normal one piece episodes you uploaded were also on stream so why didn’t you cut it to less episodes back then? Wouldn’t that also be unfair for those that watched the stream? Not gonna leave or shit but this feels so wrong

Monkey D. Moritz

Me for example I live in Germany and I gotta work on weekdays… I’ll probably be able to watch most of the stream. But people in America that gotta work can’t. People in Asia can’t unless they stay up late. Also I don’t want to be forced to watch at a certain time that’s literally half of what I pay for to be able to watch your reactions whenever it fits into my schedule


ah that is kinda sadge; i can join every stream for like 75% of it, so it sucks that I cant watch the remaining 25% here to be able to join again on the 2nd stream etc. with this model I can only watch the 1st stream and then I would have missed like 1-2 episodes.


I really respect Nick for sticking to what he said, and always being a man of his word whenever possible. Also, thanks to all the mods answering people's questions so kindly and quickly :) We are lucky to have y'all!


Then come back in like 2 months and they will all be here to watch whenever you want. Is that such a big deal?


ye, I can't watch full stream every day, so would be nice to be able to fill in what i missed here, but seems thats not gonna be a thing. So can only watch the 1st stream and then watch the rest here I guess.


StrawHatTobi(Moderator): Is it such a big deal? You still get 6 episodes per week at least you still get to watch it just that you have to wait to be upload slowly

Monkey D. Moritz

Is it a big deal? No. It doesn’t change my life or anything. I just don’t see how it is fair that paying „customers“ get less than people who just get to have free time at the right time… it also is pretty misleading to post about a subathon on patreon every week just to tell everybody afterwards that yeah nah paying me ain’t enough to watch this you also gotta be lucky with your free time. You let the patreon people decide what arc to do a subathon on. You let them decide what month to do it on. But letting them actually watch? Nahh

Vailing Bow

Unless you're willing to watch his reactions out of order which is a option

Vailing Bow

What fair, lol. Nick explains it already. People in Twitch do also pay (not all of them with money and others' with their time) as well as One Piece not being a Patreon exclusive. You act like you don't get content when Nick will be giving you at least 6 episodes in a week or that you can't watch it out of order. Also, wtf are yo talking about with "You let the patreon people decide what arc to do a subathon on. You let them decide what month to do it on. But letting them actually watch? Nahh" Patreon didn't decide anything for the subathon. Nick has been seeing IN TWITCH CHAT as well as other places to do subathon for Marineford. Nick is the one who decided when to have the sbathon too, lol. No one told him when in the least.

Vailing Bow

Aziz, well since there's only like 1 arc for Narto it'll be some part of the 4th Great Ninja War arc. For One Piece he didn't say. It'll probably be Fishman Island tho.

Monkey D. Moritz

Lol what’s wrong with valid complaints blud? Ain’t everybody sucking up to YouTubers the way you do it

Aziz Mouakhar

Oh ok sounds nice. The 4th great ninja war is divided into several parts. The first part (Countdown) could fit well a subathon but it starts very soon for Nich. I dont think he d want to do a subathon right after the one piece one. As for One Piece, fishman has got tier flashbacks and world building but action and pacing wise it's annoying (and the fights lack intensity and tension, the main vilain is bad). Not sure he d enjoy that, apart from the flashbacks and lore scenes. I m sure he d love the post marineford + return to Sabaody, but again, it s right after the upcoming subathon.

Monkey D. Moritz

First of all yes o one ordered him to do it at x time but yes he did run polls here on patreon and idk if the polls are what made him do it now or his twitch subs either way he’s doing what got voted in the patreon polls lad. And don’t tell me „people on twitch are paying too, with their time“ mate wtf😂 I’d love to „pay with my time“ too I just can’t always do it. And once you miss one stream yes you do gotta watch the episodes out of order because after the first stream the patreon will already be 5 episodes behind. And there’s a difference between watching somebody and deciding to donate money to him during a live stream (whether it’s to ask a question or just for fun doesn’t matter) and paying somebody so you can watch their full reactions. Either way I wouldn’t be mad at all if Nick decided to do a subathon and not upload full streams on here if that’s what he said from the get go. But up until like a week ago I was thinking hell yeah in two weeks I’ll get to watch him watch marineford within a couple days. Like many others probably also did. Until bro said nah f patreon I’ll only reward those who are lucky enough to live in a possible time zone and also have free time at the right time.


It's not a matter of being fair or not; it's about having more people happy than unhappy. He can use this as a reason to throw a party and attract more people, which will increase the superchat rate. Doing everything in one day means less work for him, and it can extend the useful life of limited anime content. If he posts everything in one day, he'll need to find something else to post, which isn't an efficient way to profit, especially since people don't mind if he does this. If people are willing to pay $50 for a hamburger with a smile on their face, why would he want to sell it for $20? If he's certain about continuing with this business model, there's nothing more we can do.

