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My Hero Academia - 4x16 and 4x17 (UNCUT REACTION)



Ah yes i was waiting for this episode i cant wait to see if nick Notices the Suttle signs when bakugo shows signs of him Worrying about certain characters(shoto is one of them) like at the sports festival he was shocked to hear about shotos dad being abusive towards him n his mom

Kaleb Beaumont

you arent ready for where this shows heading man, so hyped to be along for the ride


So excited that your at the point where Horikoshi really starts to take the time to develop all the colorful cast of characters he set up in earlier seasons. I love Kirishima because of last arc. I LOVE Jirou because of this arc. People often overlook this half of Season 4 but I personally love when My Hero takes to time to develop Class 1A. Cuz as a manga reader, their found family dynamic is some of the best content to come out of this series. In my opinion.

Anthony Duque

I promise that your enjoyment of the show will only go up with each season! Love the reactions Nic!!!

Katsuki BakuGOAT

This is the kind of critical character development thats in season 5, so if you enjoyed this you will enjoy most of season 5. Just because things get slow doesn't mean that the arc is bad or the show fell off. I'm glad you can recognize that with mha. a lot of people don't, and that's why people say that season 5 is the weakest season. But in reality it holds important character development that pays off in a big way

James Perrott

Guys please no one hint at any spoilers for later

Dawn of Lineart

this was for sure one of my favourite mha reactions so far, omg! seeing Nick slowly but surely starting to like Bakugo is one of the best feelings ever (as a huge Bakugo fan myself) and also these eps are hilarious, so i'm glad he had a good laugh too lol

James Perrott

season 5 has a lot of bad but also a lot of amazing parts, but it wont be as bad watching it 4 episodes a week like this compared to when we had to wait week by week, same for these 2 episodes here


i really hope he sees this, i love the way season 4 and 5 build our characters, really helps me stay connected!!

James Perrott

Yeah these 2 episodes are definitely the weakest of season 4, but rewatching them not 1 week at a time, they werent all bad really. The rest of the season is so good genuinely.

Katsuki BakuGOAT

Yeah the only weak part for me in season 5 is the beginning Arc but even in that there's still critical character development that's super important and then there's the black w*** situation so in my opinion it's really just the first few episodes that are the weakest. The rest of the season at the e******* agency is one of my favorite arcs and then there's my v****** academia at the end so once we get past the first few episodes it's pretty golden to me. Also sorry for the asterix I just don't want to spoil LOL people that have seen mha will know what I'm talking about though


We are just preparing all for the next seasons >:)

Katsuki BakuGOAT

Glad you starting to understand why we stan our explosion boy Nick #BAKUGOAT


"I wonder if it gets darker..." hehe

Katsuki BakuGOAT

It's always so fun to see people start off hating him but ending up loving him LOL Bakugo is the goat


The part i really love about what ur mentioning is with bakugo in season 5 in the begining im pretty sure u know what episode im refering to


for me this is where MHA starts getting really interesting,less action focused and more keen to setting up stuff and developing characters for what comes after,also as said before if you are planning for a MHA week you should hold it until the start of season 6!

Stephen Afriyie

My issue with season 5 is moreso how they adapted the content, from dragging JT to last 13 episodes as well as the arc switch + fumbling MVA

Katsuki BakuGOAT

I 100% agree with you there. But thankfully that's all we need to worry about and it isn't as bad as a lot of other animes end up being when things like that happen. All in all I am stoked for him to see season 6 the most, but I love that we can't appreciate season 6 without appreciating the character development pay off in season 5

spring deerling

Aoyamas French was taking over

Katsuki BakuGOAT

I feel the same way for sure. I can't wait till he gets to the point where he can watch heroes rising as well


the problem with season 5 is the way they handled the arcs by switching the order, literally skipping spinners whole character arc + skipping a whole lot of other things AND combining that with bad animation

Katsuki BakuGOAT

Yep I completely agree with you there. It won't be as bad for anime onlys but it is a problem in hindsight because of the slight skewing of the timeline. But I watched the anime before I read the Manga and I'm caught up on both, and it didn't really give me as much of a hindrance as I thought that it would. So I think anime only are going to be fine with it since they don't know any better. But it definitely could have been arranged in much better of an order and God forbid the first Arc (JT) did not need to be so many episodes lmao. I'm definitely not saying that there arent issues, but to me the rewards are much more bountiful than the issues are. As for the animation I didn't see as much of a problem with it but I wasn't specifically looking for it. If I would have to think it's definitely lacking compared to season 2, 4 and 6, but overall not bad in my opinion. I do wish that some of the characters that they didn't develop as much in season 5 did get more development , but I'm betting they're going to loop around and include it in the upcoming season. But unfortunately that's what happens with animes versus the manga you know? They just don't have enough time to put everything in with their allotted time and so things get skewed but that happens in every anime really. But like I said I'm pretty positive that anime only won't have a hard time following it so it's not really a nitpick. If anything that will hopefully encourage them to go out and read the Manga.


These episodes are wild in the context of the ones that most recently released xD I used to consider them filler, but now they’re kind of important


:( guys you need to stop hinting and blatantly spoiling nick cmon we can do better than this



Pedro Sosa

"I wonder if it gets dark and depressing than that". haha ah man, you're in for a ride...


dawg with the most kind way possible shut up about this keep ur comments to urself u spoiling nick just by saying shit like this lmao


Ah welli think ik who ur talkinabout but i gave endever one whenever hes on screen i always do


So glad you're enjoying the downtime. You'll see as you go on that these moments are just as important as the big, action oriented arcs.

