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so remember what i said about how after their respective 'accidents', Price and Simon got kinda...toxic and codependent? weeeell, i'm gonna take this opportunity to talk a bit about dragons and their hoard instincts.


So a lot of people mistake hoards as the result of a dragon's passing interests but in reality (for the types of dragon that have this hoard instinct) it's an intense and obsessive compulsion.

Dragons pack a lot of firepower into a relatively dense body, and hoards give them an opportunity to put all that energy somewhere by providing for a hoard's 'needs', whatever they are. In the old times, it was most common for dragons to hoard wealth, land or knowledge but as time went on the variety in subject expanded. Now, hoards can range from innocuous/harmless topics like trading cards to more complex subjects (like literal living beings).

The darker side to hoard instinct is how intense and possessive it is - the desire to monopolise and satisfy the needs of a hoard is all-encompassing, and it's not unheard of for dragons to go too far. Just like dating, dragons typically go through a few hoards in their lifetime (like passing hyper-fixations) before they find the one thing that'll be their hoard until they die. And after they find that one thing, the rest of their life is in some way dedicated to protecting, caring for and 'leaving their mark' on that thing. A big part of maturing for dragons is learning the self restraint required to not let these urges overtake them and turn them senseless.

Of all topics, hoards that center living beings are by far the most complex simply because living beings have agency and can't be entirely controlled. Price's hoard is the 141, and he has learned over time how to respect the lives of his boys. However, right after his and Ghost's final clash with Roba which resulted in life-changing events for both of them, he realised that he'd already subconsciously made Ghost 'hoard' in his mind.

The two of them fell into a co-dependent and borderline toxic relationship during their recovery. For Ghost, it was a combination of trauma-bonding and also a way to deal with his new powers/afflictions as a wraith. For Price, the recent loss of his wing had him falling back on other measures to help cling onto his dragon identity, and he overcompensated by going way too far on what was already a very fresh and concentrated hoard response. Of course there was still sincere affection backing up all of this, but they both ended up spiralling into something together.

It's always tough being THE hoard starter, as whatever it is will get an exorbitant response that lessens the more a hoard grows. It didn't help that Simon was in one of the most vulnerable and complicated moments of his life post-wraith-transformation. The co-dependency and possessiveness got to a point where higher-ups had to re-instate Price earlier than they wanted to and begin sending him out on missions again so that they could have some time apart. On one of those missions, Price met Gaz, and then later on, Soap.



Erin Craven

I.... I have no words.... this is beautiful

David Kennedy

The lip bite… THE CLAW MARKS SODBDKDNDKXJ holy fuck


Hold on to the horns deary


I wish it was a comic like the other two 😭


Oh my God I love your explanation and lore on hoards/them in particular




how toxic 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


YEH BABY LETS FUCKING GOOOO *rips shirt off* *bangs beer cans together like stone cold steve austin*


LORE DROP, YAASSSS! I love this deep dive into Price! And the artt aaaaaa! Gira you never disappoint! Soo amazing! The background gives your art such a nice punch, we love a good story! Thank you for sharing! ❤️❤️❤️


This is so amazing and such a BRILLIANT concept!! The way you write them and have made this whole hybrid 141 au so fkn well and flawlessly executed i- EVERYTHING MAKES SENCE AND IS SO NEATLY PLANNED OUT I LACK WORDS. WOW, JUST WOW!!?


Ugh, I love the lore just as much as I love the art. 😍

Seneti Hoshi

Amazing art like always.Nice coloring and thank you for the explanation for a part of this world.


I know Ghost and Soap are a big thing but this makes me sad bc I really enjoy these two together so much. Lol should just be MMMM

Seneti Hoshi

It's amazing how much thought you put into this!


The way they just cling to each other, in such a possessive, animal way. I'm obsessed with them 😍😍❤️.


There is so much *deapth* to this AU…!!! This really must make Price all that more cautious back in present time when he does see Soap and Ghost getting closer 🥺🥺🥺




I'm so invested in this, who needs breathing when the lore keeps me alive, I need this injected into my veins


This is stunning!🤩😍 I mean everything you do is❤️ But I LOVE the Price scratches❤️‍🔥 And just the way you draw movement 💖😍 I do have a quick question. My memory is awful so idk if this has already been stated. Had Simon and Price been intimate before their ‘accidents’ ?


