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Naruto Shippuden - Episodes 205 - 206 (UNCUT REACTION)



Seeing the screen of Sakura's confession makes me go ick. But still let's go new upload 🥳

Bim Skuddi

This fake hoe underestimating the goats emotional intelligence


Sakura 🗑 🤡

Min Thet

The thumbnail tho



Ty Clark

Lmao Sakura gets seen through like Rotomairewhenua (Blue Lake) in New Zealand.

no u uwu

Sakura is the worst. She had the fight against sasori that was goated but after that 💀

원 지

Nick today will be streaming?


I feel like I'm the only one that doesn't hate Sakura lol

Gabriel Rodrigues

Sakura was trying to force herself to forget Sasuke and engage in a relationship with Naruto, it's a great movemente for me, complex feelings loving a criminal, even that the story is not that well succeeded in show why she loves him so much, she just do.

Gangster Gastino

Where can I find schedule for one piece?


StrawHatTobi(Moderator): Yes he will be streaming today but probably after 1pm EST

Emine Yeşil

Sakura tried to make Naruto not feel responsible for Sasuke anymore.. I respect that.


Hey nick/tobi will you ever post the full streams again or are you going to stick with the 2 episodes at a time thing?


did everyone miss the whole conversation between sai and sakura a few episodes ago?


Sakura definitely was overhated for this scene she meant well although it wasnt a smart descion but people here seem to just try making up the idea that sakura did all this for herself and not for naruto's sake


It's funny because Nicholas is Temari. 🤣


My guy talks during the worst times 😭


That bullshit would have worked(maybe) in 1 arc when sakura was goat and naruto useless But now..


Sai and shikamaru made her realize ending Sasuke's rampage was the right thing to do, she knows Naruto would never agree to it and feels responsible for his pain and obsession with Sasuke. The guilt and realization that Naruto loves her led her to this messed up situation. what she did was fucked, but had good intentions and did what she thought was best for the village, and for Naruto.

XI_A_Sourodip Roy

Sakura s way was shit but in this period everyone was great except Naruto he is saying too much sasuke


i remember reading the scene in the manga and instantly hating her for it.


i thought the 2 ep uploads was only for the subathon, are the regular full stream uploads(5 eps) not a thing anymore?

Rina Terror

people understand that, they hate the way she did it because it was a completely stupid way of doing it

Chris Gama

Yeah, Sakura here was trying to take the burden off Naruto, by both saying that he doesn't have to keep his promise to her about Sasuke, and also just to emphasize that its really okay for him to stop pursuing Sasuke because she doesn't love him anymore. Glad Naruto saw right through that shit.


I hope he reacts to the Jinjuriki song!


I'll do you one better. For the better part of my childhood, Sakura was my favorite female character in Naruto. I still prefer her over all the others to this day. Ino is too loud of a character, Hinata is too safe of a character, and Ten Ten is Ten Ten. But I'm mature enough to know that Kishimoto just....didn't feel the same about Sakura because looking back, I can see all that wasted potential with the character. He really wasn't on shit with this character at all. Her flaws make her real but any real growth she could've had was wasted because Kishi doesn't make lasting, practical use of any of her many self-reflection moments beyond a brief moment in the spotlight. And all of his interviews on her proves this.

Ben Lobner

"is she pregnant?" i nearly spit out my drink when he said that xD


That's fair, but she is still a teen after all, and some seem to hate her more than danzo and the elders which is crazy lol


I'm sure once 208 drops, the next stream on the 30th will be uploaded in it's entirety


I normally don't humor them but that one guy saying you should not skip power arc, he's onto something. It got me curious so I checked out why he wanted it so badly after seeing him around a while and I can understand his hype. If my word means anything, I would definitely recommend watching Power Arc on stream. Yeah it's a filler but it's got probably the best animation in the entire series. Movie level stuff right there and it does have some mixed canon in some parts. And also It's only 6 episodes long so you could finish the little mini arc in one stream if you wanted. It starts on 290 and ends on 295 so we still got a ways away till then but yeah, it's some good stuff mah boi 🔥


Tell me, why not 5 reaction episodes as before, but 2 episodes? Will it always be like this now?


Sakura thinks Naruto is still the kid from the beginning of the series


And his chat confirms it since they just agree on whatever he says. He could say something like all cats should die and his chat would still agree somehow.

David za

Didn’t you said Friday will be 6😄

Tae Kellz

Yeah it's annoying af. Nick and bases his opinion off of the negative comments in his chat vs forming his own opinion. He doesn't even get why she did it even tho I wasn't the biggest fan of it but I never hated sakura as much as some others. She thought it would work and it was the wrong way to go about it. Nick does this with alot of shows tho so after all this time I'm just use to it

Martin Fink

"You used to be a loser and now your a hero so I like you." Ugh even if she was telling the truth her reasoning would of been so twisted anyway . Thank god Naruto matured enough to see what real love looked like (hinata)

uchiha madara

Why is he always moving like there is a sick beat we are not hearing?

Martin Fink

She could of done a different way though; her idea was to use Naruto's feelings for her to manipulate him to stop going after Sauske not realizing his goal has become deeper than her. All of this crap.lead to nowhere for her character in fact she regressed so badly that this "confession" made people even more angry.

uchiha madara

Same. She is just desperate. But you know people like Hinata more becouse she is submissive and have big tits. Overlooking the fact how useless she is she had like 3 screen time and all of them consisted of her being beaten the f up.


