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Chapter 1916: Starting Work Tomorrow

Shu Yu didn't expect this fortunate turn of events. Since they were here, why not let them have a good chat with Aunt He's elder brother?

Aunt He's elder brother was quickly summoned, and he appeared quite shy, unable to relax in Shu Yu's presence.

Aunt He understood his hesitation, but since she was familiar with Shu Yu and knew her character, she felt comfortable.

She walked over to her elder brother and whispered a few words. Aunt He's elder brother widened his eyes and asked, "They're looking for me?"

"Yes, it's a great opportunity. Don't waste it," Aunt He replied.

Aunt He's elder brother gulped nervously, becoming increasingly anxious. Lu Erbai got up and stood next to him, asking a few questions about his craftsmanship.

Aunt He's elder brother didn't know that Lu Erbai was Shu Yu's father, but he sensed a familiarity and camaraderie with him. They shared the same profession, and when they discussed woodworking, he gradually shed his initial unease and became more confident, speaking passionately about his craft.

Aunt He relaxed as she saw them getting along well. She didn't interrupt and instead introduced Shu Yu to her elder brother's background.

Before long, Lu Erbai said, "Ah Yu, He Gong says there shouldn't be any issues, but we need to go to the shop on Fu Yuan Street to see how the renovations should be done."

The shop Shu Yu had in mind had two large doors, one facing each street since it was at a corner. While this made the interior spacious and well-lit, it reduced the available space for merchandise, leaving only two counters.

Shu Yu's idea was to keep the large door facing the main street but board up the smaller door facing the side street, leaving only a smaller three-panel door for easy access. This would allow for a more efficient layout while preserving ample natural light by adding several large windows.

Lu Erbai had already seen the shop and found no issues with the plan. However, he could only stay for another ten days to two weeks at most. He would oversee the initial stages, but they would need to consult other craftsmen for later phases.

After chatting with Aunt He's elder brother whose name was He Gong and witnessing his expertise and understanding of the finer details, Lu Erbai believed he was suitable for the job.

Shu Yu nodded in agreement. "Alright, Dad, let's go to Fu Yuan Street now to see the shop."

He Gong had talked quite a bit and was now quite thirsty. He took a few sips of water, but when he heard Shu Yu call Lu Erbai "Dad," he was so shocked that he sprayed water everywhere.

Staring in disbelief, he stammered, "You... you're the County Princess's... father?"

Lu Erbai scratched his head and then his face. "Don't I look like one?"

Was it a matter of appearance? Shouldn't the County Princess's father be staying at the main residence, tended to by servants?

He Gong was still somewhat dazed, even as they walked out of the house.

They went to inspect the shop, and as He Gong gradually came to his senses, he appeared more composed when discussing the project with Lu Erbai.

After their discussion, He Gong nodded and said, "We can start work tomorrow."

The next day, He Gong brought along an apprentice and his son to help, while Lu Erbai was also present. They all worked energetically.

With professionals like her father on hand, Shu Yu didn't need to micromanage. She started drafting contracts and would officially hire employees on the twentieth day of the first lunar month.

First, she began with the shopkeeper position, setting up a table and chair in the backyard of the shop. Interested candidates could come in one by one for interviews.


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