Jeido Tengoku

Well I get your point of view and Im also affected and sad about it. I also think its misleading to talk about a subathon on patron, if its twitch LIVE exclusive, but its his decision. I will just wait and will watch the most in a row. If you are really annoyed about it and you are just paying for One Piece, you could also just skip paying for some months and come back and watch it in a row. The only thing I was really sad and at most confused about was the communication. I would suggest to not call it just a "subathon", but a "TWITCH LIVE EXCLUSIVE" subathon, just to make sure there will never be a missunderstanding


Let’s gooo 🤩

GOAT Watcherz ForLif3

Nick I get that but why not consider only uploading the stream for only your colossal titan subscribers feel like we sometimes get forgotten but whatever you decide I’ll support it either way love your content keep up the great work 💯💯👍👍


i’m setting up my pc to record each stream i can’t make it to for my own viewing. because I wanna join but hate watching out of order

Jeido Tengoku

Another thing what Im curios about is about "Patreon will be getting about 6-8 EPISODES A WEEK OF ONE PIECE .. this is more than usual.". I felt it a bit different so I checked that, but I don't really see a difference whether there is a subathon or not on Patreon. Yeah, there were some weeks with less episodes, but also a lot with more than 8 episodes and that wasn't quite rare. In Addition, there was a Naruto subathon ongoing during the "weaker" OP ep count in a week. So I kinda feel trolled by that sentence. Like I said before, it's his decision and it's fine. It's just a matter of communication.


I personally don't mind waiting for Patreon. I can't be fucked to sit through 4 hour streams and Nick edits the Patreon videos to include just the reaction. That's what you pay premium for

Luis V

How can i watch the live stream?


Akiba (Mod): Over at https://www.twitch.tv/nicholaslighttv at 12pm EST (or around that time)


while I do understand that people who can't take time off of work or school will miss out on the streams, you will still be getting 6-8 episodes a week. And the people on Patreon have it the best with getting unedited reactions for ALL of his anime reaction and if you pay a bit more, you can watch his archived streams. the people on YouTube only have edited content and no streams, and the people on Twitch that might have missed something, only get his most recent streams.


I could probably just figure it out with simple maths but I’m too lazy. Anyone know if the post war arc will be included in the subathon? It is arguably as important as Marineford and episode 516 would be a better stopping point than in the middle of everything.


Yeah it’s not as good it’s way better

Sam Cam

Just use stream recorder io to watch the stream back don’t waste money here

Sam Cam

He’s paying money but yet gets less than people who aren’t paying money simply because of the place he lives


I think some of you are forgetting how huge the files are for massive streams. It takes forever to edit and upload massive videos like that and it’s much easier to upload them if they are smaller and split up. If you wanted the entire video it would take way longer to get it than usual. Also whenever he decides to put these on YouTube it would be way easier to have bits and pieces to work with than a massive video. Plz stop complaining and let Nick post these in a way that seems much less stressful and time consuming.

Christian Clark

yeah that's the only reason I don't watch streams (well and I'm at work most of the time) . I miss a but of a stream then wait 4 weeks to catch up lol

matteo nindido

stop sucking up to youtubers you like. i personally dont really care to complain, but if ppl have valid complaints dont just act like the youtuber is always right. but i personally don't care, others do. (i dont know what they are complaining abt)

Peter Nistor

bro complaining about this when is 3 dollars a month jesus fuck, if u rly wanna watch it fully just record the stream that day bruh not that hard. ur not entitled to shit


my brother in christ its literally $3 a month to watch his reactions. if you aren't financially stable enough to pay that then why are you here in the first place. if you aren't happy with his upload schedule then just wait 2-3 weeks for him to upload the entire thing, and then pay for the patreon so that you can watch all the content at once.

