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Naruto Shippuden - Episodes 166 - 167 (UNCUT REACTION)



skjsnnskskndnskjs i need the new episodes


Early gang



Benjamin Schweichler

YES, the surprise. Gonna watch it right now after my food is done perfect timing HYPE

Zweihander Montante

Now bro im fuking wait this moment long time lol , it’s really perfect video , we have god tier 2ep in 1 video 🔥🔥🔥 That so sick man.

100Hour Review

When I gained respect for Hinata.


Hinata is so precious I can't 💜


"I gotta change my pants". Truly a relatable statement to this episode.

원 지

Peakruto let's go

Firir Yessir

one of the best episodes so far


167 was too much, imagine how it felt watching it back then for the first time. The fight, the music and Minato appearance in the end was like a cherry on top. Just epic perfection


Ronnoc *

We are never going to see a arc like this ever again

Benjamin Schweichler

The tears.. are everywhere. I cant type. The moment with Minato and one other moment in the future is always making me SO. FKN. EMOTIONAL. This is peak. This is Naruto.

Rasul Magic


XI_A_Sourodip Roy

Fortunately this is the starting of peakness

Fine Kat

totally did not tear up AGAIN lol


AYYYOOO 27:19 Chat said "mosquitopain"

Yalir bokro

Nick don’t let anyone make you believe the show went down hill after that. the show did not get worse at all, it got so much better. When I think of Naruto I have a lot of moments and story telling Which come to my mind after the pain arc. The emotions will get stronger and better The characters will get better The osts better The fights are going to be insane The reveals are going to be crazier This is the perfect arc to give the show the direction it needs so believe it DATABAYO 👍


Such a relatable reaction. I'm so happy you posted in on Patreon too ❤️


Man forgot how peak this was

Chris Gama

Truly a god tier moment in anime history. If there was Twitter back then it would have blew it all up. But no people hitting up their MySpace pages writing blogs about it for days!! And yeah, imagine we had to wait a full week before the next episode. Also keep in mind, there was no such thing as simulcasts back then. The Japanese releases were a good like two years ahead of the English dub releases. Though I could be wrong, I know originally Naruto took like two years to be finally licensed in the US, but I don't know how fast the dub releases caught up by this point? I know they were behind because they couldn't do fast releases then but I just don't know how far behind. Still though, me and my friend were getting fansubs of these off mIRC back in the day and every week the Pain arc was like a goddamn event. We would get bag loads of dollar cheeseburgers, fries, 50 cent sodas and a vanilla cone from McDonalds, and go back to his house and watch Naruto. Great fucking times man. I wish I could go back. Now I'm an old crotchety shit that complains about kids and their skibidi toilets and their rizz and edging, the little fuckheads. Anyway, we got a looooong way to go, can't wait to see the upcoming arc reactions, Nick!

Matt Creeko

I feel so numb watching this again. There’s a difference watching this on your own versus something else experiencing those emotions the first time. Legendary episode

Dallas Winston

Remember when a bunch of people were telling you “Don’t watch Naruto its trash” 😂


remeber watching this first time i think the most amaizng thing was when pain was staring at naruto and said DO YOU HATE ME, absolute Cinema.




these 2 peak episodes always take my breath!i forgot how legendary that was YOU BETTER POST THE NEX T EPISODES SOON


Peak Naruto fr


Wow I react to so many scenes differently than when I was a child. All the Hinata moments and the end were hitting me really hard!

yazako 11

Bro fr, I think that hopefully pain arc was not the end of Naruto as a lot of people wanted. This peakness is a part of a piece of art which is Naruto, it needs it, and it also needs arc after this masterpiece. Finally someone who see Naruto as it has to be seen


I was lucky that I started watching the anime when this arc was already animated, so I was able to watch the entire fight in one day :D


When I watched this string of 8 episodes the first time I nearly lost my mind. I wasn't heavy into anime at the time, but I did enjoy it. These episodes made me a rabid anime fan and sparked an interest in writing in me that led me to working on several novels and a massive JRPG. When you said the writing in this show was inspirational I was literally clapping in agreement during the stream. I haven't ever seen anything that has reached this level of storytelling since this first aired (Dattebayoans rise up) and I've seen a lot of anime. The only thing that comes close, imo, is Cowboy Bebop in terms of the quality of the writing. Maybe certain plot threads in AoT as well. But this run of Naruto eps are the pinnacle for me.

Jeremy Brooks

Imagine how u woulda felt Nick not knowing Hinata survived 🤣 sht was rough back then


God tier!!

Brad Jones

This isn't the last 2 episodes of the pain arch.