I just love the Lore. Looking back now, it makes a lot of sense why Ghost reassured Price that nothing would change between them when Soap came in the picture. I think that even when the codependency faded just slightly, Ghost having the need to reassure Price is really sweet. And Price reassuring him back and even encouraging to pursue Soap shows how much he cares for Ghost as well.


this lore is incredible... i can see even clearer why you made price a dragon in this AU. He is such a savior complex bastard.. and ghost is his new hyperfix for that energy. i'm obsessed, thank you gira


The lore 👏 It's so good, I would love to just peek into your mind, wow 🙏😩

Winter Collinns

Woahhh the colors and lighting. 🤍 So beautiful!! I didn't really understand the hoard thing the last post so I'm glad to get some insight on it through this post, thanks for the interesting background into this concept!

Susana Solano

141 as hoard?! Yes, I love. And I feel that hoard mentality could mesh well (badly??l with Soaps pack instincts perhaps....

Kelly Haughey

Rhe way i drop everything when i see that you update lol. The lore, the art- its so good!


I love the lore and how we can think about the sparing comic months ago. Amazing!!


Lore and beautiful art?! Did Christmas come early???


Your lore is always SO DAMN GOOD. Just two boys bonding in their trauma :’) as toxic as it is they needed eachother in these moments and I can’t imagine the events or even themselves if they didn’t have eachother after the incident

Ray Chambers

God you have no idea how fast I run here every time I get a patron notification. The art, the LORE. I just wanna eat it all up. Uhg this is great


I’m guessing it was also a revelation to both of them that they could also actually have this. That it could be more than quick moments in shadows. Even if they won’t say the words, they realized how the loved and very much needed each other.

Rachel F.

Simon gripping Price's horns and Price leaving claw mark on Simon's side 😫😍🩷


Love the lore like oh my god, this is my new favorite little lore drop


Also very curious about them meeting Gaz, specifically Simon and Kyle. I really wanna know how those two built their trust. I kinda imagine Simon backing down when Gaz joins. thinking Price deserves someone whole/unbroken (ironic) and maybe Kyle just bulldozes through that. Maybe Price shared small things about Simon, just enough for Kyle to piece things together and just adds himself to the puzzle that’s the 141.

lil gremlin

beautiful artwork and the lore just makes it all the more tasty


I love that there’s so much more behind literally everything dude plus love the horn grab and the way Price is clawing at him 🫶🫶🫶🫶 I may be asexual but I eat up your art every time regardless


I love the lore and artwork!

Clara Padrón

You got me drooooooooling on my Phone!


The horn grab, I am in LOVE!! 🥰

Loan Rojas

A bluegiragi post on my birthday, I've been blessed!


The more lore I learn, the more I grow obsessed ❤️ and its beautifully thought out and written too


Always so good! I just love the dedication and love you put in that AU!

Chelsea Hogan

I love the lore drops. It's obvious you've spent time really thinking about the rules of the universe, and you've brought amazing depth and complexity to the characters and their relationships as a result.

Atlas noc

The horns are like handle for stability


The sweet delicious lore 😋❤️


The depth of your lore in this AU is astounding! The amazing artwork is always a hot bonus of course


I'm so in love with this pieces of lore dump💜 Our toxic Boys😍


I remember when I first found your art, and even when I was drooling over your tiktoks you always had a knack for storytelling that I loved. And your skill in both art and world building has grown exponentially (I still would love to know more about König's past in the ring, though). You are building a rich little world here, and I would love to jump in and play in it myself. But it's yours, and I love getting these lore pieces from you. You amaze me every time!




The reason I have been so captivated by your art since the moment I saw it (besides the obvious, ahem) is your incredible ability to denote emotion. Your expressions of pleasure, pain, of two characters sharing a silent conversation. Such incredible little details in this, simon biting his lip, grabbing each others heads, how they hold each other- even if you hadn't given us the cool story background it all tells such a clear story. Incredible as always <3


I love how much depth you’ve put into this series. It fits the 141 so well too. I come here (eheh) for the spice for sure but I stick around for the rich story telling and beautiful world building 💜


Lore Dump!!!! Fuck they’re gorgeous together.