Akai Ki

"and always being a man of his word" HAHAHAAHA nice joke

Akai Ki

So now is my time for some fire :D First of all of course there is a point in Uploading all at once, because u already did upload 6-8 episodes of One Piece and Naruto in the past, I don´t see a problem why not to to it again, just say you want it like this so you can delay stuff more on purpose for "more/longer lasting content. So now let´s say you will "lose" like some "viewers" on on that twitch stream, because ppl wait to watch it one Patreon or ppl who can´t be there on stream decied to sub to your patreon because they missed first day or the second one so they can catch up to it, isn´t that also a win for you for getting like 1k or more new Patreon subs because of the subathon??!! Same effect and it´s more fair. And we all just humans and stuff happens, let´s say like u did experience last week with ur father in law some of your fans/follower or views experince the same or even worse in there life and they have to be there for this person and now he misses the stream and can´t even watch in on patron, is this fair ?! No it´s not! Respect us the way we respect you and all of ur decisions and misstakes and show the same kindness and don´t be a dickhead or so stubborn!! Communicate with us and talk, don´t forget where all ur money comes from. Imagine ignoring this massage xD I fully support you @Monkey D Moritz

Sara Baldwin

The only way I would see this being unfair to Patreon subscribers would be if he never uploaded any of the stream at all. He's explained himself multiple times now and the membership fee is already very low for the amount of content we get compared to other Patreon reaction vidders. Harping on this just comes across as entitlement.

firat Vural (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-01 00:12:39 people who are saying ''you wil be gettin 6-8 episodes a week isn't enough!'' No it ain't there is a whole subathon going on and we get to watch 6 episodes a week which is what people on youtube already give. WHİTHOUT patreon.
2024-07-31 22:20:19 people who are saying ''you wil be gettin 6-8 episodes a week isn't it enough!'' No it ain't there is a whole subathon going on and we get to watch 6 episodes a week which is what people on youtube already give. WHİTHOUT patreon.

people who are saying ''you wil be gettin 6-8 episodes a week isn't it enough!'' No it ain't there is a whole subathon going on and we get to watch 6 episodes a week which is what people on youtube already give. WHİTHOUT patreon.


@Matteo @Monkey He's working for him lmao he has no other choice than suck and follow with a smile on his face


dawg what are you even saying this is some of the worst grammar i've ever read and its such a wall of text its damn near impossible to tell what you're even complaining about. you're upset the entire vod isn't posted immediately? he said hes still gonna post the episodes, just at a slower pace, just watch them as they release then, you're still getting more content than an average week you're just being pissy its not all at once. grow up with this "don't be a dickhead" schtick or leave the patreon, I assure you your two bucks isn't gonna end his career

Monkey D. Moritz

When did I ever say anything about not being financially stable enough to pay the money lol can u not read? I’ve paid dude formover two years now the reason I came was one piece and I stayed for other stuff but advertising a subathon and getting people excited to be able to watch marineford within a week just to tell them sorry you actually cant because you live in a place where watching the full stream isn’t possible to combine with working a job. It just doesn’t make sense for loyal, paying viewers to get less than people who don’t pay anything but just have the right time to watch the stream. But yeah sure it’s because I don’t want to pay nick 3 bucks lmao


Bro wat are you on about if u miss the stream just watch it on patreon it aint that hard


Bro is forgetting how long it actually takes to edit. And how hard that would be for YouTube uploads in the long run. Who tf cares how fast you get it the point is you are getting it for a very good price. If you can’t handle waiting then just unsub then resub when it’s all there. Don’t try to guilt trip Nick when he is providing so much.


Damn thats 2am for us Australians, I got work, sport and uni during the day so I cant be getting up at that time to watch. So that sucks you aren't just gonna upload the streams for people unable to watch it live.


MHA will most likely be out tomorrow for anyone wondering


12am for me, I guess I have to stay up late to make it.


12am for me, guess I’m sleeping late thr next few days

The Shiz

Sounds good to me nick I'll be there bright and early sir 💪


bro i live in a country where the timezone is literally flipped. It will be 3am when he streams for me and i aint getting up for that shit. He already said he will upload everything on patreon, its just split up and at a slower pace. I dont feel like im getting any lesser on the patreon.


Also this isnt a valid complain bud. Why are you acting like hes not gonna upload the stream? Judging from what you are saying, you dont have time to sit through a 14 hours video in one sitting anyway. Why not just wait for him to edit the video, check back every 2 days or so when he uploads a smaller portion, watch it during ur commute to work? Is there that much of a difference if u get 4 hours video every 2 days vs a 14 hour video in one day? (and you have to manually fast forward his toilet breaks too)


Yeah it would be perfect to finish the saga. I counted marineford all the way to 516 to be 56 episodes. For comparison, he did the pain saga which was about 50 episodes. But I doubt he’s doing all that from seeing how he’s doing 7 episodes a day for the most part.



Akai Ki

The reason why he said he will upload only 2 ep each other day sucks and is not unfair at all. It sucks because the next like 40 episodes gonna be peak and just imagining watching only 2 and ending on a cliff hanger just sucks at this for more than 2 months! I would be less triggered if he would just write "I just want to upload 2 episodes because I want to no specific reason just because i want it like that" but giving a shit ass reason why he is doing it like this makes no sense. And even leaving the fair or unfair aspect aside uploading it like this makes no sense because of the upcomming One piece stream he will be doing with a over 2 month delay. Thats my point, I don´t wanna be forced to show up now on every stream because of he logic how to upload. thx PS: Im following him and watching his streams since he started with Anime longer than some mods he has ;D




The Patreon uploads gonna start when the subhaton is over or during it?