Hinata risking her life for Naruto is one of the most beautiful and emotional scenes. She literally wasted blood, sweat & tears. A big step up for her, talk about character development. Animation is god tier. I love how Naruto hammered Pain in the ground like a whack a mole that sh*t is hilarious yet epic at the same time. Pain's "Do you hate me now" is much better in dub imo, it just hits different. A nice little detail I caught at the start of 167 it shows Minato's face on the Hokage rock. I took it as symbolism of Minato watching Naruto transform at the beginning, then at the end we see Minato stopping him from going completely nine tails.


i just came


Fun fact: the pain arc was supposed to be the END of Naruto. That’s why it feels like it’s ending here. Kishimoto was pushed to write more Naruto after this. He didn’t want to write Naruto as he felt it was over. He wanted to start Boruto AFTER the pain arc


Brooooo why 2 episodes every 2 days? I don’t understand why he keeps milking this while he already saw all the eps a while ago. Is there any good reason for this ?


I've been waiting so long for these two, I wasn't able to make the stream.


yes, and he's said why plenty of times, at the same time he doesnt need to give a reason anyway


It's so emotional 😭😭


Never understood the hate and controversy that this episode started. This super fluid style of animation is basically the norm nowadays, and the choreography is second to none. Sure, the pause frames can be goofy, but that was not how it was intended to be seen anyway.


So many people downplay this show i genuinely can't understand why how could you witness this and call it mid i can't

no u uwu

The best part about naruto, is it literally only gets better.

ِSweerx `

This is the best reaction ever seen make me feel like the first time watching this episode thank u Nick

Jesus Lujan

omg yes I had to watch one episode at a time, the anticipation was so big. I would rewatch naruto becasue I couldn't wait for the next episode. And don't believe the people that say that it goes downhill from here. Of course you can't have peak for like 200 episodes. But there's like another 3 moments after this, that I believe, compare to this, this is just the first one and people remember it more.


its not mid but compared to shows like one piece it gets mid

Diego Hill

When’s the next one come out now?


The episodes animation is the perfect litmus test if anyone knows anything about animation, the fight is extremely well animated


right? I heard that the hate from the community for this style of animation pretty much ruined the carrier of one of the best anime fights animator of all time, it's sad

David za

Bro 2 eps in 2 days and you still ungrateful? This is the man money he live from he want to go for vacations he’s deserve and still giving you content I personally appreciate him a lot for it


Sorry if i came off as ungrateful, I didn’t mean it that way, he is very hardworking but i still don’t understand the point of not just uploading the subathon instead of uploading 2 at a time 🤷🏻‍♂️

Arlina Bloodgrave

Bro, he’s got other shows he’s doing on the daily. Naruto’s not the only show he does. Plus, he’s gotta do a little thing called editing for YouTube because YT’s copyright is ass. Plus, constantly uploading videos on the same day does get annoying to some people

Martin Fink

It was that episode NaruHina shippers won, but the NarSaku shippers kept on trying.

noah conner

more hyped for this than the eminem album

David za

Yhea right… I watched both and still watching, Naruto have stuff that no anime those deep level of controversy’s and writing , one piece is amazing anime and well animated but this is pure heart this show, masterpiece.


How you going to leave us on a cliffhanger like that? Lol


Crying every episode man

Gabe Nettle

Bro It’s been so long since I watched all of this for the first time and it’s soooo sick getting to rewatch it and see ur reactions. Legendary


I feel like a lot of the people forget about the "bad" stuff naruto just has. Sure, Pain Arc is peak. But this arc isn't all of Naruto. A lot still comes, and while a bit if it is still cool, the rest is super mid. Just my opinion ofc though. (but nobody can actually tell me they liked what happend at the very end)


I just don't get the people saying that. It has some cool moments still, sure. I can't say to much now without spoiling stuff, but i just don't get people actually like what happens.

joshua martinez

Source is trust me Bro.💀 kishi did not plan to end it here at all. This guys just making up what the fan base wanted back then.

Thang Do

I guess Naruto means a lot to me and other dudes here. Seeing ur reaction is like we're able to rewatch it one more time dattebayo 🔥 TY so much man


OMFG LEGENDARY EPISODES The pain fight at the time was so funny (still kinda is) but getting to re-watch this, the peak animation only adds to the intensity of the fight, it's SO FUCKING GOOD 🔥🔥 I loved that Hinata had her moment, absolutely beautiful. I don't care if she's weak, she still tries so hard and that's what matters. Also, she's adorable. AND FINALLY- MINATO!! AFDGREBZTSHXUNSHDV CAN'T WAIT FOR 168 😭😭😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️


This is OMEGA cap. Kishimoto had long decided since near the very beginning that he would end the entire series with a battle between Naruto and Sasuke. He said as much in an interview, so clearly this is just a lie the war arc haters spread 💀. He also wanted to do the war arc, it was his idea. Sorry to break it to you.


