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I'm interviewing Dr. Jennifer Bird tomorrow at 1pm EST on her book, "Marriage in the Bible: What DO the Texts Say?" - do you have questions you'd like to ask? Drop them in the comments and I'll add them to my list!

Watch the interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rsV3D6yh80


Jen C

What do the texts say about abortion? miscarriage? child sacrifice? And why should these have any relevance whatsover to modern secular democracies?

Sam Sam

In the Gospels we see mention of a marriage banquet so it seems to be something celebrated however in the OT marriage is treated more like a purchase of goods to put it crudely. Do we see a development over time of traditions in the Israelite and Jewish culture regarding marriage in the Bible?

Jen C

Given how many of the innumerable laws in the OT/ Bible are routinely ignored or as Dan McClellan likes to say renegotiated, why the ongoing conservative and nakedly poltical obsession with those on women's status and taking women? (i.e. marriage)? What are some useful tips to talk to believing family & friends?

Jen C

Is there still a discount code to order the book?