Vailing Bow

Monkey D. Moritz yeah, no. Yo're full of shit. He didn't do no poll whatsoever, LOL. Again, he decided WHEN the subathon was all on his own. No one told him to do it, so just stop, lol. Also, I do love how you also ignore those that donate subs, lol and womp womp. You can't pay with your time. Well, some can. And some do pay with their money so keep crying 😂 and again wrong on him just saying now that it'll be this schedule, LOL. Clearly you're entitled little shit who can't read either. His Naruto Subathon was the same AND he made a post at July 18, LOL. 13 days ago. 2 weeks ago, LOL. Maybe instead of being a entitled little shit maybe use your brain for once and remember that One Piece is not a Patreon exclusive and is a Twitch exclusive. Small minded spoiled brats like you can't seem to comprehend that. Not to mention this is his income, lol. Dumbasses like you act like your complaining, rambling and your bs will change anything. Plus you act like you're not getting anything or paying fucking $15 LOL. Get over yourself

Vailing Bow

Jeido there's no misunderstanding here. A subathon is inherently exclusive to Twitch, lol. One Piece is streamed exclusively on Twitch Live.

Vailing Bow

Matteo love how you say you don't care yet here you are. Triggered. Your response are exactly who this message is for 😂also love how you act like I said valid criticism = complainers 😂also any criticism is useless in the end here since this is already what he decided 😂

Vailing Bow

My God you entitled little sad sacks act like he isn't posting anything, lol. This was said 2 weeks ago and has thought about how this will go since then and decided to do it this way. It's fucking $3 and One Piece isn't a Patreon exclusive. He has also given his reasons. Just because yo don't like it doesn't mean he's doing it because he just wants it like that, LOL. You dumbasses that just complain don't seem to understand that. Imagine being such a dickhead talking about respect when yo give none, LOL. What a hypocrite you are.

Akai Ki

Looks like ur IQ is to low to understand und comprehend thinks like critic or options to do something differend. Your text looks like your did not understand anything i wrote or what others did and im sure u have a lot of friends. Bless god u are not a Patreon mod and just a twitch mod. Why are u guys even so sensitive, can't even take one Front without instantly crying. Ps: Get ur shit together.

Eren is AOT

Can somebody explain how will he watch the episodes, beacause if he watches 7 eps every day for 5 days those are 35 eps. Marineford arc consists of 60 eps(1 filler) so how excactly does he plan on watchin all of Marineford arc in these 5 streams. I hope I don't understand something right. Even if he watches 1 or 2 extra eps every stream he still won't finish the arc and I say 1 or 2 because he says he MIGHT watch extra eps if the sub goal is reached. Please if somebody knows inform.


Man thats a little lame. I joined to support of course but the fact that you're gonna delay the uploads when a lot of us physically can't tune in to the streams isn't very fair.


i think hell stop at 489 thats where the arc officially ends. He even says its the marineford arc. U count the post war arc too (until 516 or so), thats not the marineford arc. I know it would be kinda better if he would react to that as well, but imo thats more then enough already anyways. Like he is giving us so many episodes either way.


Plus remeber the more episode the more hell get behind with patreon uploads, and ull have to wait even more for episodes here after the subathon. Like he reactet to more naruto episodes after the pain arc and they came 4 days ago even tho he already reactet to it on stream. The patreon uploads caugt up only with the last naruto post. And marineford has more episodes then the pain arc. If you include post war arc to the subathon and he watches op episodes after that too, it would take like 2 months until patreon caught up to his streams xd

Declan Gorman

He doesn’t say anything specific, he was likely talking about Rengoku in demon slayer

Eren is AOT

Yeah that's true, I didn't think that far ahead with the patreon release schedule. Thanks either way bro!

Vailing Bow

Yes it is enough, lol. One Piece isn't Patreon exclusive. If you don't like it and only came here for One Piece then you can leave and wait for it on yt longer 👍

Vailing Bow

Ironic you say I have low IQ with grammar like yours and accusing me of not understanding a comment, LOL. I fully understand critics, but what you're doing isn't a critic. It's just complaining and being a little bitch baby. Not to mention any critic however valid is useless when this is already how it's going to be, lol and I fully understood your comment. You just can't comprehend that the subathon is for TWITCH not Patreon. Cry about it. Funny you say I'm not a Patreon Mod when Tobi (Patreon Mod) as well as the other Mods get to decide y'alls fate here too, LOL.