You think he does subathons every day? I have no idea how you don't understand why he wouldn't upload them all at once. If he uploads all at once, Patreon wouldn't have any Naruto content til next subathon. Not good for business, people stay subbed month to month for consistent uploads. So sure it's convenient for you, but it completely destroys the patreon business model and hurts him. There is also a big difference between having on demand access and being required to binge with him on stream. I don't have the time or desire to do that, that sounds annoying AF. For me, this is far more convenient. There is really no winning with you people, if he uploaded them all at once y'all would complain for a month straight until the next arc upload anyway lmao. It has to be this way.


Nah f*ck this, don't speak for all of us like we all agree with you 💀. Naruto continues to be just as amazing, and he will see that.

Vailing Bow

Just as DiamondDst said, this is also his main source of income. He has said how the subathon will go days before and no one said anything. He then layed out a schedule for the releases for the uploads. This also gives content to bring on Patreon while he's away aside from the Patreon Exclusives. Naruto also isn't a Patreon exclusive. It was a Twitch stream. That's the perks twitch got just as Patreons get the perk to watch exclusive anime

カ エリ

This is PEAK fiction right here


I’m very sorry, my comment was in poor taste and was made without any thought given into it. I would like to thank you for your clarification and sincerely apologize to nick for my previous comments.

カ エリ

Cap, Naruto storyline would make absoluetly no sense if it stopped at Pain arc


Episode 24 of asking for Nicholas to not skip Power Arc


its so fucking clear of everything


Leaving us on this cliffhanger is just cruel.


the animation is perfect for this cause nagato controles the pain bodys with the chakra rods, so he can bend and form the body how he wants, and this is shown so good here.


There are some who do NOT like the way the fight was drawn but the “realness” of it all comes from it being…imperfect because, yes, there’s going to be a long list of forces at play and most of those are bigger and dependent on 3D space plus time, angular momentum, stuff based on a sphere not a flat surface and on and on. Also, around this time anime as a whole was shifting in how much reality (our own) was added and how much manga was kept in. It’s very interesting now, years and years later to watch. I personally love it. 💕


The only people you see calling this show mid is toxic sorry one piece fans that think everything is competing against them

Slink Man

About to watch these episodes with my brother tomorrow, his first time reaction. I'm so excited lol, this shit really is peak.


When is the next upload? If its not caught up with the today stream, I can't watch him live :(

Gytis Pranskunas

If this is PEAK than how you will call all the stuff that comes after the Pain ARC haha... PEAK of PEAKS is coming soon.

Taylor Nicole

You understood Hinata so well in this 😭 seeing Hinata finally stand up for not only herself but the person she cares about most. I swear Kishimoto is one of the best mangakas out there. He incorporated so much passion, love, action, ambition into the series.

Muhammad Ibrahim

Every show has bad stuff in it or phases where it’s not hype every eps but Naruto is the best one when those hype moments happen

Muhammad Ibrahim

Because your comment makes no sense whatsoever sasuke, madara and obito haven’t had their arc and you want it to be over?? Also the war arc has some of the greatest writing in all of anime


Anyway, I'm sick of these notifications already, so if you've read it, good, if you didn't , you definitely won't anymore

Maria Paula

in the manga this is where naruto finds out he is actually loved and feels loved by hinata loved your reaction

Morgan Joe-Peters

a battle between 2 uzumaki's is crazy.


I am a huge fan of both One Piece & Naruto. I literary grew up watching them since the box TV. I hate it when each fans of both Anime hate each other. Nothing wrong to compare but you cannot deny that each Anime has something that the other doesn’t. They are both Legendary Anime that will remain as one of the “Gods” of Anime Industry.


As much as I love AoT, JJK and the new gen animation stuff, the story and characters of Naruto and One Piece just hit harder.


Bro I can't stand this anymore, how dumb can you be. His not realizing that if 9 tails take over that's gonna mean that Narutos dead?

Jeroen Preder

Don't mind hinata skewered and drowning.

Aykut Sakarya

I find it funny how you're actually paying for this Patreon and you do nothing but complain. Like, how can anyone be so dense. Let the man enjoy the anime the way he wants lol.

정명 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-26 05:54:38 i just don't understand why you're overreacting when you already watched the english version, you clearly fake reacted to HXH too
2024-07-25 17:58:15

Luke Tjalkens

FINALLY. Just finished the HxH reactions, now it's time to GRIND the reason I bought a Patreon subscription and how I found the YT channel. Naruto Shippeakden. I'm so ready let's freakin go.