I hate sakura

David za

Omg I didn’t know that😳 only health nick god bless


Sakura ain't shit. I wish Hinata was there to give her ass a gentle fist lol. Don't worry Nick I think this is the first episode the Raikage's name is revealed so you didnt know before. In sub its "Ei" but in English its A. So you just pronounce his name by saying the letter A. The 2 tails name is Yugito with a t, not yugioh. When Chojuro was first introduced in ep 199 it was said that he's one of the seven ninja swordsman. I think you missed it


Hey don't blame Sakura for the way she is blame the author of the naruto manga for making her the way she it's not her fault for being a Poorly written character blame Masashi Kishimoto for not being able to write any good female characters

Daemon TLH

nigga said dont be a simp lmao who even says dat anymore n bro can like whatever he wants , whatchu tryna gatekeep or sum 💀

Vailing Bow

That isn't what people are angry about. At this point it's beyond him going for that promise he made for her and her confessing WAS NOT the way to go to stopp Naruto

Vailing Bow

Doubt it. Once he releases 207 and 208 it should go back to how it is

Vailing Bow

I'm surprised I didn't see not 1 comment how "nIcK iS bEiNg iNfLuEnCEd bY hIs cHaT" Edit: nvm. Found one in a thread smh.

Vailing Bow

You guys are so full of shit, lol. Nick has said already he makes up his own mind. Just because you disagree with it doesn't mean he doesn't, lol.

Its Hazard

The war arc is PEAK 🔥🔥


chat is patreon caught up with whatever episode he'll be watching for the next naruto stream or is he ahead of us?


StrawHatTobi(Moderator): 1 more upload and then Patreon is caught up on the next naruto stream


sweeettt thanks for the heads up, its nice to be able to tune in again without having any gaps lol


Episode 31 of asking for Nicholas to not skip Power Arc


At this point I felt like author just cares about Naruto, he sacrificed Sakura's character in order to show Naruto maturity and to break his mental state even further for him to hyperventilate. There was absolutely no need to dig hole for her.

john king

My question is what was her plan if he said yes? Fake being in love with him the rest of their lives!?


I'm not pissed yes Sakura is a terrible character but I blame the author of the manga for writing her that way

Emine Yeşil

maybe in a stupid way, maybe not, she tried to make Naruto feel alright again. She felt guilty for his suffering. Why so much hate? i’ll never understand..

Uuraami Chan

A majority of the female cast is. This has been a widely discussed topic for awhile lol.


exactly Lucas, her tactic to get him to stay in the village wasn't taking into account the fact Naruto grew a lot since he made that promise in the rescue Sasuke arc.


I understand what Sakura tried to do. She momentarily lost the will to save Sasuke because she saw how reckless Naruto became because of it. Naruto was risking a war between the Leaf and the Clouds just for a slim chance of convincing Sasuke, who's already committed tons of crimes at this point. She tried to surpress her feelings for Sasuke and go for the safe choice, which is to entertain Naruto's love for her (which she thought was the reason he was so adamant on pursuing Sasuke). She just didn't take into account that Naruto isn't the same he was when he made his promise to Sakura before the Rescue Mission, he cares to save Sasuke from the hatred he holds onto now. He wishes to solve Jiraiya's question on harboring Peace.

Austin Silv

One of my favorite Sakura moments 🫶

Austin Silv

Thank you for actually putting thought into her actions instead of blindly hating her bc there was definitely reason for her actions misguided but still her intentions were to free Naruto from his burden that she thought SHE was solely responsible for, which is what Sai basically told her just a couple episodes ago


One of the many moments were Sakura just shows herself to be a shitty person in general 😂I remember totally hating her as a kid but I got over a lot of it once I got older and kind of just accepted that she was written with Karen energy coded into her dna 🤷‍♂️Like, yeah, she loves her friends and her village. She definitely has some very good qualities in her strength of mind and she definitely mellows out a lot as an adult so I definitely don't hate her anymore. But I absolutely do not like her and never really have either. People can use the excuse that she's a badly written character and I don't completely disagree because it's clear that Kishi is better at fleshing out his male cast. But: putting the writing skill aside, she's just a shitty person when compared to any of her female peers and always has been. It doesn't matter what the reasons were, this manipulation was a new level of shitty - and maybe I feel that way because I have such a high value on honesty but she really couldn't have picked a worse way to try and go about this. It's also something she keeps doing, manipulating Naruto (and others) in the most dehumanizing ways, and it really solidified my genuine dislike of her character. Again, I'm not saying she doesn't have good qualities, because she does. I'm just saying that her good qualities don't make up for her bad ones, in my eyes. Unfortunately, the Sakura debate has been going on for literal generations at this point, but it is what it is. My two cents is that she's a shitty person but still manages to contribute positively despite it, and that a lot of problems probably could have been solved a lot sooner if she hadn't always been so selfish and proud and condescending 🤷‍♂️


Nah not all seems like only Sakura. Tunade, chio, timari, even ino was useful. Hinata had her moment. If you talk about cast not being utilized enough then that stands of all other male characters as well.


Oh my god. I thought I'd understand why Sakura decided that "confessing her love" to Naruto was a good idea after so many years. But no. She's simply trash. (WHY did you use that thumbnail Nick, are you taunting us? Lmao)

Jimmy Recinos

Not Alicia raiding your stream that’s two Patreons in one video crazy


they should've killed sasuke then sakura should kill herself

John Fischer

I think sakura was fully willing and ready to go forward with everything she said. I think she was going to force herself to he with naruto if it meant saving him from his agony over sasuke. Yeah she should have known it wouldn't work, but i dont think she was bluffing or trying to pull one over on him.