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 I hope everyone is staying as healthy and sane as is possible under the  current circumstances! Things are settling into a new normal here, and  we have some great content coming up for you. I'm working on a complete  narration of the Enuma Elish (I finished it last week and then the  computer ate my audio files ;_;), we have a couple of new HeBANE podcast  episodes, and - most excitingly - we're going to start interviewing for  HAPS 2020!  If you're unfamiliar with HAPS then please check YouTube later today for a video explaining what it is and why you should care.

We've had 11 applications so far, and I extended the application deadline until the second week of April, to make sure everyone who wants to apply has a chance to. Please be on the lookout for our livestream interviews, Saturdays at 12pm EST!


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