Vailing Bow

Akai Ki yeah, you're a nice joke too. He has said how this was going to go over 2 weeks ago, LOL. Nice try you joke. Take yor own advice and get your shit together. Imagine being so pathetic complaining on Patreon for $3.

Vailing Bow

Ancientswords lol. Well, unfortunately then you'll have to wait then. But Nick will make sure you eventually catch up.

Ryan Palyo

If you can't join the streams then there's literally nothing different for you to complain about. You're getting more one piece reactions than you usually would from him, so it's still a bonus for you. Like he said, if people can just watch it all at once then there's no point of him livestreaming it. He would lose a lot of the interaction he would get on streams. You have to realize he's an entertainer and has to do what he can to satisfy the majority of his viewers. People that don't have money to sub get a treat by getting it streamed, and patreon subs still get a bonus by getting more one piece reactions than they normally would. If you only subbed here for the marineford subathon stream reactions, well then sorry to hear it, but you're still gonna get the reactions out faster and uncut than you would on just youtube anyway. If you still aren't happy, well it's only $3. Not like you lost much


@Vailing Bow your reply is literally what I was thinking in my head lmao - it's not even like One Piece is the only thing on Nick's Patreon anyway. He uploads tons of stuff like every day pretty much

Big KD

TBH 3$ is really cheap in comparison to other patreons


You're missing the entire point. We are literally supporting him directly and instead of giving us any benefit for it we get nothing. We are getting the exact same as the YouTube free audience. Why not just release it immediately after? A lot of people in different time zones or god forbid have a real JOB aren't able to show up for genuine reasons.


Hey did u watch day 1 today, I totally missed it haha

Akai Ki

Baiting us with the "if we reach the sub goal we watching more" ahh episodes lol


The benefit is getting the episodes here before its uploaded to YouTube. You are still getting something for your contributions. also these are uncut videos which in itself is another benefit. As it takes time to edit for the YouTube cut of each batch of episodes.

Vailing Bow

Jossop man, more entitled Patreons, lol. You do get a lot, lol. You get reactions unedited and quicker than yt and Patreon exculsives, lol. Qit acting like One Piece is a Patreon exclusive and quit acting like you dont get content for as low as $3. Twitch get their own perks and so does Patreon. Honestly, if you're that unsatisfied and think yt gets more, then unsub. Ask for a refund and don't come back. Pretty simple.


How is it entitlement when we literally pay for a service? The majority of the one piece moments are uploaded for free. We get very little for what we pay.

Vailing Bow

Exactly Kleed. Bro's just like this. He made his own entitled ass comment, lol

Vailing Bow

yep! You may search a subathon in Google. I believe they'd have a description and it's all good Jeido


StrawHatTobi(Moderator): gets very little for what you paid for what are you on about, are you hearing yourself correctly?


StrawHatTobi(Moderator): You get content every single day what you mean gets very little for what you paid…

Monkey D. Moritz

You’re not getting more than usually tho it’s pretty much the average he’s given us the last few months. Either way lying ppl get less than non paying people lucky enough to live in the right stretch of land. If that ain’t unfair then idk what is


In terms of exclusive content it's absolutely true. Most of what's on here is uploaded for free whilst cutting out the non reactive parts. The whole livestream is just a kick in the teeth because why are you throttling us because we aren't able to show up to a very exclusive event. Surely the patrons who pay should get some access to this despite having to work a job or living in a different time zone. For those who only come for one piece it feels like we're getting shafted.

Monkey D. Moritz

Im Full of shit? Literally just type in „poll“ on the search bar go to January and you’ll see the poll. But yeah sure fact checking doesn’t need to be done as long as it helps your claim :)


Akiba (Mod): Nick is only doing Marineford for the marathon but he has an ultimate goal he has planned for the marathon and if that's reached he was thinking of doing a mini marathon for post Marineford

Eren is AOT

Yeah he said it in the live yesterday. Man I can't wait for the next 4 hours to pass.

Eren is AOT

If every day's stream goes as yesterday's went next week we might have our post marineford reaction haha. Jokes aside the subs yesterday went craaaaaazy bro. You guys nailed it yesterday.


I mean i get ur guys point. I also cant turn into the most subathon op livestreams, which is frustrating. But its still his decision how he does things and complaing wont change anything. If u guys still feel unfairly treated just dont pay for his patreon for 2 months if u are only here for one piece as u said. Ull save money and can watch all the episodes in one go. I also dont like his approach into this, but as u can see nothing will change