Abigail Jerry

“I wonder if it gets darker” 😐 like Tokiyama dark 🫨🥴


There's too much characters in this show for it to focus on every one of them, if they did focus of those SIDE character it'll just seem like boring filler arcs, if you don't care about certain characters that's a you problem lol.

Nathan Mathews

Seriously, the talk with Endeavor and All Might really encapsulates the next portion of My Hero. The idea of the Symbol of Peace & what it means on a societal level.

matteo nindido

"oh it's just him being aoyama!" yep! yeah... also why is he hating on aoyama so much

matteo nindido

nope! if you actually use your brain you'll understand why that specific character is a great character and never did anything wrong.. but ur just hating to hate


Yeah sometimes side characters are just there to fill in the world and stay on the side/in the background. Can’t explore everyone and even then not everyone has some deep or important backstory to tell.

Hamad Panzer

imagin how kacchan would be as a yuei teacher LOL

Aziz Mouakhar

He wrote "méfie toi de l'eau qui dort". In french it s an expression that means "beware of calm people cause they can be the most dangerous people"

Javier Lasso

Hi Nik, im from Spain. Spain Europe, not Spain located below Mexico. and we love Italy, but we don't like France. Aoyama has a French style, not an Italian one. Please, it's important to me.

Aziz Mouakhar

Actually you like these episodes even though they are calm because they are manga canon. Demon Slayer is boring currently because 90% of this season is filler. Horikoshi is a genius of storytelling. He masters his thematics and characters. Everything he draws has a meaning. But usually, when an anime adds filler content, it's shit. That's why you liked these episodes and didn't like demon slayers' even though they seem similar. Mha tells something while 90% kny last episodes (and upcoming ones) is empty


It’s funny how it’s been 4 seasons, but they’re still in their first year, so it makes complete sense for Midoriya to only just now befriend one of his classmates that he didn’t talk with much prior.

Adam Krasnodębski

Yeah people just get way too excited. Like with how a lot of people were commenting from day one that Nick will come around to Bakugo, and that he’s a great character. Like yeah that happens in a few season but in the begging he is just a douche and it’s fine to dislike him


What Aoyama write is in french [Il n'y a pire eau que l'eau qui dort] that mean [that it is seemingly harmless people that we should be most wary of]


The text that aoyama wrote on the rock is a French expression "Il n'y a rien de pire que l'eau qui dort", which could be translate to "There's nothing worse than sleeping water". It means that you should beware of taciturn / suspicious people


Trust me, there is a Reason to every character interaction. Ever heard of term "Long term storytelling"?)))


you're gonna love endeavor bro

Robert Breen

MHA is def a show that benefits from rewatching. It’s amazing how all the decompression episodes that allow breathing space between action still have so much long-term payoff stuff in them.


just gonna say these episodes *might* be foreshadowing for something in the future;)


Bro is surely not ready for Endeavor's ark ☠️(this emojy isn't a spoiler or domething, it's just funny)


dang after just catching up on the newest season, these eps hit different

yasmina C

bruv, i'd choose Aoyama over Mineta any day as my friend lol


My prediction: you gonna love this show even more the more you watch and ask the same question everyone else does “Is this even the same show I started?”


I swear how didnt I notice this foreshadowing first time I watch. those who watched season 7 know what I am talking about. its actually insane


nick idk if youre every gonna see this comment but you NEED to remember the aoyama stuff

Wild Wesley

As a manga reader, I’ve been waiting for the anime to catch up and seeing these comments is so heart warming. To answer your question about babysitting anime, tho, I’m aware of at least 1 (School Babysitters), but I would not be surprised if there were more out there. Unless you’re into cute slice of life type comedy anime, it’s not really worth it though.

Beast sama

I love the face Nick makes when he’s about to tear up 😂 don’t worry tho I teared up at the same time


Aoyama is one of my favorite characters lol He is weird as hell, but I love him. And yeah, episodes that blend comedy and serious plot/character stuff are great.


I didn't think much about it the first time I saw this Aoyama chapter, but after season 7 ...man. Remember this Nick! Is important


Also, yeah that moment Endeavor tells Shoto that he wants him to be proud of him as well got me bad 😭 Endeavor is one of my favorite characters and I love how he tries and starts to change little by little 😭❤️


this comment section is full of spoiler hints btw, can someone please do something about that

jood jindy

I laughed from the bottom of my heart when he ****** that rock

Amelia Smith

I can tell by your reaction to the deep conversations in these episodes that you are going to enjoy season 5. Also I love Aoyama I have always felt kind of bad for him.


For the love of god please stop saying "remember _______" its a spoiler. Plain and simple.

Justin Grant

Your head is always too big😂😂😂


This is why you should never believe people who say "This episode is pointless" etc. These two episodes are incredibly important for Shoto, and Bakugo. But for Endeavor in particular.


Be careful in these comments. Damn. Some people just can't shut the hell up about spoilers. 🙄

Scott Jensen

bro, if you think the first half of season 4 was dark and depressing, you are NOT ready for season 6


seeing ayoyama like this after seeing all the most recent episodes makes me realise they planned this for a while

Bdk298 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-15 20:22:41 Well well wellll....muhahahahahah yeah, they really make aoyama like that ! 😂😆
2024-06-15 13:09:56

JBLord Explosion Murder

Shut up with spoilers omg, you and others need to like wait stop spoiling or hinting it obvious u just Said what gonna happen 💀stop being dum, aanoyying!

Tshad Oswald

For those who were possibly what Yuga had wrote on the rock was a french expression. "Il n'est pire eau que l'eau qui dort", "There is no worse water than still water". Which basically means that we have to be wary of people who are falsely calm and gentle.