Lore, ghost tummy, PriceGhost. AND hot monster sex?!? Girs you’re spoiling me

Michelle Wright

That makes a lot of sense. While also keeping with what we do know about Dragons and there holds... I'm starting to realize why there are so many stories of dragons taking maddens now... Wow that just puts that whole trop into a very strange perspective. Love the pick btw


Love the lore and that horn grab is peak


Brilliant - this was so well thought out and put together. I love your art, but your storytelling is good also. Definitely keep going!


Price and Ghost is such a different bond then Ghost and Soap and I love it so much!

Autumn Fish

God I love how you portrayed just how desperate they are for each other with like the horn grab, Price literally clawing Ghosts side, the lip bite, the fucking smoke just oozing on to the bed. It's just ugh 😩😩 so good


this is so fucking interesting. i would read a whole book on your au


Besides the beautiful artwork, I feel that dragons hoard response is similar to OCD and, in Prices' case, can also have symptoms of Borderline (BPD) in the way that most with BPD have a 'favorite person' and can also be multiple people. I definitely love that their bond skyrocketed due to both needing to cope, yet after healing from the trauma, they have a much more healthy relationship together that seems more casual than codependent. I would love to hear more lore though, that's for sure! And if you ever feel interested in it, I will fully support you in writing a fic au on everyone rather than having it built from drawings.


I absolutely love the way your mind works, Gira! The lore is so well thought-out and so character specific that I legit cannot accept any other interpretations of how these characters work together anymore. It's simply amazing! I also love how you've depicted the visceral need in each man I'm this scene. Both traumatised and co-dependant on the other... the entire scene just reeks of toxicity. Each man desperately clinging, clawing, to the other in a twisted coping mechanism... I'm in love with it so much <3


Oh man your lore is SO fascinating. I love that the 141 is hoard.

MJ ☆

Someone said make a book, make it into a kinda manga style comic one, i would buy it, its very cool to see all of this 🥺 they are pretty🥺


I need this as a print so bad


Your art is amazing, and the world-building and character relations/interactions feel incredibly well thought out. Nothing but respect for you <33


As much as I love the artwork, the lore is the perfect seasoning for me! Love learning more about this world and its inhabitants. As Rookie said, it's so well thought out. Thank you for sharing it!

Lady eat

Spoiling us.

Luffy Ace Takal

Price really does have to take a lot into consideration for his hoard. Probably more than a parent has to for their kids. This guy has grown adults, grown inhumans at that, who are set in their ways and have their own routines and ways to do things; so now he has to learn how to work around and with them to provide for them.


can someone help me understand hoards? like after reading everything i understand but also don’t fully understand?? idk


My god, I love this lore dumping. Beautiful


One hand scratching Simon's side and the other tenderly holding his head??? I'm FERAL


Think of it like a collection! Some people collect trinkets or mugs or other random things. Price collects his boys on 141, and is fiercely protective of them. He wants to take care of them, to keep them close to him and safe. Obviously they’re living people and can do their own thing, but at the end of the day those are HIS men. Threatening them is a one way ticket to catching the full wraith of a pissed off dragon 😁 Just like the dragons of old stories would collect say, gold, and bbq you if you tried to take it. Its obsessive, possessive behavior


Lore dropsssss 🥰🥰🥰


The horn grab... omg

Prea Black Moon

i love how simons shadows are almost non existence in this one and he seems to be „just“ simon as price fucks him and the way this all looks so desperate? *chefs kiss*



Leah Marsters-Skerry (Lady Armageddon)

Absolutely gorgeous! The lip bite and horn grab combo was enough to send me, but the scratching too? I love how raw this looks, like they’re clinging to each other as lifelines during this traumatic experience. I also love the little lore dump too! I was so curious about dragons and their hoards, and hearing that Price had to be sent back out on duty before he was ready just to separate them seems so fitting. I can imagine they were glued at the hip during this whole healing process.