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Greetings users!

i need to share some news...

not sure if the users noticed ive been a bit of rushing lately finishing the rewards

the reason is because im still finishing some commissions i needed to take because of the issue when the laptod died, and because of this new issue of the rains damaging the appartment...

ive been using the first weeks of the months to work on those as soon as possible, and thats why sometimes im kinda late on releasing the rewards

there is this thing about the... well... the burnout xP, this happens to me a lot when i try to work on a specific project for too long, thats why i try to diversifythe rewards, this time giving a different pack with the usual comic pages, and... thats the reason too i released 4 pages this month

i was working asap too so i can work on the visual novel too, but I was already seeing that I was not going to achieve that, so there is i think a day left of the month... but im gonna use it to write even more dialogs on the script i have, so im not gonna waste time on not advancing on the project

while i still have this coms on the schedule, i think... not sure, that im not going to be able to, at least, release strong builds, i mean builds with visuals and dialogs and all that, since im a zombie that works on all that X_X, visuals, texts, maps, and engines... i beg your patience T_T

my goal is to go full on the visual novel development, but since is still a baby project, still unknown, i need to keep doing other rewards to keep the support of the users for this project, but sometimes things happens... like... in real life... that make things go like we didnt planned

BUT for now i still have 2 commission to work on left, im hoping on finishing those on next month, and with that hoping i can use that time on the following months first weeks to work on the comic, we are entering the final scenario so im gonna prioritize on finishing that and rest of the comics a bit so i can work and have the prologue and first events of the visual novel ready for a next build

really reaaaaally thanks users for your support and patience, and i will be working on adding the text of the releasen no text pages now



You got this. 😉 Quality takes time. ⏲️👌 Cook the meat slowly. 😋